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Biol 3400

Tortora et al – Chap 4

Functional Anatomy of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells

I. Introduction

Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are similar in a number of ways including

Chemically similar – contain macromolecules: Nucleic acids, proteins, lipids and polysaccharides’

Similar metabolic reactions to metabolize food, synthesis proteins and nucleic acids and store energy

Contain a membrane, cytoplasm, DNA and ribosomes

Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells differ in a number of ways (Table 4.2) including

Prokaryotic cells

DNA is usually in the form of a single circular dsDNA chromosome and not enclosed in a membrane

DNA is not associated with histones; other proteins are associated with DNA

They lack membrane bound organelles

Usually divide by binary fission

Eukaryotic cells

DNA is usually in the form of multiple linear dsDNA chromosomes found in a membrane bound nucleus

The DNA is consistently associated with chromosomal proteins called histones and with nonhistone proteins

They may have a number of membrane bound organelles, including endoplasmic reticulum,

Golgi complex, lysosomes, vacuoles, mitochondria and chloroplasts

Cell division usually involves mitosis

Prokaryotic cells: Archaea (member of Archaeal domain = archaeon) and Bacteria (member of Bacterial domain = bacterium)

Prokaryotic cell structures include the following (Fig. 4.6; Note: Underlined structures are found in all prokaryotic cells):

Plasma membrane


Nucleoid region


Cell wall (and periplasmic space)


Pili and Fimbriae


Gas vacuole

Capsule and slime layers



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Tortora et al – Chap 4

Eukaryotic cells: Protozoa, Fungi and Algae

Eukaryotic cell structures include the following (Fig. 4.22; Note: not all cells possess all of these structures at all times):

Plasma membrane

Cell wall

True nucleus - membrane bound nucleus


Membrane bound organelles

 chloroplast

 mitochondrion

 endoplasmic reticulum

 vacuoles

 golgi apparatus

 lysosomes

 peroxisomes



II. Cell Morphology

A. Prokaryotic Cells

Two most common cell shapes

 coccus ( pl.

cocci) e.g.,

 bacillus ( pl.

bacilli) e.g.,

Other shapes include:

 spirillum ( pl . spirilli) e.g.,

Mycelial – e.g., Actinomycetes

Stalked – e.g., Caulobacter, Hypomicrobium


Star shape

Some prokaryotes are variable in shape and lack a single characteristic form = pleomorphic e.g.,

B. Eukaryotic Cells

Highly variable: cell shapes vary in shape from sphere and cylinders to very irregular nerve cells.


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C. Cell Size

Cells come in a variety of sizes & shapes

Size limit is set by the logistics required to carry out metabolism

 The smallest cells are nanobacteria (diameter of 0.05 to 0.2 µm).

 Mycoplasmas = 0.2 µm in diameter

What factors constrain the lower size limit of cells?

 Most bacterial cells are 10 times larger than mycoplasmas (1 to 10 µm in diameter)

Eukaryotic cells are typically 10 times larger than bacteria (10 - 100 µm in diameter).

What factors constrain the upper size limit of cells?

Generally prokaryotic cells are smaller than eukaryotic cells. But there are exceptions. e.g., Epulopiscium fishelsoni size up to 80 x 600 µm

Thiomargarita namibiensis size up to 750 µm in diameter

Nanochlorum eukaryotum

1 to 2 µm in diameter

Generally cells are microscopic. But there are exceptions

Loligo - Atlantic squid has neurons with axon diameters as large as 1.0 mm.

Ostrich egg

III Cell Components

A. Plasma membrane

Every cell is surrounded by a plasma membrane (also known as a cytoplasmic or cell membrane)

Encloses the cytoplasm

This is an important feature distinguishing archaea from bacteria and eukaryotes

Membranes are selectively permeable barriers - Why?

What is the function of the plasma membrane?

Fluid mosaic model (Fig 4.14)

S.J. Singer and G. Nicolson (1972)

Dynamic structure

 bifacial quality – sidedness

5 – 10 nm thick


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1. Membrane components i. Lipids

 backbone or basic fabric

 often as a lipid bilayer ( amphipathic) hydrophobic core hydrophilic exterior surfaces ii. Proteins

 integral (70 to 80 % of the membrane proteins)

 peripheral (20 to 30% of the membrane proteins)

Functions o Transport – import and export o Enzymes o Receptors o Intracellular junctions o Cell to cell recognition o Metabolic processes iii. Carbohydrates

Usually associated with the outer surface of the membrane

2. Differences between bacterial, eukaryotic and archaeal membranes i. Bacterial membranes

Like eukaryotes, most of the membrane lipids are phospholipids

 unlike eukaryotes bacteria lack sterols such cholesterol but contain sterol like compounds called hopanoids. The role of hopanoids is likely similar to steroids – stabilized membranes.

