May 15, 2014- North Texas Alliance to Reduce Teen Pregnancy Mission Statement: NTARUPT- non-partisan, non-profit, organization that seeks to improve the quality of life for children, families, and communities by reducing teen pregnancies in North Texas. Vision Statement: Every young person in our community has the opportunity to set goals, plan education and careers and become self-sufficient before entering into parenthood. What we can do together: Reduce Teen Pregnancies Learn/prevention/best practices Partnerships Plan Activities- Concrete Fundraising Public Conversation- Concrete Action in ISDS Make Resource Guide/Referrals Available- Concrete Education/ Lessons/ Trainings- Concrete Goals: Expand out Network- people and organizations that will be the boots on the ground, and do bulk of the work- delivery of education and mentors. (25% in 2 Years) Have lunches, meet and greats with potential partners. Establish a speakers bureau to visit with key members of ISDs in North Texas. o Kick Off Party in August 21- Will Plan through this summer; reach out to new and local bars- downtown, uptown, etc. o Take the framework of August meet and greet, and use in other North Texas areas. o Create individual/personalized invite to key potential provider members.- Have developed and printed by July. o Try and have a County Commissioner. o Speak with Denise about places for Cocktails for a Cause, if local and new bars are unavailable. o Come up with a list of possible venues. Develop provider, parent, teen, and community language. Follow up with members who are at the NTARuPT Mixer, and at mixer have different committees represented with a sign up sheet, or email listserv for providers to sign up for. Have Committees/Task Forces already established by July. Education- By July education committee will have the established language from the “Out Reach Task Force.” Have Education Committee Members meet with teacher trainings, PTA meetings, SHAC Meetings, After School Programs, School Alliance, etc. Have SHAC Membership Applications to give out to parents, involved adults, etc.- at community fairs, city events, etc. Develop a training for parents- Talk First! Have established specific goals by August- before mixer. Language- Start Up Task Force will define and refine language, will meet weekly to have language for provider, parent, teen, and community language.- Will have done by mid-June. Stakeholders- Use original list from previous meetings, focus on stakeholders from key zip codes. Establish organizational capacity. By next meeting- June 5th. Information that pertains to their specific zip codes- Zip Atlas, UT Health Science, and Health Department. Before the date of mixer. o Economic Impact o Teen Pregnancy Rates o Discuss what initiatives are already taken place in their community, and what/who NTARuPT are. Why are we unique and different. o Impact of education on reducing teen pregnancies. o Lack of access to health care in key zip codes. o How did teen pregnancies impact the teens directly effected. o Local Stats- will be a bigger impact on stakeholders. o Highlight the reality of repeat births. o Ask what we can do for them as an Alliance. Out reach task force: Develop Language to be used by Alliance, and create a calendar for health fairs, and other community events. Homework: By Sept/Oct the Alliance will have it’s 1 year and 3 year plan- Each Committee will have their own agenda to match up with Alliance as a whole. Start Up Task Force will begin planning August Mixer and Mixer Assignments- venues, invitees, invitations, etc. Have badges ready to go for current Alliance members by August Mixer. Develop language by mid-June for Education Department to use by July.