European Exploration and Colonial America (Social Studies Units 1,2)


European Exploration and Colonial America (Social Studies Units 1,2)

1. Reasons for European Exploration; a. Explorers were searching for gold and wealth to bring back to their countries. Gold and wealth meant more power! b. There was a lot of fighting going on in the Middle East, so countries were looking for a new sea route to Asia. Asia had all the good stuff like spices and silk. c. They were looking for new plants and animals to take back to Europe. d. They wanted to establish colonies as trading centers.

2. Hernan Cortez was a Spanish explorer. He defeated the Aztecs in Central America.

3. New Orleans was an early city claimed by France. La Salle was a French Explorer.

4. Pedro Menendez de Avilez (Spanish) established St. Augustine. This was the first permanent

European colony in North America.

5. Most colonies in North America were started for economic and religious reasons.

6. The Spanish explored and controlled the southwest territory of North America.

7. The 13 colonies were found along the Atlantic Coastal Plains. Colonists found rich farm land and wetlands. There was also easy access to water.

8. The Columbian Exchange brought horses to America.


The Plymouth colony was established to gain religious freedom.


William Penn was the founder of the Pennsylvania Colony. Roger Williams founded the Providence colony. Both men believed families in their colonies should have the freedom to practice whatever religion they wanted to.


Anne Hutchinson dared to be different and live and worship as she chose.


William Bradford helped write the Mayflower Compact, he helped build relationships with Indian tribes and the governor of and early English colony.


The British Parliament passed laws that would prevent the colonists from trading with any other countries.


A monarch inherits government power from family


The Virginia House of Burgesses was the first law-making assembly in the English colonies, members were elected and male, it was created in 1619.


The Mayflower Compact was signed on the Mayflower in 1620. This was the first written framework of government established in what is now the United States. This allowed colonists to make laws as needed.


Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams contributed the idea of religious toleration to the American National identity.
