Geometry A Course Expectations

Geometry A
Mrs. Congdon
Binghamton High School
Welcome to Geometry A! This is the first of a two-year Geometry course with an
emphasis on Algebra skills. Topics we will study this year are: geometric
relationships, coordinate geometry, triangles, quadrilaterals, as well as
polynomials, solving equations, and probability.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will take Geometry B next
year and have the option to sit for the Geometry Regents Exam
at the end of Geometry B.
MYP Areas of Interaction
We look at our units of study through the following “lenses”:
 Environment
● Community and Service
 Human Ingenuity
● Health and Social Education
The IB Learner Profile
We envision our students to become:
● Inquirers
● Thinkers
● Balanced
● Knowledgeable
● Open-Minded
● Risk-Takers
● Principled
● Communicators
● Reflective
Aims and Objectives of this Course:
 To demonstrate understanding and apply appropriate concepts and rules
to solve problems including real-life examples
 To find patterns, and justify them
 To use appropriate mathematical language (notation, symbols,
terminology) in both oral and written explanations
 To explain whether his or her results make sense and explain the
importance of his or her findings in connection to real life
Final Average computed with:
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Marking Periods and Final Exam each 20%
**Some students may still need to pass the Algebra Regents Exam as a
graduation requirement. A student’s score on the Algebra Regents Exam
does not affect his or her grade for the Geometry A course.
Quarterly Report Card Grades are computed based on:
Tests / Quizzes 60%, Homework 30%, Class Participation 10%
Tests will be given at the end of each chapter. I will announce tests at
least one week ahead of time. Tests count twice as much as quizzes. Quizzes
may be announced or unannounced. I may also give projects or other
assignments that count as a quiz grade. I expect students to give their HONEST
best work. If a student is caught cheating or talking during a test or quiz, even if
they are finished, they will receive a zero.
Homework will be assigned almost daily, but may be collected randomly.
These will be graded on a scale from 0-4 based on effort and accuracy. Late
homework will receive half credit up to the day of the test for that unit.
Shows Effort, Mostly Correct
Shows Effort, Less than half the questions correct
Late or Lacks Effort or Assignment not completed
Late or Very Little Effort with few questions done
Not Turned in or No Effort or Cheating
Class Expectations
Please bring these items with you to every class:
• 1.5” to 2” binder with loose-leaf paper
• Pencils
• A scientific or graphing calculator is highly recommended
Classroom Rules: Be Respectful, Responsible, and Ready!
Be respectful of yourself, your classmates, your teacher, and your
desk area.
No cell phones, music players or other electronic devices are allowed
in class.
1st offense: verbal warning
2nd offense: I will confiscate the device, and student can get it back
at the end of the day.
Follow other school rules, i.e. no hats are to be worn in the building.
Be responsible. Students need to attend class daily and complete all
assignments. If you are legally absent, it is YOUR JOB to find out
what you missed. This includes the work due the day you missed, and
the notes and assignments given on the day you missed. If you do not
have a white pass legally excusing your absence, the work you missed
will receive a grade of 0.
Students should only use the restroom during class if absolutely
Be ready and on time for class. When the bell rings, you should be
sitting quietly in your seat with your pencil out. Three unexcused
tardies to class will result in a detention.
Extra Help: during lunch and after school. If I am not in my classroom, I can
usually be found in the Math Office, room B425.
I may be contacted by calling the Math Department Office at 762-8258,
or by email at
I’m looking forward to a great year!! 