Katie Sanders GSE Analytic Geometry Support Syllabus 2015-2016 http://sanderscherokeehigh.weebly.com Course Description: GSE Analytic Geometry Support is the second in a sequence of mathematics courses designed to ensure that all students are ready for work and college. It includes transformations on the coordinate plane, the study of similarity, the study of circles, extending the set of rational numbers, real and complex numbers, quadratic expressions, equations, and functions and exponential relationships from Coordinate Algebra. GSE Analytic Geometry Support is a class that is intended to supplement the learning that occurs in the GSE Analytic Geometry course that is taught concurrently with a student’s regular math class. Format: This class will focus on previewing and reviewing the concepts and skills taught in the GSE Analytic Geometry classroom. There will be no homework or tests so that students can focus on strengthening their math skills without being overloaded. However, GSE Analytic Geometry Support is not a study hall or a tutoring session. There will be quizzes on a regular basis and work each day. Supplies Needed: TEXT: Glencoe McGraw-Hill Study Guide and Intervention Workbook Geometry ISBN 978-0-07-890848-4 (cost to replace is $5) Students will need sharpened pencils, erasers, and a pocket folder or 3-ring binder. Graph paper will be needed for some activities and assignments. Students should also have a TI-84 Graphing Calculator which is required for their GSE Analytic Geometry course. If a TI-84 is not attainable, a TI 30XS Multiview will be required. Grading System: Daily Work/Participation 70% Quizzes _________ 30% There are no tests or final exams for this class. o Work will be assigned daily and will be graded on effort, completion, or accuracy. Daily participation will be based on effort in the classroom. A grade will be assigned at the end of each day/week. o Quizzes will be given periodically to assess student understanding. Quizzes will account for 30% of the math support grade and should be taken seriously. Make-Up Policy: It is the responsibility of the student to obtain notes and assignments missed while absent. Information will be available from the teacher, the class website, and from other classmates. Students will be given three days to make up work when they are absent and one extra day for each consecutive absence. So, students will have 3 days for 1 absence, 4 days for 2 absences, 5 days for 3 absences, etc. Students are encouraged to complete make-up as soon as possible as the material builds upon itself. Guidelines: Students are not to write on desks, walls, or calculators. All work must be done in pencil unless otherwise stated by the teacher. While working on assignments together in class will be encouraged, cheating on assignments is unacceptable and will result in a zero for all involved. Each student is to clean up their area before leaving. All students must follow all rules found in the blue handbook as well as all classroom rules. Note To Parents: Progress reports are sent every four and a half weeks. If you have questions or concerns regarding your student’s progress, I can be contacted via Google Voice. The phone number is 404-530-9820. Google Voice will send your voicemail to my phone as a text message so please make sure if you leave a voicemail to keep that in mind. The absolute best way to reach me is through email: katie.sanders@cherokee.k12.ga.us. Emails will be returned within 24 hours of receipt. I will consistently check my email from the hours of 8 am – 4 pm. Open communication is the best way for us to work together for the benefit of your child, so please let me know about any questions or concerns. Any information on assignments, including dates, can be found on my website (noted at the top of the syllabus). Please use this site as a resource for you and your child. Before and after school tutoring is available nearly every day, a tutoring schedule for all subjects will be sent via email within the first 6 weeks of school. **Parents can register for the “Aspen - Parent Information Website,” an online access allowing parents to see their child’s grades in each class. You can register for this through the front office at Cherokee High School.** *Syllabus subject to change.* Information Sheet To Be Filled Out & Returned to GSE Analytic Geometry Support Teacher ASAP Student Name ___________________________________________________________________________ Parent / Guardian Name(s) _________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Parent / Guardian Phone Number(s) __________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Parent / Guardian Email(s) _________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ What is the best way for me to contact you? ___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ What are the best times for me to contact you? ________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ I have read the entire syllabus and fully understand all of the class requirements. I have also verified that the contact information above is correct. Parent/Guardian Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature(s) _______________________________________________________________ Student Signature ________________________________________________________________________ *Please write any additional comments on the back of this sheet and return it ASAP*