2010ResearchCallforAbstracts - Tri

Bridges to Success in the Sciences
2010 Annual Spring Research Showcase
April 23rd, 2010 2:00-4:00PM
Metropolitan Campus
MHCS 2nd Floor Reception Area
Free and Open to the Public
The Bridges to Success in the Sciences Annual Spring Research Showcase is an opportunity for
Cuyahoga Community College students from all campuses and all disciplines to share the research
that they are conducting with the greater Tri-C community. It gives students the opportunity to
present their research publicly, practice their scholarly communication skills, and expand on their
projects through conversation with other students, faculty, and community members. It is an
opportunity for the Tri-C community to learn about the work being done by Tri-C students as
well as for Tri-C students not yet involved with research to get excited about the possibilities of
research and scholarship at Cuyahoga Community College.
Tri-C students are invited to submit an abstract of their research conducted at Tri-C in any
discipline for the 2010 Research Showcase. Abstracts can be submitted to bridges@tri-c.edu until
9AM on April 9th, 2010. Accepted abstracts will be invited to present their research in the form of
a scholarly poster at the 2010 Research Showcase on April 23, 2010.
Seize the opportunity to share the exciting work that you are conducting as a Tri-C student.
Gain valuable experience in the academic presentation of research and scholarship through a formal
poster session.
Build your academic resume / curriculum vitae to strengthen your application to four-year
universities and your future graduate school.
Any Tri-C student from any campus conducting scholarly research in any discipline under the
supervision of a Tri-C faculty member.
This may include, but is not limited to, students conducting independent studies, Bridges students,
STARS students, Honors Program members, PTK students, Robert Lewis Academy of Scholars
students, Psychology Club, and others.
1. Abstracts should be written to allow for a general audience to understand the main purpose of your
research, how you conducted your research, and the general importance of your work.
2. Your abstract should be informative, limited to 300 words, and contain the following information:
(a) the study’s specific objective or purpose (b) brief background information (c) brief statements of
specific methods, if pertinent (d) a summary of the specific results or major research findings (e) the
Tables and figures are not permitted within the abstract.
Each abstract must be reviewed and submitted via email by a Tri-C Faculty Sponsor. This
submission process provides assurance of adherence to the guidelines, the validity of the abstract
being proposed, and the sponsorship of this work by a Tri-C faculty member.
Research proposals are acceptable; this forum is a great place to receive interdisciplinary feedback
from lay people and experts on a variety of topics.
Remember that your abstract will be printed in the conference program as submitted. Please
proofread before submitting for typographical errors, misspellings, grammar, and proper symbols.
Bridges to Success in the Sciences will host a poster workshop for students and faculty on Monday,
April 12th, 2010 from 3:00-5:00PM at the Metropolitan Campus, MHCS 231. The emphasis of the
workshop will be on building an academic poster using Powerpoint. This is a hands-on workshop,
and students should come prepared to enter their written work directly into Powerpoint to create the
visual display of the research. The workshop is free and open to any students and faculty. Individuals
can RSVP by sending an email to bridges@tri-c.edu.
1. Presentations will be delivered in the format of a scholarly poster.
2. Posters will be displayed on easels and should be no larger than 3 feet high by 4 feet wide.
3. Posters will be printed at the expense of the participant, unless otherwise noted, through Metro
Campus Reprographics or a local Kinkos. Students can obtain more information about how to get a
poster printed through Reprographics by contacting their Faculty Sponsor.
4. Presentations will take place during the 2010 Annual Spring Research Showcase from 2:00-4:00PM
on April 23, 2010 at the Metropolitan Campus WHCS Second Floor Reception Area.
5. Students are expected to arrive at 1:00PM on April 23, 2010 to set-up their posters.
6. For students unfamiliar, learn about poster etiquette with some great web resources:
a. http://www.texashumanities.org/pdf/presenting_a_poster_presentation_2009.pdf
b. http://www.ncsu.edu/project/posters/NewSite/index.html
7. Additional information will be sent the week prior to the poster session.
216-987-5621 bridges@tri-c.edu
216-987-5491 kate.catanese@tri-c.edu
Abstract Instructions and Submission Forms can be downloaded from:
Tri-C Bridges to Success in the Sciences
2010 Annual Spring Research Showcase
Due April 9th, 2010 at 9AM
Tri-C Faculty Sponsor Name: Kate Catanese
Email: kate.catanese@tri-c.edu
Telephone: 216-987-5491
Name: Darla Derrickson
Tri-C Student
Email: darla.derrickson@acad.tri-c.edu
First Author
Telephone: 216-XXX-XXXX
Leslie E. Fisher, Ph.D.
Second Author &
Department of Psychology
Author Affiliations
Cleveland State University
Additional Authors & n/a
Author Affiliations
Does Internalized Homonegativity Affect Access to Health Care?
Title of Presentation
The goal of the present study is to determine the extent to which
Abstract limited to
internalized homonegativity affects access to health care for gay men.
300 words, and
Internalized homonegativity refers to the personal acceptance and
containing the
following information: endorsement of sexual stigma as part of the individual’s self-concept.
(a) the study’s specific People high in internalized homonegativity are less likely to self-disclose
to others and often believe that others will reject them because of their
objective or purpose
sexuality (Cabaj, 1988; Kahn, 1991). Access to healthcare is important for
(b) brief background
all people, but particularly for gay men because they are at higher risk for
information (c) brief
HIV/AIDS, substance abuse, psychological issues, and some cancers (Gay
statements of specific
and Lesbian Medical Association, 2002). We hypothesize that internalized
methods, if pertinent
homonegativity interferes with a gay individual’s approach to seeking
(d) a summary of the
health care. Gay male participants will complete a demographic survey,
specific results or
the Internalized Homophobia Scale (Ross & Rosser, 1964), and a health
major research
care access questionnaire. Only the data from those participants who fall
findings (e) the
in the upper and lower quartile of the distribution of scores on the
Internalized Homophobia Scale will be used in this study. Participants
who fall in the upper quartile will constitute our high internalized
homonegativity group and participants whose scores are in the lower
quartile will constitute our low internalized homonegativity group. The
main comparison will be made using a multi-factor analysis of variance so
that the effects of internalized homonegativity, race, age, education level,
and religious background on health care access can be accounted for. We
expect that gay men scoring high in internalized homonegativity will be
less likely to access appropriate health care than those gay men scoring
low in internalized homonegativity. If these results demonstrate that
internalized homonegativity does interfere with access to healthcare for
gay men, then future research can be aimed at interventions that will make
healthcare more accessible.
Tri-C Bridges to Success in the Sciences
2010 Annual Spring Research Showcase
Due April 9th, 2010 at 9AM
Please type:
Tri-C Faculty Sponsor Name:
Tri-C Student
First Author
Second Author &
Author Affiliations
Additional Authors &
Author Affiliations
Title of Presentation
Abstract limited to
300 words, and
containing the
following information:
(a) the study’s specific
objective or purpose
(b) brief background
information (c) brief
statements of specific
methods, if pertinent
(d) a summary of the
specific results or
major research
findings (e) the
1. The Tri-C Faculty Sponsor should email this ONE PAGE completed submission form by 9AM
on April 9th, 2010 to: bridges@tri-c.edu with the Subject: Research Showcase Submission
2. The Tri-C Faculty Sponsor and student author will be notified via email of their acceptance by
April 12th, 2010.
3. Additional Abstract Instructions and Submission Forms can be downloaded from: