Go-Live Checklist for Health IT System Implementation

Section 4.17 Implement
Go-live Checklist
Use this go-live1 tool to ensure that you are truly ready to go live with a system after all other
elements of implementation have been performed.
Time needed: 12 hours
Suggested other tools: Section 2.1 Communication Plan, Section 4.15 Training Plan
How to Use
1. Members of the health information technology (HIT) steering committee should use this
checklist to validate that everything on the list has been performed.
2. In some organizations, the go-live checklist is accompanied by a rehearsal of the go-live day.
The organization uses its test environment to perform each of an application’s functions.
Staff members may role play activities to make sure they know what to say to a client when
first getting ready to use a computer at a visit, how to access help, how to modify their
dashboard, and how to to perform other functions associated with electronic health record
(EHR), health information exchange (HIE), or other HIT.
Transition Planning
1. Set a date for go live during a period of time that is as quiet as possible.
2. Inform the vendor of this go-live date and use it to plan all aspects of the implementation
scheduling backward from that date. Allow for contingencies.
3. Determine your rollout strategy. Some organizations go live with only a portion of the staff at
one time, or with all staff using limited functionality. Don’t forget that other staff members
must be present to assure complete coverage of duties during go live.
4. Plan to notify third parties and other vendors of your go-live date when it appears certain and
request their support, or at least their patience.
Several Days Prior to Go Live
 Review evidence of testing
o Network: devices, connectivity, security
o Hardware: computers, monitors, navigational devices, cables, printers, scanners,
servers, universal power supply (UPS), storage, backup server
o Interfaces: lab, billing/clearinghouse, registration-admission/discharge/transfers (RADT) as applicable, other
o Software: unit, system, integrated, and HIE testing
 Check process redesign
o Ensure changes to workflows and processes are documented and practiced.
o Ensure that the chart conversion process has begun or is completed, depending
on your process (see Section 2.12 Chart Conversion and Pre-load Planning).
if a new system, especially a computer system, goes live, it starts to operate Our new EHR system will go live at
the beginning of next month
Section 4 Implement—Go-live Checklist - 1
o Review use of system in client’s home, power supply, where to place device,
printing if applicable, etc.
o Obtain signoff on each workflow and process map for the new system—from
each user for each process for which they will be using.
 Review policy for use and achievement of goals with key stakeholders and re-affirm;
make any necessary changes if software precludes goal accomplishment. Also, set
expectations that not everything will go perfectly on go-live day but that the
organization will be fully staffed with the vendor standing by to do everything possible
to provide assistance.
 Review staff schedules
o All staff must be ready to use system on the go-live date.
o Super users—the people who were selected to be the support team during go live
and received intensive training on the system—should be prepared for calls and
emails for field communication.
o Buffer breaks should be provided for staff to catch up if necessary. This may
require some overtime for staff to work an extra partial shift.
o Plan a mid-day huddle to evaluate progress.
o Plan end-of-day debriefing to identify and address issues and celebrate getting
through the first day.
 Check training
o Every user has completed basic computer navigation, keyboarding, and other
applicable training; provide refresher if necessary.
o Every user has completed EHR and/or HIE training as needed; remedy
immediately if someone has not.
o Every user has a user ID and password, and they remember them.
o Role play with every user who will be using EHR at point of care to ensure they
are comfortable, and simulate use of EHR for a staff member playing role of a
o Plan with the support team what to do if things go really wrong:
 Have paper process backup ready in the event of downtime or significant
system issues.
 Identify situations where go live would need to be stopped.
 Notify clients of impending go live on the computer. Consider distributing a flyer or
brochure to clients a few weeks in advance.
Day Prior to Go Live
 Update the organization’s main telephone message to say that the organization is
implementing a new computer system and request patience for any delays.
 Verify schedule for go-live day.
 Verify readiness:
o Computers, including tablets, PDA, etc. are plugged in or charging.
o Computers have connectivity to network:
 All user IDs and passwords have been tested by each individual assigned
a user ID and password (this verifies the user has this information and
that the connection works).
 Secondary Internet Service Provider has been tested.
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All computers, including those on wireless, can connect to appropriate
o Printers have appropriate paper.
o E-fax capability works, if applicable.
 Review escalation procedures to follow in the event of a problem:
o First-level support staff
o Second-level vendor staff onsite
o Third-level vendor help desk
o Fourth-level vendor management
 Review who within your organization has the authority to make/approve critical system
changes on the fly.
Day of Go Llive
 Encourage all staff members to approach the day with patience and a sense of humor.
 Support team double checks all readiness.
 Support team members prepare to respond to any contingency as planned. Certain staff
will not perform routine duties that day, but dedicate the entire day to being in a state of
readiness (including being prepared to “do nothing” if all goes well).
 Whether or not there appears to be a need, conduct all planned buffer breaks, huddles,
and debriefing—if only to celebrate success. This reduces stress and relieves pressure to
do more than what was planned.
 Determine staff schedule for Day 2 and adjust as necessary. Go live may require several
days of similar scheduling.
Copyright © 2014, Margret\A Consulting, LLC. Used with permission of author.
Copyright © 2014 Stratis Health.
Section 4 Implement—Go-live Checklist - 3
Updated 03-12-14