Some bacteria may have extensive in folding of the plasma membrane to increase membrane surface area for the purpose of greater metabolic activity

Glycerol diesters (phospholipids) o Glycerol bonded to phosphate (negatively charged) and two fatty acids o Linkage between fatty acids and glycerol is an ester linkage

Ester linkage





) n




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Environmental conditions affect fatty acid composition of membranes o Fatty acids are generally unbranched and 16 to 18 carbons long e.g., palmitic acid CH






COOH stearic acid - 18 carbons o Fatty acids may be saturated or unsaturated

Membrane composition also varies with species and these differences can be used to identify bacteria

(Fatty acid methyl ester analysis - FAME ). ii. Eukaryotic membranes o generally the same structure as bacterial membranes including phospholipids but differs in the major lipids: phospholipids, sphingolipids and cholesterol. o Microdomains that differ in protein and lipid composition may be found – lipid rafts – span membrane and appear to be involved in a variety of cellular processes (e.g., signal transduction and cell movement)

Sterols o compounds consisting of carbon skeleton of 4 interconnected rings o targets for polyene antibiotics - damage cell membranes o Mycoplasmas acquire sterols from eukaryotic cells iii. Archaeal membranes

 Many are thought to be “Extremophiles”

Membranes are distinctive

Phospholipids are not the main structural components

Have branched chain hydrocarbons attached to glycerol by ether linkages

Glycerol diethers

Ether linkage R-C-O-C-R

Bilayers o glycerol bound to branched hydrocarbons (e.g., phytanyl) by ether linkage o glycerol diethers

Monolayers o diglycerol tetraether o often found in extreme thermophiles

Phosphate, sulfur and sugar containing groups are attached to the third carbon of glycerol resulting in a polar lipids that are the predominant lipids (70 – 93%) in the membrane


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Tortora et al – Chap 4

Nonpolar lipids (squalene derivatives) make up the rest of the membranes

3. The movement of materials across membranes

Review this material on your own – it is largely review from Biol 1010. You should be familiar with the following

Passive Transport

Simple diffusion

Facilitated diffusion o Transporter proteins

Osmosis o Aquaporin o Osmotic pressure

Active Transport o Group translocation

B. Cell walls

1. Bacterial cell walls


Define cell shape

Protection from osmotic shock (turgor pressure) and toxic substances

Point of anchorage for flagella

May contribute to pathogenicity

Most bacteria have cell walls but there are exceptions – e.g., mycoplasmas

Forms a strong, protective layer that is relatively porous, elastic and somewhat stretchable

Gram positive and Gram negative (Fig. 4.13)

Can be differentiated through the Gram stain - an important diagnostic tool.

Gram negative

Gram positive

Gram variable i. Peptidoglycan (murein)

Components a. Polysaccharide

 

1,4 linkages between N-acetylglucosamine (NAG) and N-acetylmuramic acid (NAM) monomers

(Fig 4.12).

Note: N-acetylmuramic acid is found only in Bacteria

Polymers 10 to 65 monomers long


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Tortora et al – Chap 4

...NAM – NAG - NAM - NAG - NAM - NAG... b. Peptide chains

Tetrapeptide chains linked to M residues - composed of unusual amino acids (D- amino acids) – Why?


D-glutamic acid

L-lysine (Gram positive) or diaminopimelic acid (DAP; Gram negative)


There are either peptide interbridges (G-G-G-G-G: Gram positive) or direct peptide linkages (Gram negative) between tetrapeptides

Results in a strong multilayer sheet or sacculus

Autolysins - enzymes used by the bacteria to recycle, reshape or restructure cell wall


Hydrolyes the

1,4 linkages between M and G monomers

Sources of lysozyme

 predators

 tears

 saliva

 chicken egg white

 spheroplast - partial removal of cell wall

 protoplast - complete removal of cell wall


Prevents formation of peptides cross linkages between tetrapeptides

Penicillin binds to transpeptidase

Not effective against bacteria lacking cell walls such as mycoplasmas ii. Gram positive cell wall

