Requisitioner Training - Cuyahoga Community College

My Tri-C Buy
Requisitioner Training
My Tri-C Buy is designed to help the College quickly and easily
buy a variety of goods and services through electronic
procurement. SciQuest is the tool for processing
requisitions/purchase orders and is designed to work with the
current Banner system.
“My Tri-C Buy” is Tri-C’s name for this e-procurement system.
This training is intended to assist new users in familiarizing
themselves with navigating and functioning within My Tri-C Buy.
My Tri-C Buy
College-Wide Heavy Users/Customers who helped provide input
and feedback to the new system and helped design / test:
Blair Bosworth
Michael Underwood
Beth Furraitti
Leo Mahoney
John Klein
Joe Sarkaukas
Dan Griffin
Bob Ledinsky
Lisa Sheldon
Nancy Stopp
Patti Nakel
Patricia Houlehan
Sonja Elekhtaby
Sondra McGraw
Charlotte Metzger
Janet Holmok
Valerie Noel
Sarah Northcraft
Elizabeth Jones
Ritika Ghose
Veronica Hill
Maria Mitchell
Renee Scales
Patti Flores
My Tri-C Buy
Tri-C is in good company with institutions across the Country in Higher Education who also use this
same eprocurement tool…..
Owens Community College
Collin County Community College District
Harrisburg Area Community College
Madison Area Community College
Tulsa Community College
Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
Wisconsin Technical College System
Xavier University
Shawnee State University
Ohio University
Bowling Green University
Miami of Ohio University
Kent State University
Wright State University
Youngstown State University
Bryn Mawr College
College of Charleston
Haverford College
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
University of Central Missouri
University of Montana
University of Texas at Austin
University of Texas Southwest at Dallas
Cornell University
Johns Hopkins University
Texas A&M University
University of Virginia
Florida State University
University of Florida
University of Chicago
University of Michigan
Arizona State University
University of Illinois System
University of Missouri System
Yale University
University of Notre Dame
My Tri-C Buy
•Basic Overview – Login, Profile Set up
•Review & Set Up Index / FOAPAL
•How to Place Orders – Catalog & Non-Catalog
• 3 Way Match – How to do a Receipt
•Differences / Tips
My Tri-C Buy
Login Information
Go to: My Tri-C Space and under My Work Tools tab
find My Tri-C Buy link
Username: Your Unique S number (S capitalized)
Password: Use your Normal Network Login password
Note: Your password for My TriC Buy Login will change whenever your
Tri-C Network Login password changes.
Note: If you try 3 times unsuccessfully, you can get completely locked out
and will need a re-set.
My Tri-C Buy
Profile Information & Settings
Click “Profile” (located next to your name in the upper left corner of screen)
Review/Update three categories under User Settings tab
(User Identification, Personal Settings, E-Mail Preferences)
User Identification: Ensure information is complete and accurate, click Save
If you are an Approver of Requisitions, you will need to Add Email Approval Code so
you can utilize a Quick Approve Action Button from within email or from a smart phone
within email. Remember your code.
Click Personal Settings: Ensure information is complete and accurate, click Save
Click Email Preferences: Indicate when you would like to receive Email notifications. To
make changes, you must click “override” box on corresponding line and then change value.
Click Save.
My Tri-C Buy
Ship To Info & Set-up
Click Profile, Select the Purchasing tab, then the Addresses tab. This will automatically
open the Ship to tab.
Click select address for profile
Complete the search and select frequently used addresses using the radio button. You may
assign the address a Nickname. Click Save.
Search Hint: Leaving text boxes blank and clicking Search brings up complete list of
Hint: You may select multiple addresses to build a personal drop-down list that will appear
when populating Ship to fields.
To set a default, click on the desired address from the field on the left, check the Default
box, and click Save. A default Ship to address will auto populate on requisitions.
My Tri-C Buy
FOAPAL is your Friend …………….
Set Default Index Codes/ Chart/Location /Account Codes
This section is for knowing and setting up your FOAPAL (Fund-Org-Account-ProgramActivity-Location) so that it will be easier and quicker later when doing requisitions and it
helps track accuracy for Budgeting.
