September 2013 Minutes

Cougar Athletic Boosters
Minutes of General Membership Meeting
Kettle Run High School
Thursday September 12, 2013
Meeting called to order at 6:55 p.m. Kerry Cornwell presiding and Mary Jo Meding
recording. Motion was made by Marsha and seconded to approve the agenda.
Motion approved.
In Attendance: Paul Frye, Kerry Cornwell, Marsha and Mike Stumpo, Linda Hottle,
Sue Redmond, Franny Jaynes, Mary Jo Meding, Justin & Natalee Matheny, Chris
Dorsey, Kim Martin, Christa Lilek
Secretary’s Report/Approval of Minutes: (Mary Jo Meding) Motion was made by
Kerry and seconded to approve the minutes from the August meeting. Motion
Treasurer’s Report: (Deb Harrover) Absent-Paul reported we have $28,691.72 in
checking, $19,046.05 in savings, #3,436.27 in PayPal and $1600.00 in bank bags. It
was requested that a more detailed report of funds such as outstanding invoices to
be paid and upcoming expenses be distributed, if possible, to determine realistically
how each account is doing. Paul will forward that request to Deb. The Gold Cup
topic was also discussed and Kerry will talk with Deb regarding participation. It was
decided that an agreement should be made with the Gold Cup organization that an
amount of $500 and $1000 be received for the Fall & Spring Race respectively.
Athletic Director Report: (Paul Frye) Paul reported there is a month long break for
home football games. Next home game is Homecoming, October 4th. Varsity
Volleyball came in 1st place for an Invitational Tournament in Charlottesville.
President’s Report: (Kerry Cornwell) Kerry reported Fauquier Youth Football did not
renew their stadium sign membership, however, Dr. Finkel, local Warrenton
Dermatologist, joined on along with Gainesville Family Practice. Kerry requested
that the weekly blast for volunteers be revised to list only home games where
volunteers are needed to be less confusing to the recipients and remove Spirit Wear
help requests. We will also begin the 50/50 raffles at the Homecoming game on
October 4th.
Vice President’s Report: (Marsha Stumpo) Marsha discussed the Senior Capstone
Fundraiser instituted by a History teacher, Chad Wright. They are asking for 5 pieces
of Spirit Wear to be donated for a corn hole contest to be held after the Pep Rally on
Friday, before the Homecoming football game. Motion was made by Kerry and
seconded to approve donation. Motion approved. A request for volunteers for
Homecoming was discussed and we should have sufficient help since this is only the
2nd home game this year. Balloon Arch will be used, footballs and beads to be
ordered, full tank of helium to be used for balloons. Glow-sticks will be distributed
to Booster members displaying their membership cards.
Committee Reports:
Concessions: (Justin Matheny) Justin & Natalee reported there was a good
turnout for help at the 1st home game. A request to purchase a smaller cheese
machine for nachos was discussed and motion was approved. It was agreed to
discontinue the sale of Ring Pops at the concessions. Hot chocolate machine
leak has been fixed.
Fundraising: Sign renewals covered under President’s report.
Membership: (Mike Stumpo) Nothing new to report.
Spirit Wear: (Sue Redmond and Franny Jaynes) Franny reported they will do
an inventory and ensure there is plenty of merchandise on hand for Spirit Week.
It was requested that we have at least one inside sale of Spirit Wear for a Volley
Ball game this year.
Volunteer Coordinator: (Linda Hottle) Volunteer requests covered under
President’s report.
Old Business: Fall Gold Cup & Homecoming was covered under Treasure’s report
and Vice President’s report.
New Business: Kerry announced that the annual Trunk or Treat will be held
Saturday, October 26th and will be discussed at the next Booster meeting.
Adjournment: A motion was made by Marsha and seconded that the meeting be
adjourned. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Announcements: The next meeting will be held Thursday, October 10.