Up to 20% of the organism

 peptidoglycan represents 50-90% of this structure

 relatively thick (ca. 40 nm – ranges from 20 to 80 nm)

 a thick peptidoglycan layer is more resistant to desiccation

Polysaccharides such as teichoic acids (e.g., glycerophosphate or ribitol phosphate residues – negatively charged) or teichuronic acids are bonded to the peptidoglycan or plasma membrane lipids

Putative function - bind to cations and regulate movement into and out of the cell

- Prevent extensive cell wall lysis


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 Responsible for cell wall’s antigenicity e.g., Bacilli, Staphylococci, Streptococci iii. Gram negative cell envelope

 more complex than Gram positive cell wall

Cell wall

 thin layer of peptidoglycan (ca. 2 to 7 nm)

1 - 10 % of the cell wall

 lipoproteins instead of teichoic acids

Outer membrane - lipid bilayer

 phospholipids

 proteins - e.g., porins

 lipoproteins – anchored to peptidoglycan

The outer membrane may be linked to the plasma membrane in a number of places

 lipopolysaccharides (LPS)

 composed of i) lipid A, ii) the core polysaccharide and iii) the O polysaccharide side chain.

 main structural component of outer half of outer membrane believed to aid in creating a permeability barrier as well as contributes to negative charge of the cell surface.

Protects pathogenic bacteria from host defenses

The LPS (Lipid A componenet in particular) is frequently toxic to animals and known as endotoxin (i.e., because it is still attached to cell).

O polysaccharide is an antigen that is used to distinguish species of bacteria

The outer membrane is more permeable than the plasma membrane to most small molecules due to the presence of porin proteins

Less permeable than the plasma membrane to hydrophobic and amphipathic molecules - makes cells less susceptible to certain antibiotics.

Keeps periplasmic enzymes from diffusing away.

Periplasmic space (30 - 70 nm wide)

Gel-like in consistency due to abundance of proteins

Import region where number of chemical reactions occur:

 oxidation-reduction reactions

 osmotic regulation

 solute transport

 hydrolysis

 protein secretion


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Tortora et al – Chap 4


Biol 3400

Tortora et al – Chap 4

2. Archaeal cell wall

No peptidoglycan, in particular lacking in N-acetylmuramic acid

May be composed of

Pseudopeptidoglycan – N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetyltalosaminuronic acid linked by

1,3 linkages

Protein or glycoproteins - most common form of cell wall


NOTE: Some Bacteria and Archaea do not have cell walls e.g., mycoplasma


3. Eukaryotic cell wall

Like Bacteria and Archaea, not all eukaryotes have cell walls

Algal cell wall

Polysaccharides are the major components e.g., cellulose

May contain high concentrations of calcium or silicon - diatoms


Many contain chitin - polysaccharide consisting of N-acetylglucosamine monomers.

Composition is used in classification schemes e.g., primitive Chytridiomycetes fungal cell walls lack chitin but contain cellulose


Many protists have a pellicle for support – rigid layer of components beneath the plasma membrane.

Pellicle is composed of protein


C. Layers External to the Cell Wall


Prokaryotes have a variety of layers outside the cell wall


 protection

 ingestion

 dehydration

 loss of nutrients

 attachment

 pathogenicity

Form thick or thin, rigid or flexible layers depending upon composition

Variable composition – glycoproteins and polysaccharides

1. Capsule

Rigid – tight matrix that excludes particles

 protein or polysaccharide

2. Slime layer

 loosely bound layer – easily deformed

3. Extracellular Polymeric Substance (EPS)

 glycocalyx that helps cells bind to surfaces and other cells – formation of biofilm

Glycocalyx – term that collectively refers to both capsule and slime layer

3. Surface layer (S-layer)

 nearly all bacteria and Archaea

 crystalline protein layer

 unknown function – may function as permeability or protective barrier

D. Genetic Information

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) - macromolecule consisting of nucleotide monomers

Backbone = 5'...-Phosphate-Sugar-Phosphate-Sugar -Phosphate-Sugar-…3'

Nucleotide = nucleoside plus phosphate

Nucleoside = deoxyribose + nitogenous base

Purines – adenine & guanine

Biol 3400

Tortora et al – Chap 4


Biol 3400

Tortora et al – Chap 4

Pyrimidines - cytosine & thymine

Review structure of DNA – Chapter 2

1. Bacterial and Archaeal DNA

These organisms do not have a nucleus – the bulk of the genetic material is found in the nucleoid region


 single double stranded DNA molecule in the form of a covalently closed circular chromosome – also known at the genophore

