Analytic Geometry Course Syllabus Teacher Name Margaret Burg Phone: 770-651-6075 Course Description: Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS) – Analytic Geometry The focus of Analytic Geometry on the coordinate plane is organized into 6 critical areas. Transformations on the coordinate plane provide opportunities for the formal study of congruence and similarity. The study of similarity leads to an understanding of right triangle trigonometry and connects to quadratics through Pythagorean relationships. The study of circles uses similarity and congruence to develop basic theorems relating circles and lines. The need for extending the set of rational numbers arises and real and complex numbers are introduced so that all quadratic equations can be solved. Quadratic expressions, equations, and functions are developed; comparing their characteristics and behavior to those of linear and exponential relationships from Coordinate Algebra. Circles return with their quadratic algebraic representations on the coordinate plane. The link between probability and data is explored through conditional probability. The Mathematical Practice Standards apply throughout each course and, together with the content standards, prescribe that students experience mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that makes use of their ability to make sense of problem situations. For more information about CCGPS Analytic Geometry visit Anticipated Classroom Format: Directive and discovery based presentation of units incorporating individual and cooperative methods and tasks. A. Class Notes: Although this is a discovery based class, I will often give notes. You are expected to keep an organized notebook with your class notes in it. I periodically give open note quizzes, so it is to your advantage to be organized. B. Classwork/Homework: On a daily basis you will be assigned classwork. Some assignments will be due at the end of class and other assignments will carry over into homework. C. Quizzes/Tasks: At least once a week, you can expect to have a quiz or a graded task to complete. D. Tests: When enough material is covered you will have a test over the material—usually at the end of a unit. Some units are broken up into multiple tests. E. End of Course Test: At the end of the course, you will have a state produced end of course test. Teacher Policies and Behavior Expectations: Putting forth your best effort includes being on time, having essential supplies, and following classroom rules. Listed below are some of the basic rules and consequences for student behavior in this classroom. No one has the right to: Physically injure yourself or others Steal from others or threaten injury Interfere with others Discriminate against others Misrepresent to others Damage or destroy materials If you break a limit, there will be negative consequences including but not limited to: Detention. Contacting parent/guardian. Referral to administration: In-school-suspension, etc. Other Important Issues: Tardy Policy: We have a school-wide tardy policy. The door will be locked when the bell rings, and you must report to ISS to get a pass to class. Restroom Policy: You may use the restroom as needed. Do not go during instructional time Or the last 10 minutes of class Nuisance Item Policy(cell phones, i-pods, etc): These items are NOT allowed during instruction. If items are found being used in class, they will be taken until the end of class. Once items are collected for the third time, an office referral will be given. Make-Up Work: When work is missed due to an absence, all missed assignments are due within 3 days of your return. It is your responsibility to find out what you missed and get assignments to me in a timely fashion. How to get missed assignments: 1) Check my blog 2) Email me 3) See me as soon as you return for copies of missed work. Make-Up Tests: When a test or quiz is missed due to an absence, it must be made up within 3 days of your return. All make-up work, including tests, is the responsibility of the student. Tests or quizzes that are not taken within the three day make-up period become zeros. Assessment/Evaluations/Required Student Products: Student learning/performance will be evaluated using a variety of assessment tools including the following: homework and class work activities, quizzes, tasks, and tests. Grading Plan: Analytic Geometry: Support (if enrolled): Daily/HW Quiz Tests Midterm EOCT Final Grade Daily/HW Notebook Quiz Final Grade 15% 20% 35% 10% 20% 100% 60% 10% 30% 100% Strategies for Student Learning: The best way to be successful is to be present each day and to always give your best effort. You should let your teacher know immediately if you are giving your best effort and are still struggling in this course. We will work together to find strategies that will help you be more successful. Learning Focused Strategies are research proven strategies that have a strong effect on student achievement. Therefore, in each class, students will: Preview new class topics to accelerate learning Learn through use of Collaborative Pairs, Guided Practice, and Graphic Organizers Learn through compare/contrast, classifying, induction, deduction, and error analysis Take notes and summarize new information Be able to answer Essential Question(s) at the end of each lesson Complete homework/practice Learn cooperatively Academic Honesty: Cheating is defined to be the willful or deliberate unauthorized use of the work of another person for academic purposes, or inappropriate use of notes or other material in the completion of an academic assignment or test. In addition to disciplinary responses, the granting of credit for this assignment will be null and void for all parties knowingly involved. Required Readings: Course textbook as well as selections assigned during the semester. Lost Book Policy: Board Policy Descriptive Code: IFAD The student will be charged full replacement cost for any textbook lost, regardless of condition. Calculator Policy: Students will need a scientific calculator to complete homework, preferably a TI- 30XII. Resources: American Book Company CCGPS Analytic Geometry WEBSITE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Go to Find the staff list Find my name and go to my website. There is a link for my blog Blog address: