AS Energy Levels & Spectra, Summarised Rutherford’s model of the atom proposed a dense, tiny nucleus at the centre containing all the positive charge and nearly all the mass, surrounded by “orbiting” electrons. But physicists knew that orbiting objects are accelerating, and when you accelerate electrons they give off EM waves and lose energy. If this was happening, they would spiral into the nucleus. But they don’t... Nils Bohr applied quantum theory to the Hydrogen atom and proposed that electrons do not obey classical rules, but that they can only exist with certain discrete energies (“energy levels”). If electrons gain enough energy they can jump up to a higher energy level, and when they drop back down they release energy. Sometimes this is in the form of EM radiation (a photon). Atomic electrons in a gas can gain energy if an electric current is passed through it. Electrons from the cathode are accelerated by th e electric field and collide with the gas atoms. When a free electron collides with a gas atoms what happens depends on how much kinetic energy the electron has. If the incident electron has less KE than the energy gap to the next atomic level, the atomic electron cannot absorb its energy and the electron just bounces off (is “scattered”). If the KE of the incident electron is greater than the gap between energy levels, some of its energy is transferred to the atomic electron which is promoted up one or more levels (into an “excited state”). Later it will drop back down to its lower level, emitting a photon. The incident electron leaves with less KE. If the KE of the incident electron is greater than the negative energy of the atomic electron’s orbit it will be completely knocked off the atom and become free. The atom has been ionised. Any excess energy appears as the KE of the two electrons. We define an ionised electron to have an energy of 0. Because there is an attractive force between the electrons and the nucleus, the energies of all bound states are therefore negative (you have to put energy in to remove the electron from the atom). Energy levels are often measured in eVs (1eV=1.6x10-19J). Negative energies E1 When an electron drops down to a lower energy level it releases the energy as a photon. E2 The frequency of the photon is given by the relation E=hf=E1-E2 (remember c=f too). Electrons can make their way back to the ground state by any combination of level transitions. In a sample of a gas, photons with energies corresponding to all the possible transitions will be seen. In the example on the right, there are six frequencies of photon emitted from the sample, corresponding to the six possible transitions between the four levels. This explains the line emission spectra we see when gases are excited. The narrow lines are produced by de-exciting atomic electrons and have frequencies corresponding to the energy gaps between levels. Many allowed transitions produce photons outside the visible part of the spectrum (UV and IR). The characteristic spectra of elements give us a way of identifying which are present in a sample (Helium was discovered by looking at the spectrum of sunlight). Another way for an atomic electron to be excited to a higher energy level is through absorbing a photon. In this case the photon energy must exactly correspond to the difference between the two energy levels to be absorbed. Shining white light through a sample of cold gas gives rise to absorption spectra, where black lines appear in the continuum at particular frequencies corresponding to electrons being promoted to higher energy levels. These should exactly match lines seen in the emission spectrum. The emission spectrum for a substance usually shows more lines than the absorption spectrum because absorption tends to promote electrons from the ground state, while emission can involve transitions between any pair of states. Fluorescence is the emission of visible light by a substance when it has absorbed ultraviolet radiation. It is used in fluorescent tube lamps, which are 8 times more efficient than incandescent lamps. The tube contains mercury vapour which is excited (through collisions and ionisation) by passing a current through it. The mercury atoms de-excite, emitting much energy as UV photons (plus other frequencies) The UV photons are absorbed by the fluorescent coating on the inside of the tube, exciting the atoms The coating atoms de-excite through more than one transition, emitting visible photons. UV photon absorbed visible photon emitted