Materials list

Fall 2012
Art 105 f01 Beginning Drawing syllabus
Class time: Monday/Wednesday 8-10:30 A.M.
Instructor- Shaneé Holden
Office hours: by appointment or immediately after class time.
Course Description and Objective
Students will explore the art of drawing using a variety of media. Emphasis will be
placed on line, form, value, composition, perspective, craftsmanship, creativity, and
The purpose of this course is to introduce basic techniques and aesthetics of drawing media.
Throughout the semester students will build a vocabulary for discussing art works and better
understand a formal critiquing process. The course will include an overview of both
contemporary and traditional art theories
Grading Policy (completing all assignment does not equal an automatic grade of “A”)
80%= Drawings
20%= Other (Attendance, critiques, participation, preparedness, etc.)
Artistic creation is a comprehensive, developmental activity. Grading is based on students’
performance in several related areas: Evidence of students’ understanding and mastery of
techniques and concepts. / Implementations of those ideas in the particular assignments. /
Willingness and attitude to experiment. / Initiative demonstrated and individual effort during and
after class. / Degree of participation in class and in group- critiques. / Overall preparedness and
progress through the semester. Plus and minus grades will be assigned to letter grade system.
Attendance, punctuality, and meeting assignment deadlines are required. Participation in class
is also required. During critiques I expect each individual’s attention and verbalized thought.
More than three absences results in lowering of overall grade. Example: student has an A- after
excessive absence #4 the student now has a grade of B+.
Tardiness can also result in grade depletion. When a student is tardy more than 3 times then
each following tardy counts as ½ day absence and two 1/2 day absences count as a whole day
absence. When a whole day absence is collected grade will be lowered. A tardy in this class is
15 plus minutes late.
If a student is absent it is that student’s responsibility to find out about homework assignment
and make up in class drawings.
Please feel free to contact me through email. .
No headphones or ear buds are allowed during class time 8-10:30 am.
Cell phones should be on silent and only used with permission in case of emergence.
Required text: none
. It is always encouraged for students to frequent the library. Art books can be found on
the 6th floor. N, ND, OVRSN are helpful sections. Current art periodicals such as: Art in
America, Art Forum, Art News, American Artist, Art Bulletin, American Indian Art
Magazine, Art Weekly, and Aperture can be found on level 3. The library has many
DVDs and videos on artist as well. Most artist or art movements can be found online.
The drawing studio has computer/projector this is available for all registered drawing
We will review selected artist weekly.
Disabilities Services
I will work with the office of Disabilities Services to provide reasonable accommodations to student with
Semester breakdown:
(Wend 5th) First day of class. Introduction to drawing and syllabus review.
Homework assignment #1: Your Choice Drawing. Student chooses media, paper type, and subject.
(Mon 10th) Topic: composition. Materials needed: newsprint pad, Strathmore pad, all pencils, and
Homework assignment #1 to be critiqued in class. (Have homework finished before class starts).
(Wend 12th) topic: negative / positive spaces. Materials needed: newsprint pad, Strathmore pad, all
pencils, charcoal, and eraser.
Homework assignment #2: negative/ positive drawing of a piece of fruit.
(Mon 17th) Topic: Contour ____Line. In class still life. Materials needed: all pencils, newsprint pad, and
Strathmore pad.
Homework assignment #2 due to be critiqued in class.
(Wend 19th) Topic: Contour____Implied Line. In class still life. Materials needed: all pencils, newsprint
pad, and Strathmore pad.
(Mon 24th) Topic: Contour____ Cross and Blind. In class still life. Materials needed: all pencils, newsprint
pad, and Strathmore pad.
Homework assignment #3: Combination Contour Drawing (use multiple types of line).
(Wend 26th) Topic: Contour Combination. In class still life. Materials needed” all pencils, newsprint pad,
Strathmore pad.
(Mon 1st) Topic: Perspective (1 point and 2 point). In class Interior space drawing. Materials needed: all
pencils, straight edge, newsprint pad, Strathmore pad.
Homework assignment #3 due to be critiqued in class.
Homework assignment #4: perspective drawing “imaginary habitat” (drawing of an imaginary exterior
and or interior habitat using 1 point and or 2 point perspective).
(Wend 3rd) Topic: Perspective Continued. Materials needed: all pencils, straight edge, newsprint pad,
Strathmore pad.
(Mon 8th) Topic: Value and Shading. In class still life. Materials needed: newsprint pad, all pencils, all
charcoal, Strathmore pad.
Homework assignment #4 due for in class critique.
(Wend 10th) Topic: Value and Shadows. In class still life. Materials needed: newsprint pad, all pencils, all
charcoal, Strathmore pad.
Homework assignment #5: Value drawing with shadows. Draw a single object or body part (hand or
(Mon 15th) Topic: Ink introduction and papermaking. In class papermaking project.
(Wen 17th) Topic: Ink/ Washes. In class still life. Materials needed: watercolor paper pad, ink, ink brush.
Homework assignment # 5 due to be critiqued in class.
(Mon 22nd) Topic: Ink / pen. In class still life. Materials needed: watercolor paper pad, ink, nib pen.
Homework assignment #6: draw an animal form in an environment using ink. Use paper made in class.
(Wend 24th) Topic: Ink/Combination. In class still life using all ink methods. Materials needed:
watercolor paper pad, ink, brush, nib pen.
Homework assignment #6 due for in class critique.
(Mon 29th) Topic: Introduction to portraiture. In class portrait exercise. Materials needed: all pencils,
conté, charcoal, newsprint pad, Strathmore pad.
Homework assignment# 7: self -portrait. Any drawing medium. Any size.
(Wend 31) Topic: Portrait. In class partner portrait drawing. Materials needed: all pencils, conté,
charcoal, newsprint pad, Strathmore pad.
(Mon 5th) Topic: Portrait. Partner portrait continued. Materials needed: all pencils, conté. Charcoal,
newsprint pad, Strathmore pad.
Homework assignment# 7 due for in class critique.
(Wend 7th) Topic: Figure. Materials needed: all.
(Mon 12th) Topic: Figure. Materials needed: all.
Homework assignment #8: Artist research drawing and presentation. Pick 3 “master artist” to research.
Understand their affiliated movement, style, and process. Create a drawing inspired by your research.
(This is NOT a copy).Put together a short 10 minute presentation about the information you gathered
and why this information is important to you as an artist or art student.
(Wend 14th) Topic: Figure/ value. Materials needed: all.
(Mon 19th) Topic: Exaggerated foreshortening. Materials needed: all.
(Wend 21st) Topic: Figure. Materials needed: all.
(Mon 26th) Topic: Figure. Materials needed: all.
(Wend 28th) Topic: figure. Materials needed: all.
Homework assignment #8 due. Presentation will start this day.
(Mon 3rd) Topic: Figure. Materials needed: all.
Homework assignment # 9: Your choice drawing. Choose your own drawing materials and subject.
(Wend 5th) Topic: Figure. Materials needed: all.
(Mon 10th) Topic: Critique Homework assignment #1 and homework assignment #9 together.
Materials list:
Drawing paper
newsprint pad 18” x 24”
Strathmore paper pad 18”X 24”
water color paper pad 18”x 24”
Artist pencils: 4H, 3H, 2H, H, HB, 2B, 3B, 4B. <need all>
Ink nib pen
Ink brush (Chinese ink brush medium size)
Black India ink.
Charcoal sticks variety.
Charcoal pencils
Blending stump
Kneaded eraser
Can of fixative
Conté sticks (black, brown, white, red)
Painters tape or artist clips
Container for materials
Portfolio (cardboard or plastic)