Newsletter 3rd July 2015

Gateway Newsletter – 3rd July 2015
Dear Parents and Carers,
It has been quite a week at Gateway! The children were excellent competitors at our sport’s
day on Wednesday and even though we had chosen the hottest day on record they all
competed and enjoyed the events. The ice lollies afterwards definitely will be memorable for
As you will all have read Gateway received it‘s Ofsted report following our fourth monitoring
visit in June. This was a successful visit and outcome with the removal of Special measures
and Gateway receiving a ‘Good’ grading. The whole staff team would like to thank you for your
support and congratulatory messages.
Just a reminder that tomorrow is our GSA Summer fair so please come along and show your
support. This is our main fundraising event of the year and we are hoping for a great day! It
starts at 12noon and there are lots of fabulous activities, stalls and events planned.
Best wishes
Sharon Mullins
**Stars of the week – Sophie Walters, Djorel Skeete, Katie Betts, Connor O’Brien,
Dariece Skeete, Zac Jewell, Luke Cameron, Lewis Light, Maisie Howe, Jasmine Hylla,
Joshua Williams, Eloise Thursby-Attwood, Bradley Cutler, Mackenzie Gillis, Malik
Khazir, Isabel Norris and Tia Collett
Olympic Value Awards this week go to: Issy Thomson, Alycia Ellis, George Bielby,
Isabella Phair, Ronnie Stones and Alex Bolton
**This week’s raffle ticket tea party children were Brandon Keenan and Duncan
Well done!
** WHOLE SCHOOL ATTENDANCE for week ending 3rd July – 94%
Classes with the highest attendance are: FS/KS1 – Ducklings, KS2 – Owls
Coffee mornings
Mrs Chesher will be running our final parent’s coffee morning of the year in Doves classroom
on the following date:- Monday 6th July **Change of date**
Come along for a tea/coffee and a chat. Creche toys will be available to keep little people
entertained 
GSA News - Your PTA
Non Uniform Day
This will be held the day before the Summer Fete and for all children who donate £1 they will
receive a prize ticket which they can then trade in at the Summer Fete
Summer Fete - Saturday 4th July 12-3pm
We are hoping this will be our best ever yet with a tombola, raffle, games and a bbq.
Tickets for the raffle will go on sale prior to the fete in the playground and we hope to have
some fabulous prizes. There will also be a table top sale and external vendors on the day so if
you or anyone you know would be interested in a table please contact Michelle on
07738534104 or
Also tombola donations are needed, please leave any donations you are able to make in the
box in reception.
As there isn’t long to go and an event like this takes a huge amount of effort we are also asking
for your help. If you feel you can offer any of your time either on the run up to the event or on
the actual day please contact Michelle on 07738534104 or
Events like this aren’t possible without volunteers to help run the event. We never say no to an
extra helping hand so even if you can only spare an hour please do.
We love to see as many children and parents at these events as possible!
Please note the Committee is not a closed group, anyone interested in joining the team is very
welcome and if you'd like to be involved with events but don't want a full Committee role do let
us know - the more the merrier. Regular updates on forthcoming events, funds raised and what
the money has been used for will be on the GSA page on the school website.
Diary Dates
GSA Summer fair – Saturday 4th July
Y6 production of Joseph – 7th July 6pm and 8th July 1:45pm *Change of date*
Y6 party – 8th July Time to be confirmed
Y6 transition day to Burford – 9th and 10th July
Reports out to parents and new class lists – 10th July
Staff leaving assembly – 13th July 2pm
Come along to say goodbye to our teachers who are leaving Gateway
Reports out to parents and new class lists – 10th July
Class transition morning – 14th July
Year 6 pupil’s leaving Assembly – afternoon 16th July *Change of date*
End of term 6 – 17th July 1:30pm