
Strand Title: Atmosphere
Content Standards:
Az Adult Ed Science Standards: Indicator B - The learner understands the processes of scientific
investigation and concepts that unify scientific disciplines
Desired Results:
Big Ideas:
 The atmosphere is a layer of gases that surround the Earth
 The atmosphere has an effect on life and climates/biomes around the world
 The atmosphere is changing due to greenhouse gasses/air pollutants
Understandings: Students will understand that:
 The atmosphere is a thin layer of gases
surrounding Earth
 The atmosphere makes Earth livable by:
‒ blocking the Sun's dangerous rays
from reaching Earth
‒ trapping heat and making Earth a
comfortable temperature
‒ having oxygen, which is essential for
Essential Questions:
 What kind of gases are found in the
 How does the atmosphere change between
biomes in Biosphere II or in different
climates on Earth?
 How does the atmosphere protect us?
Students will know:
 The different gases that make up the
 The atmosphere circulates gases and particles
between different climates and balances
extreme temperatures.
Students will be able to:
 Utilize given materials and equipment to gather
data on atmospheric composition and
temperature in the Biosphere II Biomes.
Assessment Evidence:
Performance Tasks:
Other evidence:
 Become familiar with equipment that
measures atmospheric gases and the process
 Discuss applicability to current events/news
by which this equipment works
such as global climate change, ozone holes,
and acid rain
 Describe the composition of the atmosphere
based on gathered data
 Discuss how Biosphere II biomes differ in
atmospheric composition or temperature
Key Criteria: (What will show understanding is accomplished?)
Adapted from: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005)