My Tri-C Buy is a procurement tool, but it is not a Budget Tool and the My Tri-C Buy feeds
back to Banner as the ERP system and Banner Budget – so your reports and activity are
Users always need to check Banner Budget first before launching a requisition / order or it
may get returned for insufficient funds.
Every requisition and every form has a FOAPAL tied to it for routing whether dollars are
associated with the transaction or not.
My Tri-C Buy
Chart / Location
Click Profile
Select the Purchasing tab, and the Custom Fields tab opens.
Select the Codes tab
Click the Edit button on the Chart line
Select C* from box
Click Default button
Click SAVE, then Close
Click the Edit button on the Location line
In the Box a listing of cities/municipalities will appear and you will to select the City where
the Services are being performed or the Goods are being received/used. At District – you
would select “Cleveland” at East you would select “Highland Hills”.
Select Correct City / Municipality (Click 200 button for Cleveland – District )
Remember to Click your Default Location code & Save.
My Tri-C Buy
Index – Your Org Numbers and Fund/Program
Click the Edit button on the Index line
Review the Box and the Organizations/Org Numbers that are listed for you. Check to see if
the Org Numbers are a) correct and b) are there any missing ones ?
If you have any problems with missing or incorrect Index / Org Numbers – please email
Bridget Piotrowski and Cindy Leitson.
If you have more than 1 org, no Default for Index is needed, because you will create Index
Favorites next. If you only have one org, then click on the Default and Save.
Later on – when selecting an Index, it will automatically pull Fund/Org/Program
My Tri-C Buy
Code Favorites
Click Profile, Select the Purchasing tab, and the Custom Fields tab opens.
Select the Code Favorites tab, Click Add button
Type a Nickname, start with “Your Org Name Generic” – so “Purchasing Generic”
Notice the “C” and the “Location” are there because you saved them as Defaults.
On the Index area – Click “From Profile Values” , all of your orgs should show up in a drop down
box. Click on the Org Most Commonly Used that fits with the “Nickname” above. Example –
2F4100 matches up with Purchasing Generic.
By Clicking the Org number – it will appear in the area and it will also populate the Fund, Program
– but Not Account.
Click Save
You have now saved a Generic FOAPAL with everything –except Account number.
You will keep Repeating steps above after you establish this Generic favorite – but each time
you save one – you now add a commonly used Account Code.
Purchasing Office
Purchasing Consultg
AcctPayable Project
Asset Gen
Org/Account Info
2F4100 but with 3101 saved in the Account area
2F4100 but with 2381 saved in the Account area
2F4150 but with 2381 saved in the Account area
2F4175 but with 2381 saved in the Account area
My Tri-C Buy
Shopper – These users can shop for items, but cannot submit a cart
(Has not been a requisitioner in the past)
Requestor/Requisitioner – These users can shop for items and submit carts
against their approved budgets/orgs
(that they created or from a shopper)
Approver – These users can review (approve or reject) purchase requisitions
that are assigned to them and forms for budget approval that are
assigned to them – typically BULs (Budget Unit Leader)
My Tri-C Buy
How To Shop ……
You can procure items using one of the following methods:
Catalogs: Hosted or Punch-Out
Non-Catalog: Unique/local supplier , Not as large in spend typically as Catalog
Hosted Catalog
Hosted catalogs are loaded, maintained, and searchable within My Tri-C Buy. In Hosted catalogs, they
are limited to the items on your established contract and /or quotes for new projects. If you have a
repetitive item that you would like to add to a Hosted catalog for one of the suppliers – please contact
a buyer in procurement. We can add an item at any time.
Punch-out Catalog
A Punch-out catalog provides a link to a supplier’s website where you can search for
Tri-C contracted items as well as non–contracted items. Some Punch-outs will appear when searching
within the My Tri-C Buy site, varies by supplier technology.
Any product or service not found in a catalog may be ordered thru a Non-catalog request.
(The 3,500 suppliers Tri-C has purchased from over the last 18 months will all be loaded here).
My Tri-C Buy
Tri-C’s Hosted Catalog Suppliers are: Fisher Scientific, Audio Visual Innovations (AVI), Tech
Purchasing Partners (TPP), Schoolhouse Electronics, Carolina Bio, E&R Industrial, Graybar,
Sherwin Williams, Business Smarts, Smart Solutions, APG, and S Rose.