Exceptions: Borrelia burgdorferi and some Streptomyces spp. have a linear chromosome;

Rhodobacter sphaeroides has two circular chromosomes

 usually only one chromosome and it may be present as multiple copies in rapidly growing cells

DNA arranged into supercoiled domains that are stabilized with structural proteins

In some Archaea – DNA is extensively complexed with proteins that closely resemble histone proteins of eukaryotic organisms


 autonomously replicating units that usually contain only a few genes (< 30; 1 – 5% of the size of the chromosome). Most the bacterial and archaeal genomes sequenced contain plasmids

Usually covalently closed circles (CCC) but may be linear

May contain one to many plasmids

Range in size from several kbp to Mbp

Examples of plasmid coded factors (Table 3.3)


R-plasmids - antibiotic resistance genes




Conjugal factors


Metabolic factors - substrate utilization or fixation


Virulence factors - toxin production

2. Eukaryotic DNA

Most possess a nucleus that contains the bulk of the genetic material

Nucleus contains a number of linear chromosomes

Chromosomes composed of DNA complexed with protein


DNA associated with Histones in structural subunits called nucleosomes

Chloroplasts and mitochondria also contain small circular genomes


Biol 3400

Tortora et al – Chap 4

E. Ribosomes

Sites of protein synthesis

Approximately 20 - 25 nm in diameter

Large numbers may be present in cells (>10,000 in bacterial cells and more in eukaryotic cells)

Number varies depending on the level of protein synthesis going on in the cell.


Bacteria and


70 S*



Large subunit

Small subunit

50 S

23S rRNA and 5S rRNA

Large number of proteins

e.g., 34 proteins in E. coli


25 - 28S rRNA and 5.8S rRNA

Large number of proteins

* Svedberg units (S)

Eukaryotic organisms have 70S ribosomes in their mitochondria and chloroplasts

Implications in the endosymbiotic theory

Practical implications of ribosome structural differences

Antibiotic treatment chloramphenicol tetracycline kanamycin erythromycin streptomycin diptheria toxin anisomycin


16S rRNA

Large number of proteins

e.g., 21 proteins in E. coli


18S rRNA

Large number of proteins all bind 70S bacterial ribosomes and disrupt protein synthesis bind 70S archaeal and 80S eukaryotic ribosomes and disrupts protein synthesis


Biol 3400

Tortora et al – Chap 4

F. Cytoskeleton

Prokaryotic Cells

For many years it was thought that prokaryotic cells lacked cytoskeletal elements. Recently homologues have been discovered for all three elements of the eukaryotic cytoskeleton e.g., FtsZ – tubulin homologue; widely observed in Bacteria and Archaea

MreB – actin homologue; Many rod shaped cells

Crescentin – intermediate filament proteins; Caulobacter

Eukaryotic Cells

Have a well developed three dimensional network of fibrous proteins (microtubules, microfilaments and intermediate filaments

Microtubules and microfilaments are very dynamic structures – can be quickly disassembled and assembled elsewhere


 Support

 Maintenance of cell shape

 Cell movement - e.g., muscle cell contraction, amoeboid movement, cilia

 Cell division (mitosis, cytokinesis and meiosis)

 Cell wall deposition

 Provides spatial organization and movement of organelles and cytosolic enzymes

 Regulation of biochemical activities in the cell – mechanical signaling

Cytoskeleton components a) Microtubules

 thickest cytoskeletal elements - hollow rods - 25 nm

 found in the cytoplasm of all eukaryotes

 composed to  and  tubulin dimers

 readily assembled and disassembled

 grow by addition of subunits to ends

 centrosome - microtubule organizing centre (MOC) important in cell division

 a pair of centioles (9 sets of microtubule triplets) often found in the centrosome region of animal cells. Replicate during cell division. May function in cell division but not necessary as they are generally not found in plant cells.


 compression resisting function

 cell motility (flagella and cilia)

 chromosome movement

 organelles movement

 cell shape


Biol 3400

Tortora et al – Chap 4 b) Microfilaments

 thinnest cytoskeletal element - 7 nm in diameter

 composed of protein called actin

 readily assembled and disassembled


 tension bearing function

 muscle contraction (myosin motors molecules-burn ATP)

 cytoplasmic streaming (myosin motors molecules-burn ATP)

 cell motility (pseudopodia)

 cell division

 cell shape – three dimensional network just inside the plasma membrane c) Intermediate filaments

