Course Guidelines

Classroom Rules and Expectations
8 English Language Arts
Mrs. Long-Goldberg
Welcome to my class! I am so excited to get to know all of you and for you to get to know me.
One thing I can tell you right off the bat is that I view classrooms as communities. A community
has shared interests, values, concerns, and rules that govern it. The following document will
inform you of the rules and procedures that will help us establish a tight-knit learning
The following are the RULES that will be followed in the classroom in order to maximize the
time spent mastering objectives while minimizing distractions and downtime:
1. BE ON TIME. Tardiness will not be tolerated. You must be seated and ready to work at
the start of class in order to be considered on time. If you are late, you will need to sign
in and your tardy will be recorded on the daily attendance. Three tardies will result in a
lunchtime detention (per team policy).
2. COME PREPARED TO CLASS. Proper learning cannot take place if you have not
done the assigned reading or homework. Furthermore, you need to bring paper, a
writing utensil, your binder, agenda, independent reading book, and any other courserequired materials (Post-its, note cards, etc.) each day.
3. DO YOUR CLASSWORK AND HOMEWORK. Class work and homework are due at
the time they are collected in class. Homework will be graded on a completion basis and
will count for 10% of your grade. Please become familiar with the middle school
homework policy, grading policy, and retake and redo policy.
4. RESPECT YOUR PEERS. In order to create a positive learning community, you are
expected to treat your classmates and teachers with courtesy. Proper decorum is
expected at all times.
5. FOLLOW ALL SCHOOL RULES AND POLICIES. This is very straightforward.
You need to have the level of maturity to abide by all the rules that make Mayfield
Middle School a safe place for you to learn and grow as individuals. Remember the
“Four Rs”
6. ALWAYS WORK TO MOVE IT FORWARD. Try your best every single day with the
mission to improve your skills in English Language Arts.
The following are the PROCEDURES that will be followed to maintain consistency in the
- If you have a question or a comment, raise your hand to speak. Do not simply call out
when you feel like it.
Do not plagiarize. Intentional plagiarism will result in a zero on an assignment, NO
EXCEPTIONS. You are expected to turn in original work.
During group activities and cooperative learning activities, students will be expected to
communicate freely among group members and/or learning partners. You are expected
to be working on classroom material during such times in the classroom.
o Group Norms:
 Be willing to add your perspective to any discussion.
 Respect the opinions of other people.
Group Norms continued…
 Make sure you understand what others have added to the conversation
and be willing to ask questions if you don’t understand something.
 Be willing to answer questions other group members ask you about your
If you are absent, it is your responsibility to ask about material and homework you may
have missed. You are expected to make up any missed assignments in a timely manner.
o Utilize your weekly schedule when you are absent so you are aware of what
material was covered that day and what your homework was.
o Also, check the language arts section of the team webpage for documents, links,
and announcements if you are absent or for any other reason (lost assignment,
forgot what the homework was, etc.)
o If you are absent on a day that we have a summative, you will be required to make
up the summative in a timely manner. Ideally, you would make up the
summative on the day you return to school. If this is not possible, the only other
option is to schedule an appointment outside of the school day.
The following are PROCEDURES that will be followed to check out and return books from the
classroom library:
How to Check Out a Book:
1. Use the five-finger rule or another logical, reasoned method to pick a book that will be right
for you.
2. Remove the book from the shelf.
3. Fill in the date, your name, the book title and book number on your class period’s sign-out
How to Return a Book:
1. Write your name, class period, and the date on a Post-It note.
2. Stick the Post-It note INSIDE the front cover of the book.
3. Place the book in the return bin.
I will reshelf the books and fill in the return information on the sign-out sheet.
Lost or missing books must be replaced or paid for. You will be charged if you lose
or misplace a book.
Classroom library privileges will be revoked if you neglect to follow the policies for
checking out and returning books.
The classroom library should remain neat and orderly at all times.
Required Supplies:
Note: Please don’t go out and purchase new supplies if you already have supplies at
home that can be reused!
- Book for independent reading (Library or personal)—NEED A BOOK BY AUGUST 24th.
- Loose-leaf paper
- 1 composition notebook
- 1 package of 3x3 inch or larger Post-It Notes
- 2 inch three-ring binder
- 5 binder dividers
- Blue or black pens
- Pencils
- Headphones for school use
- Flash Drive
*Supplies will need to be replenished throughout the year as needed.
8 English Language Arts – 2015-2016
Mrs. Long-Goldberg
8 English Language Arts
Below, I am requesting email addresses. Please note that they are requested as a means
of communicating any pertinent information about the course and your child’s
progress. I will not use your email for these purposes unless you give written consent. Please
sign the line below if you consent.
I ,___________________________, give Mrs. Long-Goldberg permission to use my email
to communicate information about Language Arts and my child’s progress.
*Parent’s/Guardian’s Email - _______________________________________
I have read and understand the guidelines that govern Mrs. Long-Goldberg’s
Student’s Signature
Parent’s Signature
Print Name
Print Name
Please return this sheet and acquire all supplies by
Monday, August 24, 2015.