Tri-C’s Punch-out Catalog suppliers are: Grainger, MSC, CDW-G, OfficeMax, Aramark – Catertrax
for catering orders, Ward’s , MedLine, B&H Photo, Ohio Desk, Benco Dental, Gov Connection.
The Catalogs cover the following Commodity codes that are higher volume, repetitive ordering
at Tri-C:
Office Supplies, Plant Ops/Eng Building Supplies, Computer Supplies & Peripherals, Catering thru
Aramark/Catertrax, Lab & Science Supplies, Medical/Nursing supplies, Audio Visual Equipment
and Supplies (Non-capital), Dental supplies, Janitorial Supplies.
IT Hardware and Furniture –Capital are limited to certain users for capital/configuration
As volumes grow & the College changes – new Catalogs/Suppliers /Items can always be added,
just contact the buyer or Procurement department.
My Tri-C Buy
Non-Catalog Reminders when ordering ….
For Service orders, please fill in Catalog Number with your Building Location and the Name of the
Service..Example: HMC – Plant Rentals or Metro UTC – Uniforms.
For Product or supply orders, please fill in the Catalog Number with Distributor Part number and below
also list Manufacturer Name and Part number if it is available.
All Non-Catalog Orders Must have a Quote Attached to the requisition or it will be returned.
Include Shipping if you are ordering supplies/product. Click the Taxes/S&H(Shipping) Tab, click on the
message that says “edit taxes, shipping, & handling for all items in this group”. Then click Override in
the drop down box, click on amount / USD or %, then type in details. Click Save.
If the Non-Catalog item is tied to a Contract or a Price File agreement, reference the number in the
Internal notes.
If the Order is a Blanket Order – Type “Blanket Order” in the Internal Notes of the requisition.
Do Each unique Non-catalog supplier / order by itself, or multiple suppliers will be tied to 1 requisition
and it will be tied up with longer approval queues because of multiple commodity codes and budget
My Tri-C Buy
Non-Catalog Reminders when ordering ….
In order to fully optimize repetitive, Non-catalog orders Procurement needs to have more details on the
spend and the actual items that are being purchased. (Ex. Warren Fire, Columbus Clay,etc.)
Procurement can then work with each department to figure out and set up some options that will make
ordering faster –
a) After first order work to “Copy Cart “ into favorites and list all the items as saved favorites so
ordering will go faster
b) Establish a price file and load the items into the price file mgmt so they appear in a search and are
c) Develop a custom form with the saved items.
Depending on frequency of ordering, all of the above are good options. In the past, many of these
details have not been submitted into Banner and therefore Procurement does not have the information,
but we can work to optimize this over the next several months.
My Tri-C Buy
• Vendor Add/Change Form – For adding a new supplier or making a change
to an existing supplier.
• Check Request Form* – Single Line or Multiple Line
• Change Order Form for Purchase Orders
• Direct Pay* – Individuals (for employee or student stipends)
• Direct Pay* – Companies
• After the Fact Form (ATF) – For Emergencies, primarily Plant Operation
Areas, where the Service/Work came before the PO. (i.e repairs)
*Forms should be used in conjunction with Accounts Payable Guidelines that were
published in August, 2011. If in need of the guidelines, contact Cindy Leitson or
Karen Mrak in Supplier Managed Services.
My Tri-C Buy
• Forms are routed as if they were a Requisition, in this way it allows for the routing
and sign-off on the form by Budget Unit Leaders electronically while also checking for
sufficient Budget and then allows the Account Payable Department to be able to
Approve electronically and then Flip into Payment into Banner electronically as well –
without the need to ever print the form. ($0 / FOAPAL)
• Remember to Scan & attach all required back-up information with the forms, such as
W-9s/W-8s, project detail, Invoices, quotes, etc… this information will stay with the
form and connected to the Check for future audit/compliance needs.
•Once the Form is in the Cart and submitted – you can add Internal Notes in to the
header level as well to communicate with Procurement/Accounts Payable.
My Tri-C Buy
3 Way Match versus 2 Way Match
•Tri-C has been following a 2 Way Match rule for paying supplier invoices for the
last 3 years +, which means we pay based on Invoice matching the Purchase Order,
and do not require a receipt.
