UT Standards Academy Lesson Plan Template:
TITLE – With Grade Level and Topic
Cell Book
7 th Grade Integrated Science
Standard 3: Objective 1:b,c
Summary – 3- 4 sentences
This main lesson will help students learn the main parts of both plant and animal cells. Students will be able to distinguish between plant and animal cells based on their unique cell organelles.
Extension Activity: is a Facebook adapted activity entitled CellBook. Students become an expert on their organelle and become “cell friends” with other Organelles in the class. They must teach each other about themselves by filling out their “profile” and exchanging “Cellfie stickers” with each other. Finally they must “tag” their friends in a
Summative Assessment by labeling the parts of both an Animal and a Plant cell.
This can take 1-3 periods as deemed useful.
Science Curriculum Standard Tie
– Disciplinary Core Idea (K-12 Framework)
LS1.A Structure and Function
ILO – Science and Engineering Practice (K-12 Framework)
Developing and Using Models
Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information
Cross Cutting Concepts (K-12 Framework)
Structure and Function
Systems and Models
Math and/or ELA Curriculum Tie
Multiple learning activities: ie visual computer activities, face to face communication skills. Hands on creating.
Time Frame: Number of Class Periods
– Number of Minutes
1 class period 45 minutes for Introduction of Organelles.
2 additional classes for CellBook Extension Activity
Group Size
Technology Tools Utilized
Quizlet, Learn.genetics.com, Teacher tools Jeopardy Review
Cellbook created by Sheila Johnston
Desktop Publishing by Claudia Daniels
Key Words
Cell Organelles, quizzes, formative assessments
Materials – Quantity and Vendor if necessary
Extension Activity CellBook is attached for use to freely copy as needed for students.
It has been written to use Avery address labels that can be printed. Students are given a sheet of their assigned Organelle to share with classmates. A cheaper option is to photocopy the sticker page and cut out the organelles to be shared. They can be glued on the students Cellbook Worksheet with glue sticks
Background for Teachers
– Website Links or Specific Content http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/cells/insideacell/ http://quizlet.com/19788189/organelle-quiz-flash-cards/ goo.gl/y2Cz49
Teacher tools for Jeopardy Cell Organelle Review game https://www.superteachertools.net/jeopardyx/jeopardy-reviewgame.php?gamefile=1389305924#.U12FxFcdrZk
See EXTENSIONS FOR Attached CellBook Document File.
Teachers should have a working knowledge of the Cooperative teaching technique of
Student Prior Knowledge
All living things are made of Cells.
Teacher Preparation/Instructions
Performance Task:
Day One
Activity One:
Direct Students to the website: http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/cells/insideacell/
Have students freely explore the site. They will need to drag their cursor over an area of the cell. They will get a pop up tutorial of the various parts of the cell.
Emphasize that they should be trying to learn the main organelles of the cell.
Time allotted: 15 minutes.
Activity Two:
Direct students to Quizlet link: http://quizlet.com/19788189/organelle-quiz-flash-cards/
Or use the shortened link below: goo.gl/y2Cz49
Once at Quizlet show how to use the flash cards to review the Organelles of the cell. They should go through independent practice for approximately 10 minutes. Once they feel confident have them select Quiz. This will provide both students and the teacher on which Organelles they feel most confident about. (Allotted time approx. 10 mins.)
Ask students for scores and feedback either written or verbal as a class. Make a list of the main Organelles.
Day Two/Three: Optional
Jigsaw Extension Research Activity (Time is flexible)
Assign or let students choose which Organelle they would like to “Be” Depending on class sizes. Groups may range from 3-4 per group. Listed is 9 Organelles. Each group will fill out the CellBook Profile. The can refer back to the previous websites explored earlier.
Once Students have their profile completed they will be given the “Audio Cue”
Song: Popular from Wicked Sound Track. Students are to mingle amongst their class mates. When the music stops they must pair up. Use a DIGITAL timer set at 60 seconds. They must each take turns reading their profile to each other and then exchange “Celfies’) When time is up cue music again. Continue until everyone has found 8 other cell organelles.
Day Three: Summative Assessment
Give students their CellBook Cell Model page. Students must correctly label or “Tag” their friends. As the teacher you can use this as Quiz for point or final test and adapt it to your classroom. It has been piloted several times and was extremely popular! (pun-intended)
Instructional P
Strategies for Diverse Learners
The CellBook Activity and the Cell Model are both excellent learning activities for
Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic and Verbal learners.
CellBook Activity See Attached Document File
Construct either an Animal or Plant Cell using ordinary household items.
Students must include at least 5 Organelles and make an analogy between the item they choose to represent the organelle and its function in the cell.
Students can take pictures of their model and submit it digitally to their teacher. (Dropbox, Canvas, email etc.)
CellBook-1-Front Pages.pdf
CellBook-2-Back Page.pdf
Assessment Plan
Pre-Assessment: Learn.genetics Cell Tutorial
Formative: Quizlet
Summative: CellBook and Make a Cell Model
Assessment Rubric – Optional
Student has a complete CellBook Page with 8 other Organelles selfie stickers.
Student has completed and labeled all parts of a plant and animal cell correctly.
Cell Model: Construct either an Animal or Plant Cell using ordinary household items. Students must include at least 5 Organelles and make an analogy between the item they choose to represent the organelle and it’s function in the cell. Students can take pictures of their model and submit it digitally to their teacher. (Dropbox, Canvas, email etc.)
Orally explain their model and why they chose their objects that represent the Organelles in their cell.