SUSQUEHANNA TOWNSHIP MIDDLE SCHOOL Mr. Nick Wanyo 2014-2015 Course Title: Algebra Connections Objectives: This course is a challenging algebra curriculum that provides the opportunity for all students to meet or exceed expected state and local standards. Course Content: The following list of topics will be covered this year: 1. Problem Solving 7. Linear Relationships 2. Variables and Proportions 8. Quadratics 3. Graphs and Equations 9. Inequalities 4. Multiple Representations 10. Simplifying and Solving 5. Multiplication and Proportions 11. Functions and Relations 6. Systems of Equations 12. Algebraic Extensions Requirements: The student will be expected to come to class prepared on a daily basis. This includes: A. 2-inch, 3-ring Binder a. Graph Paper Spiral Notebook b. Algebra Connections Textbook c. Math Journal d. Pencil Pouch B. Pencil and Eraser C. Scientific Calculator. (A graphing calculator [TI-84] would be beneficial.) D. A positive attitude and willingness to try! Evaluation: Successful quarterly grades will require a 60% or better average in each of the components listed below. Students must also complete any mandatory requirements of the course. a. 45% Tests b. 15% TAPS (team assisted problem solving) c. 20% Quizzes d. 10% Classwork e. 10% Homework Textbooks: Algebra Connections Website: (Follow links for homework help and other support) Contact Information: email: