COCKENZIE PRIMARY SCHOOL P.T.A. MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 3 MARCH 2015 Attendance: Ann Justin, Secretary Carrieann Buckley, Treasurer Jo Dunton John Wardlaw Jacqui Mackinnon, Headteacher Apologies: Elaine Holgate, Chairperson Joanna Murray Heather Hendy Sharon di Canto Shona Quinn Ann welcomed everyone to the meeting. Onesie Disco Going ahead on 27 March with timings the same as usual. 6pm to 7.15pm and then 7.30pm to 8.45pm. Ann would prepare letter for schoolbags (w/c 16 March), poster and tickets. Decided that we would increase the cost of £2 per child and £1 for the adults accompanying P1 children. Carrieann will buy the tuck and organise the cash floats. Jo will buy piñata and sweets. Tattoos, face painting and glo-sticks to be offered on the night. Elaine has already organised the let and the disco (£60). Cupboard will need to be checked for stock. Elaine will look to whether we can stamp the children’s hands rather than the bands – more cost effective. It was discussed about what the PTA could offer for the nursery children. Suggested by Jacqui that we do something at the P1 Garden Party (meet the teacher) and Carrieann suggested balloon man or magic show. The PTA would pay for the cost of this and would offer tea and coffee – a donation tin would be available. Jacqui will speak to Fiona McNeill to discuss this further. Mrs Chalmers Mrs Chalmers’ last day with the children in school will be 1 April. The PTA felt it appropriate to buy her a retiral gift (£75). Ann would have a look at Alistair Hamilton’s gallery to see if we can get a painting of Cockenzie and Port Seton. There is a special assembly at 2pm on 1 April and gift would be presented at this time. PTA Recruitment Letter was prepared with the hope that we can recruit more members and will be put in homework jotters. Constitution Update Meeting to be held on 5 May at 7pm to update constitution. Any other business Hypnotist charges were £400 if the venue had a bar and £100 if he could bring this own – 80 tickets would need to be sold. Centre charges are £19 per hour and £25 per hour after 9pm. Discussion as to whether we should go down the route of having another Family Quiz Night in May – everyone seemed to think this was a good idea rather than Hypnotist night. It was agreed that we should arrange for the ICT Suite to be officially opened and have someone from the courier there to take a picture for the newspaper. Ann advised that Susan Robb had resigned from the Committee due to family/work commitments. This means that there is a vacancy for the Committee – Ann to arrange Groupcall to see if anyone interested and also have someone put on school blog. As there was no further business the meeting was closed. Next meeting to be held on Tuesday 24 March at 7.30pm to finalise Onesie Disco.