
Algebra 1-2 and Algebra 1-2 Honors (MYP 4) Course Information 2015-2016
Teacher: Mrs. Sizemore
Room: 317
Phone: 623-445-3147
Mrs. Sizemore’s Website: go to the BGHS website.
Click departments, then math, then Sizemore.
Manage Bac website for marks and progress:
BGHS website: The
online textbook resource can be accessed here. Go to
departments, then math. Click on the flexbook you
Excellent resource: You can watch videos on many algebra topics here.
Welcome to Algebra! This is the most important math class you will take in high math school as it is the basis for all
other math courses. Success in algebra is a predictor for graduation and college success.
Materials Needed For Success
Teacher will provide:
 BGHS student planner. All freshmen students will be issued a BGHS school planner. Students will be using the
planner in all of their core classes. This is a part of the BGHS exit outcomes.
 3 ring binder with 6 dividers and paper. I will provide these. No spiral notebooks. You will have binder checks.
Student will provide:
Pocket folders to keep any loose work in.
2 pencils with erasers. All work is to be done in PENCIL ONLY!
Colored pen for grading/correcting
1 dry erase marker
Highly Recommended: TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator.
Your final mark will be determined by assessment of your proficiency in the standards for this course. Practice work
will be assigned and should be completed in order to gain proficiency in skills and a thorough understanding of
concepts. Each piece of work is crucial as it provides an opportunity for feedback on improvement and also for growth
in the student’s education. Students that do not develop and practice skills through these assignments are not likely to
pass this course.
Attendance: If you are absent, YOU will have to find out what you missed from your teammates and make up
the work on your own time. Being absent on the day before a test does NOT excuse the student from taking
the test. Excessive absences and/or tardiness may result in a LOSS OF CREDIT.
Units of Study
Semester 1
Semester 2
1. Representing Relationships Mathematically
7. Sequences and Functions
2. Linear Functions
8. Exponential Functions/Equations
3. Linear Equations and Inequalities
9. Operations on Polynomials
4. Systems of Equations and Inequalities
10. Quadratic Equations
5. Modeling Linear Data
11. Quadratic Functions
6. Statistics
12. Non Linear Relationships
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Safe
-Listen the first time
- Be there
-Treat all school and personal
property with care
- Be ready
-Keep hands, feet and objects
to yourself
-Speak kindly and when appropriate
- Be on time
- Be involved
-Use electronics appropriately
- Be honest
-Ask permission to leave
- Eat/Drink in
appropriate areas
-Own your actions
Tardy students will be assigned an after school detention. If you are not in your seat when the bell
rings, you are tardy.
What to do immediately upon entering this classroom:
1. Take your seat.
2. Turn all electronic devices off and place in backpack. Inappropriate use of electronic devices will
result disciplinary action and confiscation of device to a secure area.
3. Take out all necessary materials and place backpack on the floor under your desk.
4. Read the smart board and follow all directions posted.
5. Complete any bell work that is assigned.
Consequences for not meeting expectations:
1st Intervention: Conference with student
2nd Intervention: Parent phone call, after school detention, written reflection, buddy room or other fitting
3rd Intervention: After school detention, contact parents
4th Intervention: Referral to office
***Teacher may skip steps if necessary
Extra Help: If you are having trouble with the material in class, come in for help! There is peer tutoring
in the library Mon-Thurs after school, and a late bus. I am also available after school Wednesdays.
Dear Parents and Students,
Return this page signed to Mrs. Sizemore
Cut off bottom portion and save
This week you and I become partners in one of the most important jobs we have--helping your child to become all he or she
can be. It's a scary, exciting, and challenging task--and a terrifically rewarding one. I would like to make an agreement with
I will prepare lessons that are engaging and aligned with state standards. Will you help your child get to school
daily and on time to appreciate them?
All freshmen students will be given a planner free of charge to help them stay organized and manage their time.
Will you help your child develop a habit of checking it daily in order to develop these important skills, meet
deadlines, and encourage consistency?
In mathematics, it is crucial that students practice the skills they learn at school to develop proficiency. I promise
to assign worthwhile homework that can be completed in a reasonable time frame. Will you check daily to see
that your child has completed it to the best of his or her ability? Will you help your child figure out a system for
making sure that the assignment is brought to school each morning?
I will provide a safe, caring, respectful learning environment for your child with clear expectations and
consequences. Will you support these expectations and provide consequences at home if the need arises?
I will keep you informed of your child’s progress by keeping the online grade book updated. Will you check it
often to stay informed?
I truly believe it is partnership between the teacher, student, and parent that promotes school success. I promise to do my
part. Parents and students, please sign below indicating that you will do your part as well.
Thank you very much. I'm looking forward to an exciting year and a rewarding partnership with you. Please don’t
hesitate to contact me if you ever have any questions or concerns. I will do the same. Thank you!
Student: I will:
Come to school on time prepared for class and ready to learn
Complete assignments on time to the best of my ability
Ask for help when I need it
Keep my electronic devices in my backpack and not use them in class unless authorized by my teacher. If asked to put
device in secure area I will comply.
Contribute positively to the classroom environment and obey school rules
I have read, understand and agree to the class expectations.
Parent: I have read and understand the class syllabus and expectations and will support the requests mentioned above.
Signature______________________________________________________ Phone___________________email_________________
Teacher: I will do my part to support students and parents.
-------------------------------------- CUT ALONG LINE AND SAVE------------------------------------------E-mail: Phone: 623-445-3147 Website: go to the BGHS website. Click departments, math, Sizemore.
Manage Bac website for grades and progress:
Online resource textbook: Access on BGHS website Departments, then math, then flexbook you need.
Excellent resource: You can watch videos on many algebra topics here.
Powerschools website for quarterly grades: