
Environmental Science
Air Pollution - The contamination of the ____________________ by the introduction of
_________________ from _____________ and natural __________________.
Acid Precipitation - _______________, sleet or snow containing ___________ that form in the
atmosphere when industrial gas ________________ combine with _________________.
Air Quality - A measurement of the ______________________ in the __________; a
description of __________________ and _______________ of the atmosphere.
Atmosphere - The _________________ of ______________ surrounding Earth and other
Benefit – Something that is _____________; an ____________________.
Biomass - Organic ______________ that can be a _________________ of _________________.
Carbon Cycle – The _______________ of ________________ between the
____________________ and ________________ things.
CFC (Chlorofluorocarbon) – Any of several compounds of ____________, ____________,
_______________, and _______________: Often ___________ as _______________, foamblowing agents, solvents, and as _______________ until scientists became concerned about the
______________ of the _____________ layer.
CO2 – A _____________, ____________ gas. Carbon dioxide is present in the _______________
and ____________ during ________________ (breathing), usually obtained from coal or
natural gas by _________________. CO2 is used in industry as dry ice, in __________________
beverages (soda), fire extinguishers, etc.
Coal - A __________ __________ that forms underground from partially ______________
___________ material.
Conservation - The ______________ use of natural __________________.
Deforestation – The ________________ of ______________ lands.
Emissions – Something that is ___________________. Specifically referring to the
_____________ from a __________ or ___________________.
Energy Conservation - The ___________ of ________________ the ______________ of
_____________ used.
Fossil Fuel - A _____________________ energy resource ______________ from the remains of
________________ that lived long ago. Examples: __________, oil and natural ________.
Environmental Science
Geothermal Energy - The _______________ produced by ___________ within the __________.
Global Warming – The ______________ of the Earth’s _________________ causing the
____________________ of the ___________ and _______________ to ___________________.
Greenhouse Effect – The process where _____________ radiation from the Earth’s
________________ is __________________ by the Earth’s ______________________
greenhouse gases and is sent in _________ directions, keeping Earth ___________ enough for
life to _____________.
Greenhouse Gases – Any of the __________ whose absorption of solar _________________ is
responsible for the _______________________ effect, including carbon dioxide,
_______________, _______________, and the fluorocarbons.
Habitat Restoration – The ___________, ____________, or result of _______________ a
degraded or former _______________ to a ______________, self-sustaining _______________
that resembles its pre-disturbed state.
Hydroelectric Energy - _______________ energy ______________ by falling _______________.
Natural Gas - A mixture of _______________ hydrocarbons located ____________ the
_______________ of the Earth, often ___________ petroleum _________________; used as
Natural Hazard - A ______________ occurring ______________ that will have a
________________ effect on ____________ or the ___________________.
Natural Resource - Any _______________ material that is used by _______________.
Examples: __________________, petroleum, minerals, _____________ and animals.
Nonrenewable Resource - A _________________ that ________________ at a rate that is
much _______________ than the rate at which it is ________________.
Nuclear Energy - The energy ________________ by a fission or fusion ________________; the
binding ________________ of the atomic _________________.
Overpopulation - The presence of ________ many _______________ in an area for the
available ______________.
Ozone Layer – _________________ in Earth's ____________________ which contains
relatively high concentrations of _______________ (O3).
Environmental Science
Pesticides - _______________ or mixture of substances intended for _______________,
_______________, ______________ or mitigating any pest.
Petroleum - A liquid _____________ of complex hydrocarbon compounds; __________ widely
as a ___________ source.
Pollution – An _________________ change in the ___________________ that is __________
by ______________ substances, ____________, gases, noise or radiation.
Recycling - The _____________ of ______________ valuable or useful _______________ from
____________ or scrap; the process of ___________ some items.
Reforestation – The ________________ of existing ___________ and woodlands which have
been ______________.
Renewable Resource - A natural _____________ that can be ____________ at the __________
rate at which the resource is __________________.
Risk – The _______________ that a chosen ____________ or _____________ (including the
choice of inaction) will ___________ to a ____________ (an undesirable outcome).
Runoff - ____________ on land that ____________ into a body of water.
Smog - A photochemical _________ that forms when ____________ acts on industrial
_____________ and burning ______________.
Soil Erosion - _____________ of __________ by the agents of _______________.
Solar Energy - The ___________ received by the Earth __________ the _________ in the form
of _________________.
Urban Sprawl – The ____________ outwards of a __________ and its ___________ to its
_____________, development of __________ land.
Water Quality - The physical, chemical and biological __________________ of ____________.
It is a measure of the _______________ of _____________ relative to the requirements of any
human need or purpose. It is most frequently used by _______________ to a set of
______________ against which _________________ can be _____________.
Wind Energy - The _______ of a ____________ to drive an electric _______________.