
Examples of Book Reviews
Example 1:
Dear Sir/Madam
This letter serves to confirm that the book xxxx, edited by xxxx ISBN: xxx, and published by
XXX at the end of 2013.
One of the contributors to this book is an academic at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan
University – Dr…, Senior Lecturer in the Department of …. Dr … wrote Chapter 4: xxxx (pp.
142 – 179).
The book proposal was sent to the UCT Press Editorial Board, comprising faculty members of
UCT. The Board approved our intent to publish the book subject to independent peer review
of the final manuscript.
The full manuscript of the book was then sent to two independent reviewers. The reviewers
comments were sent to the editors of the book and the structure and content of the book
was subsequently revised.
Example 2:
This is to confirm that each of the chapter manuscripts included in the book “xxx”, including
your own contributions, was subjected to a peer review process. Every manuscript was
reviewed by (i) one of the four editors and (ii) at least one independent reviewer, invited by
one of the editors. In some controversial cases, a third review by an independent reviewer
was requested.
Example 3:
Please accept this correspondence as confirmation that the contents of the book, “xxxxx”,
edited by xxxx of Nova Science Publishers, New York, ISBN: xxxx, 2011 has been reviewed by
the Editorial Board and other experienced referees. Proposed chapters are evaluated in a
selection process that takes place before they are accepted for publication in the edited