22Collections - Thomas Cooper Library

22 Collections
Originally displayed at the Thomas Cooper Library, University of South Carolina
Curated by Professor Bruccoli
Archived September 27, 2013
Archived Online Exhibit ................................................................................................................................. 1
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2
Exhibition ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
Believing that books are the most valuable and enduring products of man, I have sought the
friendship of their makers. Knowing the writers enriches reading their work. Moreover, I am
a hero-worshiper: my heroes are writers. It makes me happy to recall the good times with
my books and their authors. There is nothing as good as being a good writer; but being a
good bookman is a form of compensation.
Matthew J. Bruccoli, in his "Postscript"
to the exhibition catalogue.
This exhibition presents a personal record of a committed bookman at work. The twentytwo collections represented in this exhibition were all built by Matthew J. Bruccoli, Jefferies
Professor of American Literature, and transferred to Thomas Cooper Library through the
generosity of Matthew J. and Arlyn Bruccoli. It is an exhibition of “the other Bruccoli
Collections.” Excluded from display on this occasion are the two best-known and largest
collections that carry the Bruccoli name: the Matthew J. & Arlyn Bruccoli Collection of F.
Scott Fitzgerald and the Joseph M. Bruccoli Great War Collection.
Professor Bruccoli comments: “Each item was chosen on the basis of my feelings about it
or my happy memory of the circumstances of its acquisition. Some of my favorite
manuscripts and books by other authors are Fitzgerald-related: it all started with him.” The
twenty-two collections have been arranged alphabetically, two in each display case, with
room for only a few high-spots from each collection:
Case 1: The Armed Services Editions; Stanley Burnshaw
Case 2: C. E. Frazer Clark; Robert Coover.
Case 3: James Dickey; Irvin Faust.
Case 4: George Garrett; Joe Gores.
Case 5: George Greenfield; William Haggard.
Case 6: Joseph Heller; George Higgins.
Case 7: John Iggulden; John Jakes.
Case 8: William Jovanovich; Mitchell Kennerley.
Case 9: Ed Lacy; Wallace Markfield.
Case 10: Gerald Petievich; George Plimpton.
Case 11: Budd Schulberg; George D. Smith.
In longer explanatory notes on each collection, Professor Bruccoli recounts what first led
him to start the collections and the friendships he developed with many of these
authors. These accounts, together with an introductory essay on book-collecting, are
available in the published catalogue mounted here. He has dedicated the catalogue to the
memory of three collaborators: John Cook Wyllie, Curator of Rare Books, Alderman
Library, the University of Virginia; C. E. Frazer Clark, Jr., founding partner of Bruccoli Clark;
and George D. Terry, Vice-Provost & Dean of Libraries at the University of South Carolina.