ICTR CAP Clinical & Community Outcomes Research Pilot 2016 Application Documents (Please contact Kate Judge if you have any questions: 608.262.7125 or kjudge@wisc.edu) TITLE OF PROJECT PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR INFORMATION NAME (Last, first, middle) Amount Requested $ POSITION/TITLE HOME DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE E-MAIL ADDRESS Office: Cell: GRANT PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS ICTR Membership required Are you an ICTR member or have you applied for membership? No Yes HUMAN SUBJECTS Will you need human subjects approval? No Yes If yes, Exemption number or IRB approval date: ______________ Pending SPECIAL CRITERIA (Please indicate which TWO of the following criteria you have chosen; briefly outline how you will fulfill the criteria for those chosen.) New junior-senior partnership. Please indicate junior PI and senior faculty partner: Marshfield collaboration. Please indicate who you will be collaborating with: Interdisciplinary collaboration. Please indicate which schools/colleges are collaborating: UW-System / UW Extension collaboration. Please indicate which entity/individual you are working with: ICTR-CAP collaboration. Please indicate which CAP program(s) you are working with (new programs added!): Science of Community Engagement as a specific aim: Targeted topic area: Health disparities, Pediatrics, Geriatrics Have all required letters of collaboration/support been included in proposal? No Yes Is this research team a NEW collaboration? No Yes If you answered NO to the question above, were there new members added to the existing research team for this pilot? Key PERSONNEL (UW or Marshfield faculty and staff) Name eRA Commons User Name STAKEHOLDERS (Community collaborators) Name Organization Organization Project/Performance Site: Primary Location Organizational Name: Street: City: County: State: Project/Performance Site: Secondary Location (if applicable) Organizational Name: Street: City: County: State: No Role on Project Role on Project Zip: Zip: Yes n/a ICTR-CAP Clinical & Community Outcomes Research 2016 Pilot Awards Program SCIENTIFIC ABSTRACT Provide a concise description of the proposed research written for scientific audiences. 500 word maximum. Your scientific abstract must include: (1) Scientific rationale; (2) Hypothesis/hypotheses; (3) Research aims and project design; (4) How the project uniquely advances our understanding of the topic; (5) Next steps for this stream of research (including potential funders who have identified your research topic as a health priority). ICTR-CAP Clinical & Community Outcomes Research 2016 Pilot Awards Program COMMUNITY ABSTRACT 500 word maximum. Try not to use any terminology in this abstract but instead tell a story that explains the importance of this research. Your community abstract must include: (1) Magnitude of the health issue in the state;(2) Goal and objectives—explain the knowledge gap that your research addresses; (3) Community collaborators/stakeholders involved in your research including who will be engaged and what role they will play; (4) the potential impact of this stream of research on improving health in Wisconsin and (5) the longer-term policy implications of your research. From Through DETAILED BUDGET FOR 12-MONTH UW ICTR CCOR PILOT PROJECT —DIRECT COSTS ONLY Key Personnel NAME Dollar Amount Requested Role on Project Calendar Academic Summer INST. months months months BASE SALARY SALARY FRINGE TOTAL PI SUBTOTALS $ Collaborator Costs Consultant or Contractual Costs Supplies (itemized by category) Participant Costs Travel (only for travel necessary to conduct of research) Other Expenses TOTAL DIRECT COSTS FOR 12-MONTH PROJECT BUDGET $