Training Course Proposal: SEI Investment Request

I would like to attend the [training course name from the SEI] on [date] in [location]. I have
reviewed the course description and feel the return on the investment would be a major
benefit, as the course aligns directly to the priorities of our department [insert your priorities
[Training course name] is a very good value. During the course, I will receive
 Actionable instruction in [topic] from an expert in the field. SEI training is distinctive
because [fill in reasons].
 A library of tools, techniques, and templates that have helped other technology
companies become more market-driven
 An opportunity for Q&A with a world-class instructor to focus on our most relevant
I plan to use my non-class time to interact with industry peers and gain additional knowledge on
best practices.
When I return to the office, I intend to deliver the following:
 [actionable outcome for the organization, such as a gap analysis]
 [personal action plan]
 A trip report and briefing to the department
 A plan to transfer knowledge to others on the team
I am seeking approval for the registration fee and travel expenditures. Here is a complete
breakdown of the costs:
Airfare: $ [xxx]
Transportation: $ [xxx]
Hotel: $ [xxx]
Meals & Parking: $ [xx] (breakfast and lunch are included in the course fee)
Course Fee: $ [xxxx]
TOTAL: $ [xxxx]
Attached is an outline for the course, highlighting the areas where our department will receive
the greatest benefit. Please accept this proposal to attend. I am confident we will see a
significant return for a small investment.
Thank you for your consideration.