
Chapter 1
What is the Classic workspace?
The Classic workspace provides all the tools a beginning Web designer needs, and omits features for
advanced designers and programmers.
What if a message is displayed regarding default file types?
If a message is displayed, click the Close button.
What is the fastest way to open and close panels?
The fastest way to open and close panels in Dreamweaver is to use the F4 key, which opens or closes all
panels and inspectors at one time.
Can the location of the Standard toolbar change?
Yes. Previous settings determine the location of the Standard toolbar. It might be displayed below the
Document toolbar or in another location in the Dreamweaver window.
Should the name that appears in the Site Name text box be Unnamed Site 2?
Not necessarily. Your site number may be different.
What is the difference between the Local folder and the Remote folder?
The Local folder contains information about a Web site that you create on your computer, which is the way
you develop a site. The Remote folder contains information about settings on a remote computer, such as
a Web server, which is where you publish a site.
Is the site name necessary?
This name is required, but it is for reference only. It is not part of the path and is not visible to viewers of
your site.
On what drive should I store the Web site files?
Because most Web sites require many files, you should create the projects using a hard drive or removable
drive with plenty of space — not the floppy drive (A:), if you have one. Steps in this chapter assume you
are creating the local site on a USB drive. Check with your instructor to verify the location and path you will
use to create and save your local Web site. Other options may include a CD-RW disc or a network drive.
What if my USB flash drive has a different name or letter?
It is very likely that your USB flash drive will have a different name and drive letter from the one shown in
Figure 1–16 and be connected to a different port. Verify that the device displayed in the Select text box is
Why should I create a folder on the drive for my Web site?
Organizing your Web site folders now will save you time and prevent problems later. Create a main folder
such as edwardsd for the sites in this book. (Substitute your last name and first initial for “edwardsd.”)
Create a subfolder in that main folder for the Montana Parks Web site. Finally, create a subfolder in the
Montana Parks Web site folder for images.
Which files will I store in the parks folder?
The parks folder will contain all the files for the Montana Parks Web site. In other words, the parks folder
is the local root folder for the Montana Parks Web site.
Am I finished defining the new Web site?
Not yet. Nearly every Web site displays graphics, photos, and other images, and you need to create a
subfolder for these images.
What do the icons in the Files panel mean?
A small device icon or folder icon is displayed next to each object listed in the Files panel. The device icon
represents a device such as the Desktop or a disk drive, and the folder icon represents a folder. Many of
these icons have a plus or minus sign next to them, which indicates whether the device or folder contains
additional folders. The plus and minus signs are controls that you can click to expand or collapse the view
of the file hierarchy. In the Files panel, the site folders and files appear in a different color than non-site
folders and files so that you easily can distinguish between the two.
What else does the Local Files list in the Files panel display?
The Local Files list displays a site, including local, remote, and testing server files associated with a
selected site. In this chapter, you view only the local site.
What if my data files are located on a different drive or folder?
In Figure 1–22, the location is Removable Disk (H:), a USB drive. Most likely your data files are stored in a
different location. Your data files also could be stored in a folder with a name other than “data_files.”
My context menu contains different commands. Is that a problem?
No. A file’s context menu often changes depending on the programs on your computer. The Copy
command, however, always appears on this menu.
What should I do if rulers are not displayed in my Document window?
Skip Steps 1 and 2 and start with Step 3 to change the default file name extension.
How can I display the rulers again later?
Perform Steps 1 and 2 again: click View on the Application bar, point to Rulers, and then click Show.
What if the Preferences dialog box displays a category of options different from the one shown in Figure
The Preferences dialog box displays the last category of options used on your computer. You’ll select the
category for changing the default extension in the next step.
Why is the file name specified in all lowercase characters?
Some Web servers are case sensitive, which means that they consider a file named “index” different from
one named “Index.” It’s common practice among Web designers to use only lowercase characters for the
names of all Web site files, including documents and images.
Why should I use a background image on my Web pages?
Background images add texture and visual interest to your Web pages.
How do I know the document is saved?
When the document is saved, the Save button on the Standard toolbar is dimmed.
What should I do if I make a typing error?
Press the BACKSPACE key to delete text you typed, or select the text and then press the DELETE key. Correct
your typing mistakes the way you would in a word-processing program.
Why does my text wrap at different locations from those shown in Figure 1–42?
Where your text wraps depends on whether your Dreamweaver window is maximized, the screen
resolution (which is 1024 x 768 in the figures in this book), and whether your computer has a standard or
wide-screen monitor.
When do I add bullets to the list?
You will add bullets when you format the text in the next section of this chapter.
How do I start a list with a different number or letter?
In the Document window, click the list item you want to change, click the Format menu, point to List, and
then click Properties. In the List Properties dialog box, select the options you want to define.
What other types of formatting can I apply to text?
To select fonts, apply underlining, colors, and other attributes to text, you can use the commands and
submenus on the Format menu. Chapter 5 also explains how to use CSS to format text.
What does the information in the Check Spelling dialog box mean?
The Dreamweaver Check Spelling dialog box displays the word cultral in the ‘Word not found in dictionary’
text box. Suggestions for the correct spelling are displayed in the Suggestions list.
Does Dreamweaver contain a dictionary with American/British spelling options?
Yes. Dreamweaver contains 15 different spelling option dictionaries, including English (British) and English
(Canadian). Access the dictionaries by clicking the Preferences command on the Edit menu, selecting the
General category, and then clicking the Spelling dictionary pop-up menu arrow.
What is the primary browser?
The primary browser was selected when Dreamweaver was installed on your computer. In this book, the
primary browser is Internet Explorer. The browser name, IExplore, was selected automatically during the
Dreamweaver installation. The browser name on your computer may be different.
What should I do if the Preview in Browser dialog box already lists Firefox and IExplore?
Skip Steps 2 through 5. Click Firefox in the Preview in Browser dialog box, and then click the Secondary
browser check box. Click IExplore in the Preview in Browser dialog box, and then click the Primary browser
check box. Then click the OK button.
Where can I find the Firefox program file?
Most likely this file is located on Local Drive (C:). Use the following path to locate the file: C:\Program
Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox. The path and file name on your computer may be different.
What does the information in the Add Browser dialog box mean?
The Name text box displays firefox.exe, the name of the Firefox program file. The Application text box
displays the path and file name. The path and spelling of Firefox on your computer may be different from
those shown in Figure 1–64.