• Starting with the My Tri-C Buy Launch, Tri-C will now be able to do a 3 Way Match
rule for paying supplier invoices tied to a Threshold. This means – a receipt will
now be required on an Invoice for a 3 Way Match supplier, over a $ 5K threshold,
or it cannot be paid.
• In talking with Departments like Plant Operations and Construction, we are going to
pilot about 350 suppliers for this 3 Way Match Process. We have selected Suppliers
mainly that are Service companies, Blanket Order Suppliers, and Suppliers that
supply Construction, IT equipment, or equipment in general that are high dollar and
there is a higher risk associated with it. The Requisitioner will receive an email and
then need to respond and do a Receipt –before AP can pay the supplier.
My Tri-C Buy
How to Create a Receipt
Select the Document Search tab
Type the PO Number or Search for all Open POs in the last 60/90 days
Open up the actual PO
There are two types of Receipts that can be created: Quantity Receipts for Goods or
Supplies/product and Cost Receipts for Services Tracking.
Once the search results display, notice the Settlement Status column when viewing the
list of POs that appear.
– Notice Receipt Required – indicates a receipt is required for the order. Other displays will be
Partially Received, Fully Received, and Over Received.
Click the PO Number you wish to receive against.
From the Available Actions Drop-down box, select Create Quantity Receipt or Create
Cost Receipt and then Click Go.
The receipt will be automatically populated with the PO information, the Default
Action is Received. Fill in the Qty or Cost, add any additional notes attachments
Click Save, then Complete. A Receipt No. displays on screen.
My Tri-C Buy
Notes / Reminders/Tips
Catering Orders:
•Catering orders that were previously sent through the Catertrax link / punch-out will still be
placed through Aramark/Catertrax.
•The main difference – is that instead of the link being on My Tri-C Space, now it will be on
the My Tri-C Buy and be an icon to Click.
•Once Clicked – it launches you to the same Catertrax link as before with the same menus
and ordering process.
•However, it will Require that you come back it into My Tri-C Buy and it will Assign a
Purchase Order Number – that is New. As part of the regular PO process, it will route and
check for budget funds and authorization. Confirmations will still be sent from Catertrax /
Aramark. Invoices here do not have to be sent to AP, they will be sent electronically from
Aramark/Catertrax to the AP Department.
My Tri-C Buy
Notes / Tips
• All Catalogs orders under $20K will process with BUL/Budget approvals but no
buyer approval because it is from a pre-established contract price /catalog which
the buyer has already approved. Over $20K will send it for an additional buyer
approval so they can have the option to get additional price discounts or bids.
• All Non-Catalogs orders, regardless of dollar amount, will process with both
BUL/budget approvals and to the Buyers for a Buyer/Purchasing Review step –to
check for quotes attached or send it our for bidding if needed, etc..
• There is a High dollar review at the PO stage for VPs/CFO, while it is still internal
and the transaction has not been released yet, and it can be returned or rejected
at this stage.
•Forms go through BUL/Budget Authorization Checks and then AP approvals.
My Tri-C Buy
Checklist for any order
If Catalog Order –
Did I update my Ship to? Accounts/FOAPALS Correct? Have funds available?
Use a Preferred Supplier? Utilize the Tri-C Contract items?
If Non-Catalog Order Did I update my Ship to? Did I add Shipping / Freight? Highlight a Blanket order?
Attach all my documents (Quotes)? Choose the correct FOAPAL? Add the part number
detail? Have Funds available?
My Tri-C Buy
Notes / Tips
Fulfillment Addresses:
Tri-C has a small percentage of Suppliers (<5%) that have multiple locations that we buy
from, such as Fast Signs or the State of Ohio Departments/Agencies. In these cases when
you are selecting the Supplier for a requisition or a form, you need to review the multiple
addresses and select the correct address/fulfillment address. This is common with the
Colleges and Hospitals we purchase from as well. If you are unsure, contact the buyer or
the supplier.
Contacts for Questions with My Tri-C Buy:
Cynthia Leitson – Exec. Director SMS – X3510
Karen Mrak - AP Supvr – X4738
Steve Hilbert – Sr Analyst – X3501
Don Gasler (Office/Plt Ops/Vehicles) - X4715
Rob Ruppe (Construction/Leases) - X4719
Martha Davidson (IT/ Medical/Transportn)– X4722
Jen Nycz (All PSAs) - X4781