PTA Meeting 12/9/14 Minutes The meeting was called to order at 6:45. Frank Kelland, Latin teacher, UIL Academic Coordinator and Debate Coach presented to the group regarding his Latin class and UIL. Dr. Kelland asserted that knowledge of Latin helps students pass the SAT and ACT; 60% of English is rooted in Latin; 650,000 words have Latin roots. 99% of Spanish comes from Latin. He is trying to promote the program and is hoping to target the Hispanic students to take Latin. According to the SAT annual report, students who took Latin did best in English and Math. Latin prepares students for all college majors. Businesses are now looking for students with humanities degrees for management positions due to critical thinking skills and thinking outside the box. He is hoping that through word of mouth, more students will sign up for Latin. Students can take both Latin and a foreign language. CHS also has a Latin Club with approximately 25 students. In the spring they will compete in two major competitions (St. Andrews Episcopal School, Amarillo, and the National Contest at Trinity) Dr. Kelland also discussed the Interscholastic League Foundation / UIL and the various categories. Groups sign up with coaches and can earn points and awards at district meets where they can advance to regional competition and then state finals. Last year we had a finalist at State that took 3rd. There are 12 UIL academic events including theater (one-act play) which is coached by Ms. Peterson, the drama teacher. The Journalist contests include news writing, editorial writing, headlines and feature writing. There is also the UIL film festival. Mr. Perez coordinates CHS entries. For more information go to and under “academics” choose the subject area for more complete explanation and short videos. At Connally, the UIL group leaders are: Film = Mr. Perez (I5005) Speech & Debate = Dr. Kelland (G-3009) Journalism, Computer Apps, General/Accoutning, Spelling: Dr. Kelland (?) Calculator Apps, Math, Number sciences: Mr. Saldana Current Events: Ms. Grader-Jones Literary Criticism: Ms. Ham (B220) Science: Ms. Poole (E-1010 Social Studies: Ms. Clark (C-315) Need coaches for Accountancy, Computer Apps. , Science, etc. Dr. Kelland would also like to have help with the areas he has taken on. There are TILF scholarships available if the student writes 2 essays on Hispanic History and African-American History Got to the UIL website at the top click on essays for information Then the second step is to apply for the money. The school has a speech and debate team that competes as well. There is congressional debate where the students write laws and debate laws to get their laws passed and stall someone else’s laws. Extemporaneous speaking is where the students are given a topic, have 30 minutes to research and speak for 7 minutes on the topic. Lincoln-Douglas debate and Cross-Examination are also part of the S & D team. There was a discussion of the importance of school spirit. Attitude and a culture of success need to be continuously fostered at the school. Through UIL, students get recognition. Parents are encouraged to attend school board meetings to voice their concerns. The PBS program (“Positive Behavior Support”) team meets on Thursdays with Mr. Ford after school at 4:30. They are a group of teachers working to make positive changes at CHS. Membership: The deadline to be a member for scholarship eligibility is the Christmas break. Treasurer = we have $6,340.49 in the bank Teacher Appreciation: We put together 200 candy bags for teacher appreciation at the meeting. Next event probably February 24th; possibly a breakfast. CC2015: Mary Hale indicated that by the end of the year the group will have about $12,000. The Reverse Raffle Dinner will be 2/22/15 with a Mardi Gras theme. She is working with the culinary department to help with Cajun food. She is working with Wells Branch on a capital comedy club event. There will be a meeting on Monday at 6:30 to discuss the reverse raffle dinner. Holiday Bazaar: in review, organization was great, the kids were great, the attendance was not so great. We need ideas on how to get more attendance. Possible ideas: watch kids while parents shop; market to day cares and elementaries; breakfast with Santa Financially, we made about the same as the prior year ($2,000). Potential date for next year: 11/14/15 Next meeting is January 27 at 6:30 Speaker Bureau: No updates; no requests. No other business. Meeting adjourned.