Quality control

Our team
Our possibilities
Our products application
Quality control
1997– Alexander Dregich established Dalchem as the small private research
and production company to manufacture organophosphorus and organometallic
compounds. Initial company production space was only one chemical laboratory
of 40 sq.m./430 sq.ft. and the staff included only 5 employees.
1998 - Production space and number of employees was increased by 3
2002 – Dalchem significantly expanded geography of the business, starting
supplying of the products to the various companies in Europe, USA, Canada.
Production was already carried out in 7 laboratories, there were three large
warehouses on storage of initial materials and finished products, company staff
reached 40 peoples. Synthesis of chemical compounds was carried out not only in
flasks, but also in 20 lt and 65 lt stainless steel reactors.
2003 – Dalchem started to participate in the international chemical
exhibitions CPhI (Europe) and Informex (USA). The product-list of the company
reached 400 compounds, including optically - active ones.
2004 – Dalchem has an exclusive representative in Japan – the “Chukan
Butsu Ltd.” company.
2006 – Dalchem concludes confidential agreements on production of
chemical compounds with several leading world pharmaceutical companies.
2008 – The first pilot plant of Dalchem was run (330 sq.m./3500 sq.ft.).
2010 - The second pilot plant of Dalchem was run (490 sq.m./5300 sq.ft.).
2012 – Dalchem finished work on putting in operation of the third pilot
plant (area of 1300 sq.m./14000 sq.ft.).
Our team
The main company’s pride is its qualified personnel. The people’s
professionalism and a responsibility to the business ensure high level of whole
company work and is the high-quality guarantor of our products.
Now the personnel of the company totals about 80 people, all chemists
have equivalent of Master Degree, 15 employees have equivalent of Ph.D. in
The company pays much attention to continuous professional development
of the personnel, training chemists.
Some words about our leading team:
Alexander Dregich, President
Dregich Alexander graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod Lobachevsky State
University in 1979. In 1984 he received the degree of Ph.D in Chemistry. The
dissertation is devoted to creation of initiating systems on the surface of the silica
that leads to graft polymers of polyvinylchloride. More than 12 years he worked
as the research associate at the Nizhny Novgorod Lobachevsky State University. In
1989 he worked on scientific exchange program in the United States of America in
Florida State University. The chemical specialization is the chemistry of
organometallic compounds and peroxides. In 1997 Alexander founded the
Dalchem company.
Yurii Dregich, Sales and Marketing Director.
Yurii graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod
Lobachevsky State University in 2001 in Applied
Mathematics. He works in Dalchem company from the
moment of its foundation in 1997. His responsibility in
company is Sales and Marketing.
Leonid Pankratov, R&D Director
Leonid graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod Lobachevsky State University
in 1979. In 1986 he got degree of Ph.D. in Chemistry. The subject of his
dissertation is «Reduction-oxidation trans-metallation reactions in the presence
of polynuclear organometallic compounds ». More than 15 years he worked as
the research associate at G.A. Razuvaev Institute of Organometallic Chemistry of
RAS. He works in Dalchem from the moment of its foundation in 1997. The sphere
of his scientific interests is the chemistry of organometallic compounds.
- Our possibilities
For the last five years Dalchem significantly increased the production
capacity and continues to increase them.
34 chemists and 21 technicians work in production now.
At this moment Dalchem is renting in total about 2600 sq.m /28000 sq.ft.
We constantly upgrade and fill up our equipment park. In production we
use 100 lt, 65 lt, 20 lt stainless steel reactors, Huber Unistats, Huber Unichillers,
Main production equipment
Total, pc
Huber Unistats (151W, 520W, 910W, 915W)
Huber Unichiller (UC210Tw-4)
65 liters stainless steel reactors (to work from -70 to 200 ºC)
100 liters stainless steel reactors (to work from -70 to 200 ºC)
(additional 10 pcs of 100 lt reactors are on order)
Total reactor’s capacity, lt
20 liters stainless steel filters
Glove Box with Gas Purification (PureLab HE2)
Short path distillation plant, VKL 70-4 FDRR SKR
The Rosenmund® Laboratory Filter / Dryer "RoLab 2" 0.2 sq.m.
Dalchem company produces chemical compounds in quantities from
several tens grams to several hundred kilograms (on some products up to 3000 kg
per year).
Modern equipment allows us to work with air- and moisture- sensitive
materials and also with pyrophoric compounds and get the products with purity
not less than 98%.
We carry out reactions in the temperature range from –100 °C up to +300
Thanks to rather small volumes of reactors, but their large number, we
rather flexibly can plan production. And one of advantages of our company is
opportunity to work on many projects at the same time or to provide desirable
productivity on a few projects by working in a parallel.
The large warehouse areas (about 2500 sq.m./27000 sq.ft.) allow us to
keep constantly the sufficient volume of raw materials in stock for production of
the majority of our products and also reduce delivery time. Besides about 80% of
our products (about 500 names) constantly are available in a warehouse and can
be shipped in the shortest terms.
All packing materials used in the company, conforms to IATA regulations for
transportation of dangerous goods.
- Our products application
Dalchem produces wide range of organophosphorus and organometallic
There are some main application areas for compounds we make:
- organophosphorus ligands and “building blocks” for production of ligands
and catalysts for pharmaceutical industry;
- organometallic compounds for microelectronics;
- catalysts for polymerization of alfa-olefins.
- wide range of chemical compounds for leading catalog companies.
Quality control
The assay of our compounds usually is 98-99% but in many cases reaches
Dalchem Quality Control System includes:
- Incoming quality control of all raw materials;
- Continuous diagnostics and calibration of the production and analytical
- Intermediate quality control at various stages of synthesis and
purification of the products;
- Finishing quality control of the final product;
- Control analyses during storage of final product and intermediates.
We are tracing all batches of products from the first step of the synthesis
up to delivery and keep this information to provide prompt reply to any request.
Our quality control equipment:
NMR on 31P, 13C, 1H
GC (HP 6890, Agilent 7890)
HPLC (Alliance from Waters)
Karl Fischer Coulometer
C&H analysis
mp testing (MEL-TEMP 3.0)
Each product’s batch is accompanied with the Certificate of Analysis