New AISD Cloud

The AISD Cloud has a new look! This
is the first step in the process of
making the Cloud more accessible and
user friendly!
After the page has loaded, you will see
a slideshow with things we feel are
important or interesting enough to
focus your attention on.
You can select ‘Acknowledge Message’
under the ad to not see a certain slide
anymore. Just like in the old Cloud,
these ‘ads’ will show up every time
you log into the cloud.
When you log into the new cloud for
the very first time this overlay help
screen gives you a very simple
introduction on how it works.
You can select to not see the screen
anymore by selecting ‘Don’t show
again’ on the bottom of your screen
on the left. This will prevent it from
popping up every time you log into
the Cloud. You can always go back to
it by clicking on the question mark on
the upper right.
If the Help overlay page did not
disappear by itself, click anywhere on
the screen to make it go away.
The ‘Open Apps’ icon on the upper
right will give you a list of the
applications you have currently open.
Clicking on the question mark will
open up this Help page
And clicking on this icon will log you
out of the Cloud.
The ‘Menu’, which was under the Start
button in the old Cloud, is now listed
horizontally on the bottom of your
screen. This will allow easy scroll
through on mobile devices.
Currently there are a whole lot of
menus, inherited from the ‘old’ Cloud.
On a smaller mobile screen, there are
even more menus to accommodate all
the apps. We are in the process of reorganizing and cleaning up these
menus. For now, bear with us.
And the search field is on the upper
To find an application quickly and
easily, type in the name of the app in
the search field. Notice that, as you
are typing, the Cloud will list apps
that have the word you typed in their
Be aware that if you type in a word
the Cloud does not recognize, after
entering the search, you will be taken
outside the Cloud to a Search Engine
like Bing.
We recommend the search option to
find what you are looking for in the
Cloud quickly and easily.
By default you will land on your Home
page with a Default and Recent row.
Depending on the browser window,
you may also see a ‘Favorites’ row.
See below how to change you default
‘home page’ to a different page.
This new design is especially mobile
friendly. On a phone or tablet you can
quickly swipe through the menus
with your finger.
On a laptop or desktop you can
replicate this by holding down your
mouse on the desktop and swiping
As you try this out, notice how the
menus change on the bottom of your
You have the ability to personalize
your AISD Cloud.
You can change the background by
right clicking (Mac: ctrl click)
anywhere on the screen, or just hold
your mouse down, and selecting
‘options’ from the pop up window.
Then select ‘settings’
Now click on the arrow on the right
and select the background of your
On that same page, you can select a
smaller tile size, The advantage of this
is you will see fewer menus on the
Here you can also change your default
menu. This is the first menu you see
when you log in, and add apps to your
‘Favorites section’. Click the ‘X’ on the
upper right to return to your Cloud
Another option you have to make the
Cloud more personal is to ‘add a tile’.
Again, right click anywhere on the
screen, or hold your mouse down, but
now select ‘add tile’.
Now you can add a URL, and give this
new ‘app’ a title.
A ‘tile’ which means a square like this,
will be added to the ‘My Tiles’ section
of the Cloud.
You can add apps you use frequently
to the ‘Favorites’ section by rightclicking on the app, or holding the
mouse down until this popup appears
and selecting ‘Add to Favorites.
Keep an eye on the announcement for
the Cloud’s re-org coming soon!
Still have questions? Call the Help Desk: 512-4148324