Reception Curriculum Map - Hutton Church of England Primary School

Year 2 Curriculum Map Term 1, 2014-15
French – classroom
New beginnings
Performance poetry
Instructions and commands
Labels and captions
DT – none this term
Number bonds, times tables and basic
number facts
Measurement – length & height (m/cm),
mass (g/kg), capacity (ml/l)
Computing - Understanding
Programme a robot for a specific
Outdoor Learning
Plants, planting and the function of
various plant parts (including
growing in the school grounds)
e-safety – acceptable user policy
Super Stars
Leap into life
Note duration and simple rhythm
Mark making (inc. pencil control)
Identifying and naming
the 4 nations of the
UK, and some of their
Recommended website
features, including
Making a timeline of
capital cities,
things relevant to us
Why is our world special?
Year 2 Curriculum Map Term 1, 2014-15
Welcome to year 2! It is lovely to see you all back again after the summer break, and to meet new faces. I know that some of the children were anxious
about the work in year 2, but it is all a progression from where they left off in year 1, and will steadily build throughout the year.
We will spend the first 2 weeks of term going ‘back to basics’ revisiting basic maths skills, pencil control, presenting work and accurate handwriting.
At home please continue to practise;
Maths skills – number recognition, number bonds (e.g. pairs of numbers that add up to 10), 2, 10 and 5 times tables
Handwriting – correct letter formation is crucial, especially now that we are going to be joining our letters. Please practise letters as necessary.
Reading – please continue to listen to your child read every day, and support them to complete at least one reading log entry every week.
Phonics – although we are moving on to learn phase 6 of Letters and Sounds, please continue to look at and practise sounds and tricky words learnt in
previous phases. We will be sending home more phase 6 information as the term goes on.
Dates for your diary;
Wednesday 10th September – curriculum meeting, 3.30pm
Monday 6th October – Parents in class, 2.45pm
Tuesday 21st & Wednesday 22nd October – Parent’s evening
Thursday 23rd & Friday 24th October – Inset Days, school closed to pupils.
If you would like any more information, or help on ways to help your child at home please do feel free to ask us.
Many Thanks,
Mrs Smith & Mrs Lovely