Mr. Merenda’s General Science Class Don’t be these students! Requirements & Expectations Notebook: Students are required to keep a 3-ring binder or similar organizer for this class. There will be many handouts, completed tests, and completed labs that should be kept to help you prepare for future exams. The binder/notebook should be organized chronologically (by date or chapter) or into 4 sections: 1) Notes 2) Class work handouts / Homework 3) Quizzes / Tests 4) Labs / Projects If you choose to keep a notebook instead of a binder, the notebook must have an accompanying folder inside to store your work/handouts. Notebooks will be graded at least twice each marking period as a quiz grade. The grade will be based on written notes as well as handouts, worksheets, quizzes/tests, and labs. Homework / Class Work: Homework is expected to be done in order to fully understand the material Must be completed neatly and legibly and handed in on time Will be checked at the beginning of each class Credit will be given based on quality of answers and effort o ✓+ = 100 ✓ = 75 ✓- = 50 If not completed, you earn a 0. See “Make-up / Late Work” for more information. Class work is occasionally collected and graded as well Quizzes / Tests Quizzes will be given periodically to evaluate student progress and understanding. Tests will be given at the completion of each major topic. A review will be done in class prior to tests but studying outside of class will be required to be successful on tests. Once tests are handed back, students will perform “test corrections” on the questions they answered incorrectly/insufficiently. This is an opportunity to earn credit as a homework assignment and to review material not fully understood. Laboratory Activities / Projects Safety guidelines and equipment must be used at all times. Failure to comply with these procedures will result in removal from the lab, possible point reduction, and/or disciplinary action. All formal labs must follow the designated format provided by the AHS Science Department and be completed individually. Failure to do so will result in grade reduction. Labs and projects turned in late will lose 10 points for each day they are late. Projects will be both individual and group-based. Make-Up / Late Work: Students are responsible for obtaining all make-up work (located in the black letter trays at the front of the room). All make-up/late work must be completed within one week unless prior arrangements are made with the teacher. Students absent on the day of a test will be responsible for taking the test the day they return to school (students absent on a test review day will have 1 extra day to prepare). All long-term projects will be due the day of return. Make-up labs or projects must be scheduled with the teacher after school. Plagiarism / Cheating: Plagiarism will not be tolerated. All work must be in your own words and properly cited. Cheating will earn you a zero! If you copy another student’s work, you will earn a zero. If you purposefully give your work to others to copy, you will earn a zero. No make-ups will be given if you are found cheating. Just learn the material yourself and put in the effort Extra Help: I will be available after school every Tuesday from 2-3pm (there is a late bus) as well as 15 minutes after school every day. Please come and see me if you have any questions or concerns about anything – I’m here to help! Don’t wait until after the test to realize you don’t understand something. Get help early and often! Arrangements can also be made to speak with me on other days if necessary. Expectations: Please come to class on time and be prepared. You must be in the room before the bell rings, otherwise you will be marked tardy. o If you are tardy, you will earn an after-school detention with me. Failure to attend the detention will result in an office referral and disciplinary action from an assistant principal. o If you cannot serve a detention because you have to work, you have sports or clubs, you have to watch your little brother or sister, etc., then don’t earn a detention that day. Be good! Passes to the bathroom or nurse will be given out sparingly – after all, we need you in the room for you to be able to learn! Your first and last name, the date, and the class period should be written on every piece of paper you hand in. Assignments do not need to be typed unless I tell you otherwise. You will have multiple days to complete typed assignments, giving you time to access a computer, type the paper, and print it before class. Grading Policy: Homework / Class Work = 20% Quizzes = 25% Tests = 30% Labs / Projects = 25% 100% of final grade Contact Information: Please feel free to contact me with questions at any time regarding assignments, projects, or make-up work. I can also be reached directly through my teacher’s website at Simply click on “Bio” on the left-hand side of the page and scroll down to the “Contact” box. Mr. Merenda (203) 736-5060 Room 208 / Office Hours: Tuesdays, 2-3pm Confirmation: By signing and returning this slip, I acknowledge that I have read and understand all of the grading policies and requirements for this class. I will do my best to meet all of the requirements and adhere to all policies stated above. I agree to work hard and put in my best effort during and outside of class. I understand that if I fail to meet these expectations, my parents/guardians will be contacted and I will face consequences according to the school handbook. Student name (printed) Student signature Date Parent/guardian signature Date