Leaders Today Need to Be Aware Of Many Different Techniques And Values To Be Able To Lead
Tienesha Grier
Ashford University
Leadership & Ethics in a changing World
Cardra Burns
April 6, 2013
Being an effective leader in today’s changing world consist of many needed
qualities to succeed successfully in leading others. A leader needs to be aware of
different leadership styles, abilities and understanding of other individual needs
without taking a fence emotionally to individuals and their actions. An effective
leader will pay close attention to organizational culture, and keeping in mind that
everyone is different. Important leadership concepts sets off leadership qualities
the leader set the pace, communication is vital and understanding everyone is
important. Culture and ethics set the tone within an organization. Team
development with structure and understanding leads to a great workspace
Because employees learn about values from watching their leader, values-based
leadership generate a high level of trust and respect from employees. Every
individual brings a set of personal beliefs, values, personality characteristics, and
behavior traits to the job, leaders who use and enforce ethical values, moral
principles, and guidance have better workspace environments (Richard Draft,
2011). You obviously can’t monitor everything, but nothing should keep you
from knowing in detail the processes on which your company runs—not
supervising everything but understanding at a detailed level what is going
on. Otherwise, you are hostage to people who will play politics. You've got
to practice what you preach when it comes to openness and accessibility
(Herminal Ibarra & Otilia Obodaro 2009).
Before an individual can decide what’s important within leadership, it’s vital
to know what type of leader you need to be to have for an effective business and
employee relationships. Also it depends on what type of business and who you
are supplying before its best to pick a style that’s best fit for the job. Sometimes
we have to alter our styles to fit the business. Transactional leadership is a
transaction or exchange process between leaders and followers. The transactional
leader recognizes follower’s needs and desires and then clarifies how those needs
and desires will be satisfied in exchange for meeting specified objectives or
performing certain duties. Transformational leadership is characterizes by the
ability to bring about significant change. Transformational leaders have the ability
to lead changes in the organizations vision, strategy, and culture as well as
promote innovation in products and technologies.
Developing leadership capacity goes beyond learning the skills for organizing,
planning, or controlling others. It also involves something deeper and more subtle
than leadership traits and styles. Leaders should be aware of how their own and
others’ mental models affect thinking and may cause blind spots that limit
understanding and effectiveness. Indeed, in today world of rapid and
discontinuous change, the greatest factor determining the success of leaders and
organizations may be the ability to shift ones mental model and a mental model
consist of theories that people hold about specific systems in the world and their
expected behavior. Leaders should not get trapped by limited assumptions and
perceptual distortions. Learn to regard your assumptions as temporary ideas and
strive to expand your mind-set (Richard Draft, 2011).
In my personal opinion a leader needs to be everything, Leadership qualities will
determine the outcome of the business. Communication, diversity, culture, team
development, leadership traits, all set the tone for the business. The best leaders
use all of the components to combine styles or very their styles, depending on the
situation or problem at hand. By being sensitive to their own and others
emotions, these leaders can recognize what effect they are having on followers
and seamlessly adjust their approach to create a positive result. Leaders need to
find the best approach for influencing others. Leaders should use rational
persuasions; develop allies, and expertise and consideration, for the better of
every business. Leaders need to think independently. Leaders should not let
others do their thinking for them, Leaders should be aware, curious, and keep an
open mind, look at a problem or situation from multiple perspectives before
reaching your conclusions. Challenge reestablished rules and routines if they are
detrimental to the business (Richard Draft, 2011).
Leadership is less about your needs, and more about the organization you are
leading. Leadership styles are not something to be tried on like so many suits, to
see which fits. Rather, they should be adapted to the particular requirements of
the people involved and the particular requirements of the people involved and
the particular challenges facing the organization at hand (Alan Murray, 2013).
There are many different leadership styles and concepts, which are very different,
situational leadership is the characteristics of followers as the important element
of the situation, and consequently, of determining effective leader behavior,
Servant leadership consist of leadership in which the leader transcends selfinterest to serve the needs of others, help others grow, and provide opportunities
for others to gain materially and emotionally. Transactional leadership recognizes
follower’s needs and desires and then clarifies how those needs and desires will
be satisfied in exchange for meting specified objectives or performing certain
duties. Transformational leadership has the ability to lead changes in the
organizations vision, strategy, and culture as well as promote innovation in
products and technologies.
I think that all of these leadership styles are great and each need to be suited for
the business at hand. I myself prefer the Charismatic leaders which have the
ability to inspire and motivate people to do more than they would normally do.