 8 to 12 nm in diameter

 diverse class composed of different protein subunits including keratins

 more permanent structures not readily assembled and disassembled like microtubules and microfilaments


 tension bearing function

 maintenance of cell and organelle shape e.g. nuclear lamina

 fixing positions of certain organelles

G. Motility

Bacterial and Archaeal Movement

1. Flagellum ( pl.


 one to many flagella

 up to 60 cell lengths/s

Atrichous – no flagella

Monotrichous - single polar flagellum

Amphitrichous - single flagellum at each pole

Lophotrichous - polar tuft of flagella

Peritrichous - multiple flagella disgributed over the entire cell


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Tortora et al – Chap 4

Parts of a prokaryotic flagellum (Fig 4.8) i. filament - whiplike extension that rotates - helical in shape – 15 to 20 µm long composed of flagellin – highly conserved in bacteria ii. curved hook - single protein - connects filament to motor iii. Basal apparatus or motor composed of many proteins (~30) central rod

a series of rings embedded in the cell wall, plasma membrane and outer membrane (Gram negative cells). This structure is around 20 nm in diameter

Mot proteins drive the flagellar motor - energy comes from proton motive force (about 1000




Fli proteins act as a switch

> 40 genes ( fla, fli, flg ) required for synthesis and motility (structural, export of components and timing of synthesis)

2. Gliding

 cells glide along a surface.

Mechanism is unknown but there are several models a) excreted slime adheres to surface pulls cells along - cyanobacteria b) movement of surface proteins - Flavobacterium

3. Gas Vesicles

 confer buoyancy on cells and allow to move up and down in a water column

 composed of two types of protein (97% of the gas vacuole is composed of GvpA (

-sheets). The remainder is made of GvpC (

-helix) that acts like a cross linker between the GvpA molecules

4. Behavioural Responses to Stimuli

In a heterogenous environment prokaryotes are capable of movement ( taxis; pl. taxes ) towards or away from stimuli (light, heat, chemicals and electricity)


 movement towards or away from a chemical stimulus (chemoattractant or chemorepellent).

Respond to temporal gradient

Respond to very low levels of some materials – 10 -8 M for some sugars

Types of Taxes phototaxis - light stimulus scotophobotaxis - entering darkness has a negative effect on a cell geotaxis - gravitational stimuli magnetotaxis - magnetic stimuli aerotaxis – oxygen stimulus


Biol 3400

Tortora et al – Chap 4 osmotaxis – high osmotic strength stimulus

Bacteria lack spatial sensing capabilities- they are too small to sense a gradient along the cell length.

Consequently they respond in a temporal fashion.

1. Periodically sample environment e.g., chemoreceptors – sensory proteins

2. Process information through a signal transduction pathway

3. Control of direction of flagella rotation

Movement is through a series of a) alternating runs (straight line movement- counterclockwise rotation of flagella) and tumbles (reversal of direction of flagella rotation) b) The direction of the next run is random; however, if there is a gradient of a chemical attractant or repellent present, the random movements become biased

If the organisms sense an increase in attractant concentration then this results in longer runs and tumbles are less frequent. This is also the case if the cell senses a decrease in repellant concentration

Eukaryote Movement

Cilia and flagella are the most prominent structures for movement

Cilia (sing. - cilium) and Flagella (singl. - flagellum) are composed of microtubules

 Cilia and flagella are 0.25 µm in diameter

 A plasma membrane encases a core of microtubules arranged in the 9 + 2 pattern (Fig 4.23): and outer ring of 9 evenly spaced doublets around 2 two single microtubules

 radial spokes and cross-linking proteins connect the microtubules;

 dynein arms (named after the protein composing these structures) connect microtubules

 anchored to cell by a basal body - identical in structure to centrioles

 chemical energy required for movement

Comparison of Flagella and Cilia




2 - 20 µm

10 - 200 µm

Number large number


1 to several

Movement back and forth - rowing undulating or snakelike

(sperm cell)

 The eukaryotic flagellum is much different in structure than prokaryotic flagella ( Another difference between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes!)

