North Penn High School AP English Grading Policy

North Penn High School
Lansdale, PA 19446
Grading Policy 2014-2015
Advanced Placement English Literature
Mr. Gillespie
Quarterly Grading System
97 – 100%
90 – 96%
87 – 89%
80 – 86%
77 – 79%
70 – 76%
65 – 69%
Below 65%
If the computed grade is a fraction away from the next highest letter grade, it must be a .5 or
higher to qualify for rounding. For example, an 89.5 would qualify for an “A,” but 89.4 would
not qualify for an “A.”
Final Grading System will remain as the quarterly system for A+ to D grades. As a reminder, the
percentage is important in determining status of a student’s eligibility for Summer School.
Failure- Remediation via Summer School
Failure- Remediation is not permitted
Final Exam Policy
Final Exams (Full Year Courses)
21% for each marking period
16% for final exam
AP Students who take the Advanced Placement test in May and maintain an B average will be
eligible to exempt the course’s final exam.
Factors used in the determination of quarterly grades:
Quarterly grades are based upon a point system. Sample items include: vocabulary
quizzes (20 points), reading quizzes (5-50 pts.), tests (60-100 pts.), and compositions (100 pts.).
Class participation, homework completion, daily preparation, reading journals, and class
discussion will also be given points and will contribute to the quarterly grade.
The total points achieved by the student will be divided by the total points possible for
the final percentage.
Late or incomplete may not be accepted. At a minimum, one letter grade will be
penalized for each day late. Vocabulary homework is usually due every Thursday before an
announced quiz. Incomplete vocabulary homework will result in a five point deduction.
English Notebook
Each student is expected to keep an English notebook and bring it to class each day.
Critical Paper
Written expectations and requirements for the critical paper will be provided at the
beginning of the marking period in which the critical paper is assigned.
Because of the paper’s importance, failure to complete this course requirement will
result in failure of the marking period. Technique points are earned along the way as students
are taught the critical paper process (outlining, primary note taking, secondary research, drafting,
editing, MLA format, etc.).
Papers are due on assigned date. According to English Department policy, no late papers
will be accepted.
Students will need to submit an electronic copy to
Extra Credit
As a general rule, there will be no extra credit. The only extra credit that will be offered
for this course will be in the form of a bonus question(s) on select quizzes and tests. No
additional extra credit or bonus questions will be offered for any reason—there are no
Make-Up Work Following an Excused Absence
 If you have an excused absence or tardy for only one day, you should be prepared to take
or make-up a test or quiz on your first day back in school.
 If you have an excused absence of two (2) or more days, see the teacher to get back
assignments and to reschedule tests. Generally, the time allocated for make-up work will
equal the number of school days missed.
 If you must be absent five (5) or more consecutive school days,
kindly contact the home office for assignments as soon as possible to allow time for the
office to gather and collate assignments and materials.
 Please realize that any make-up tests or quizzes may be different from the test originally
given. If your absence is unexcused, you will receive a zero for the missed
 Most assignments must be made up before or after school.
 Make up work must be done in a timely manner. You may make up a vocabulary quiz
before the next unit’s quiz. That is to say, you must make up the quiz for unit seven
before the class takes the quiz for unit 8.