Charismatic leaders have an emotional impact on people because they appeal to
both the heart and the mind. Charismatic leaders galvanize people to actions by
infusing leadership with their own passion for the work, thus tapping into
follower’s emotions as well as their minds. Charismatic leadership refers to
leadership influence based not on position or formal authority but, rather, on the
qualities and charismatic personality of the leader. This style allows leaders to
influence people to change by providing an inspiring vision of the future.
Leadership is not for every individual, and understanding everything, along with
everyone is very important.
Many leaders are caught in the transition between the practices and principles
that defined the industrial era and the new reality of the twenty-first century.
Attempts to achieve collaboration, empowerment, and diversity in organizations
may fail because the beliefs and thought process of leaders as well as employees
who are stuck in old paradigm that values control, stability, and homogeneity.
Some leaders, on the other hand, seem to have pushed individual empowerment
and autonomy too far, giving employees greater freedom without maintaining
appropriate controls and instilling organizational values of teamwork, integrity,
and responsibility. The difficult transition between the old and the new partly
explains the current crisis in organizational leadership. It’s difficult for many
leaders to let go of methods and practices that have made them and their
organizations successful in the past (Richard Draft, 2011).
As a leader today one should respond to the 21st century reality of change and
crisis, empowerment, collaboration, diversity, and the importance of higherpurpose. Move from hero to humble by channeling your ambition toward
achieving positive organizational goals rather than feeding your own ego. Leaders
should encourage employees to expand their minds and abilities and assume
responsibility for their own actions. Leadership truly depends on who you are
rather than on ones position or title, so it’s important to be adaptive in our
changing world. Our world today is very unpredictable and environments of the
21st century, attention has turned to how leaders can create changes within
followers and organization that respond to and keep pace with changes in the
To adapt to a chaotic world, leaders needs to strive to create learning
organizations, in which each person is intimately involved in identifying and
solving problems so the organization can grow and change to meet new
challenges. Rather than directing and controlling others, leaders need to work
with everyone, and create a shared vision and shape the cultural values needed to
attain it. Instead of relying on hierarchical control, leaders should build whole
organization as communities of shared purpose and direction. Every leader need
to keep in mind that their approach may not be the best approach for the
business at hand. Leaders need to figure the best approach for influencing others.
Leaders should use rational persuasion; develop allies, and expertise and
credibility, lead by example.
Always remember that people respond to friendliness and consideration. Do
favors for others that will encourage them to reciprocate, ask for what you want.
Frame your request in a way that captures people’s interest and makes them feel
important (Richard Draft, 2011). Things and times are not as they were back in the
days. Leaders have changed from the primarily working world of men, Many
believe that bias against women lingers in the business world, particularly
when it comes to evaluating their leadership ability ( Herminal Ibarra &
Otilia Obodaro 2009).Again today’s world of leaders need to be aware of
everything and everyone. Culture, diversity, ethics, emotions, leaders who
understand that every individual bring their personal abilities to the
Also every individual is different, they think differently, see and believe
differently, but everyone within the one business all makes the monies for
the business! When people are allowed to grow the business grows and
everyone wins. You've got to practice what you preach when it comes to
openness and accessibility. If people want to check my e-mails, I don't care.
I'm not trying to run the CIA here; I'm trying to run a fun company where
people aren't working for me. The people who do the best at our company
are working for themselves (Sam Calagione, 2013).
I’m a cheerleader, who loves to push others, It’s important that work gets
done at the same time I encourage individuality, I understand that we all
have something to offer and accept what others are capable of. It can be
very difficult to work with others and accept their differences, as the leader
you set the tone for the behavior that is acceptable to everyone. I want an
open door policy with my employees, able to trust and believe in me just as
much as I do them. Great leaders leave a mark, not damage or mark
anyone. In the new paradigm, leaders put people first.
In addition, today’s successful leader value change over stability,
empowerment over control, collaboration over competition, diversity over
uniformity, and integrity over self-interest, as a leader its vital to do this to
maintain an happy working space for everyone (Richard Draft, 2011).
As a leader I plan on developing the skills and traits needed to maintain the
best for everyone, self-confidence, integrity, honesty, and drive are all
important for leading a successful leadership in every organization and
situation. Leaders today need to bring positive, individualized relationships
with each follower rather than treating people as members of an in-group
or an out-group. Leaders of this new 21st century need to forge a unique
constructive partnership with each person to create an equitable work
environment and provide greater benefits to oneself, followers and the
business. Leaders today understand that good commutation empowers and
motivate others for good team development (Richard Draft, 2011).
Understanding that everybody makes the company what it is accepting
difference, along with change allows growth within any business and
Daft, R.L. (2008). The leadership experience (5th ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage.
http://guides. Wsj.com/management/developing-a-leadership-style/how-todevelop-a-leadership-style.