(Intro to Art - Art 2)
Small drawing pad, for your drawing/writing journal (at least 8.5 x 11 approximately 50 sheets) can be recycled paper, mixed media, drawing, toned, watercolor, sketch paper.
At least 2 pencils/eraser
Prismacolor (colored pencils) 12 or 24 (sharpener: helpful)
Paintbrushes (at least 2 flats and 2 rounds, different sizes ranging from 2-8) for acrylic and watercolor paint
Portfolio (can be 2 pieces of poster board 24x36)
4 black sharpie or other waterproof markers, 2 thick and 2 thin line
2 thick (chisel, wide) gray markers, two different values
2 roll paper towel
One box of tissues
Plastic shoe box (supplies will be stored in and kept in the art room)
(Art 3-4)
Drawing journal
2 canvases (will explain options)
Portfolio (most of you have already)
Something to keep your art supplies in, plastic shoe box
Drawing pencils, colored pencils, or markers (will explain)
Watercolor paper, 140lb cold press 12-15 sheet pad, at least 11X15
At least: 6 Brushes sizes 2-8 (round and flat) watercolor/acrylic brushes
1 ½ Flat wash brush
Art masking tape
Gallon size Ziploc bags
(Applied Arts)
2 rolls paper towels
Eye Protecting safety glasses or goggles
Glass cutter
Thin working gloves with grip
Small drawing pad, for your drawing journal/writing (at least 8.5 x 11) recycled paper, mixed media, drawing, toned, watercolor, sketch paper.
Pencils and permanent marker
1 round, size 2 or 4 and 2 flat size 4 and 12
Collections of colorful or metallic materials examples: glass pieces, tile, bottle tops, broken plates, pop cans, magazines, wire, stone, marbles, sea glass, nuts, bolts, old jewelry
Collection of personal photos, images, magazine clippings and etc.
2 roll paper towel
One box of tissues
Plastic shoe box
All art classes: if other materials are needed they will be posted on the chalkboard. If you fail to bring them into class it will reflect on your participation grade and project grade.
50-100 points = Final projects
25 points = homework which will be from your drawing journal and/or written work
25 points = weekly class participation, including a good attitude, being helpful, best work accomplished, following safety precautions and being respectful to everyone and their artwork.
(I will return a good attitude, be helpful, follow safety precautions and respect my students)
Students are required to be inside the room prior to the tardy bell, like all classes. If you are absent please come and talk with me the day you return, this is your responsibility.
Written work and drawing exercises will be done in your small drawing pad and will reflect what is being studied in Art. Lined paper maybe inserted into your pad for written work.
All projects will have a written critique adhered to it.
All projects will be recorded on a common digital application and neatly stored in your itemized portfolio.
Listen to Demonstrations, Safety Procedures and follow them, it will reflect on your project grade.
WORK! I expect quality work from EC students, if you do not work hard, your class participation grade will suffer…. I will be well aware of your artistic abilities in a short amount of time and will expect you to grow as an artist. You will grow artistically with practice and hard work.
Know where your art is, Ms. Hudak is not responsible for your artwork at any time, make sure it’s handed in on time and if you take it home make sure it returns for a final grade…failure to be responsible will result in a failing grade.
Chromebooks will be used in class, a wireless mouse could be helpful. Students are allowed to have headphones for their Chromebooks, always use the Chromebooks with good judgement, Be appropriate!
Failure to submit an exam (project) will result in F. Exams maybe part project and then a written artist statement the day of the exam, students must do both parts for a passing grade.
Journal artwork and art history will have a due dates, and cannot be handed in after unless absent.
Students will sit in assigned seats.
Do not enter into the area where the computers are unless you have permission.
Your portfolio is to be stored on the metal shelf to the right of doorway and your supplies are stored in the cabinet to the left of the smartboard.
You must clean your own Paintbrushes and keep your supplies neat and together.
DO NOT stand by the door before the bell rings.
Have a good attitude!
Be helpful!
Be respectful to everyone and their artwork!
Ms. Hudak can change or add rules whenever appropriate!