H. Attachment Structures of Prokaryotes


Biol 3400

Tortora et al – Chap 4

Glycocalyx – discussed already

Pili and/or Fimbriae

 hair like proteinaceous projections used as attachment structures fimbriae

Slender tubes (3 – 10 nm in diameter) composed of helically arranged protein subunits

 function in attachment and twitching movement

 more numerous than pili pili

 generally longer and thicker than fimbriae but fewer in number

 attachment between mating bacterial cells

 consist of phosphate-carbohydrate-protein (single type of pilin)

F pilus - important structure involved in bacterial mating (conjugation) which is carried exclusively by the donor cell

I. Inclusion bodies of Prokaryotes

Storage of energy or structural compounds

Often form in response to excess or imbalance in nutrients that are available

Usually bounded by a thin non-unit membrane examples

 phosphate – polyphosphate – metachromacit granules

 sulfur

 glycogen or starch

 poly-

-hydroxyalkanoates (e.g., poly-

-hydroxybutyric acid - PHB) are common carbon reserves produced by Bacteria and Archaea e.g., B. thuringienisis

YPD mediium – very rich medium – PHB

NA medium – spore formation

J. Spores


• reproduction

• dispersal - fungi and some actinomycetes produces spores that are readily dispersed

• survival under adverse conditions


Biol 3400

Tortora et al – Chap 4

1. Bacterial endospore

Differentiated cells

Formed within the cell – refractile body

Dormant structures that are highly resistant to heat, desiccation, UV irradiation, chemical disinfectant – Not a reproductive structure

Found commonly in soil

Contains little water

Complex multilayer spore coat contains peptidoglycan and calcium dipicolinate (required for heat reistance) in its core

Endospore producing bacteria - at least 16 genera, including





Desulfotomaculum i) Endospore Structure


 thin delicate proteinaceous covering

Spore coat

 several protein layers

Impermeable and responsible for spores resistance to chemicals


 up to half the spore volume

 peptidoglycan (less cross linked than vegetative cell)

Core or spore wall


Biol 3400

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Spore core

 plasma membrane, cytoplasm, nucleoid

 energy supply


 contains Ca


complexed with dipicolinic acid

10 – 30 % water content of vegetative cells – water moves freely in and out of endospores

 heat resistance of endospore is determined by state and amount of water in core

 pH is one unit lower than vegetative cells

 contains small acid-soluble spore proteins (SASP) which bind DNA and protect it from damage due to UV, heat and desiccation. May also serve as a carbon and energy source during germination

Ca 2+ dipicolinic acid complexes and SASP form a gel in cytoplasm – gel like material excludes water from the endospore protoplasm

Low metabolic activity, no macromolecule synthesis and few or no mRNA molecules

The core also contains DNA repair enzymes that repair the the DNA once the spore germinates ii Sporulation (sporogenesis)

 a very complex inducible process and is controlled by > 200 sporulation specific genes.

 triggered by environmental conditions which are unfavourable for vegetative growth. In Bacillus species

C, N or P limitation.

 a multistage process (seven stages have been described for Bacilli) that can last up to 8 hours or more. Vegetative cell or mother cell becomes compartmentalized forming a spore compartment through invagination of the plasma membrane (sporangium).

Endospores dormant for many years

If conditions become favourable for vegetative growth then the endospore can rapidly convert back to a vegetative cell.

Three stages i) Activation

 prepares endospore for germination

 reversible process

 treatments like heating conditions endospore to germinate when placed in a nutrient solution ii) Germination

 breaking of an endospore’s dormant state, germinants - such as glucose and certain amino acids may induce gemination

 characterized by

 loss of refractility

 loss of resistance to heat and chemicals

 loss of Ca dipicolinate and cortex components, and degradation of SASPs

 and increased ability to be stained by dyes iii) Outgrowth

 develops into a vegetative cell

 uptake of water



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 macromolecule synthesis

 vegetative growth until encounters environmental triggers again

K. Additional Features of Eukaryotic Cells

Review cell structures and concepts including

Endomembrane system and all of its components



Endosymbiotic theory – eukaryotic cells arose from larger cells engulfing smaller cells

Mitochondria and chloroplasts

 contain DNA – closed covalently circular form

 contain their own ribosomes – 70 S

 protein synthesis in these organelles is affected by antibiotics such as streptomycin that also kill or inhibit bacteria

 rRNA sequences of mtDNA and cpDNA are more closely related to bacteria rRNA

