SUMMER 2015 BUSINESS VOCABULARY IN USE ENGLISH SEMESTER 6 Leadership and management styles Based on Business Vocabulary in Use – Intermediate, Bill Mascull YouTube Videos Please use the book and the CD-ROM included for further reference, the rest of the units and the provided exercises. 44 LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT STYLES - VOCABULARY leadership vedení, vůdcovství, vedoucí postavení, schopnost vést subordinate podřízený carry out provést, uskutečnit leadership skill schopnost vést flair talent, nadání charisma charisma, osobní kouzlo visionary vizionář, jasnovidec drive hnací síla, elán, průbojnost dynamism dynamičnost energy energie distant vzdálený, zde: odměřený remote vzdálený, zde: nepřístupný open otevřený approachable přístupný, přívětivý, vlídný, přátelský consensus shoda, souhlas, konsenzus, dohoda imposed vnucený, nařízený top-down approach přístup řízení z nejvyšší úrovně consultation konzultace, porada authoritarian autoritářský initiative iniciativa, podnět empowerment zplnomocnění, postoupení pravomocí decision-making rozhodování decentralize decentralizovat bureaucratic byrokratický delegate delegovat, svěřit (komu co), pověřit delegation delegování, pověření, postoupení, přenesení (př. odpovědnosti) 44 LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT STYLES – TEXT A) Leadership Ken Manners is an expert on leadership and management styles. Can leadership be taught? “Traditionally, the model for leadership in business has been the army. Managers and army officers give orders and their subordinates – people working under them – carry them out in a system of command and control. Managers, like army officers, may be sent on leadership courses to develop their leadership skills. But I think they must have a basic talent for leadership to benefit from this. Some people say that the only real leaders are born leaders.” What makes a great leader? “The greatest leaders have charisma – an attractive quality that makes other people admire them and want to follow them. A charismatic leader like this may be describe as visionary – having the power to see clearly how things are going to develop in the future. (Someone like this is a visionary and is said to have vision.) Leaders are often described as having the following: drive – planned effort to achieve something, dynamism – a lot of ideas and enthusiasm, and energy – the power to be physically and mentally active.” B) Modern management styles How have management styles changed in the last few years? “Before, leaders were distant and remote – not easy to get to know or communicate with. But now managers are more accessible and approachable – easy to meet and to talk to. This is a completely different management style. They want to involve employees in a process of consultation – getting everyone to participate in making decisions that will affect them. This is management by consensus – a situation where most people agree with the decisions taken. The old style was to impose decisions in a top-down approach – forcing people to accept ideas that they did not agree with.” Do you think this trend will continue? “Yes. There are more women managers now. I would say that they are more consensual – more able to build consensus than traditional authoritarian male managers.” C) Empowerment What, exactly, is empowerment? “Encouraging employees to use their own initiative to take decisions on their own without asking managers first. This is empowerment. Decisions-making becomes more decentralized and less bureaucratic – less dependent on managers and management systems. This is often necessary where the number of management levels is reduced. “This is related to the ability of managers to delegate – to give other people responsibility for work rather than doing it all themselves. Of course, with empowerment and delegation, the problem is keeping control of your operations, one of the key issues of modern management style.” 44 LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT STYLES – ACTIVITIES TASK 1: Which expressions in the above text (section A) do the underlined words relate to? There is a KEY after the last exercise. Hint: 1. These qualities = drive, dynamism, energy enabled Margaret Thatcher…. TASK 2: Read the definition of LEADERSHIP from MACMILLANDICTIONARY.COM. You can check the website for more information. TASK 3: Watch the video about differences between leaders and managers. Listen to Seth Godin talking and take notes about the most important issues and examples he mentions. TASK 4: Complete the crosswords with words from the text /sections A, B and C/. The key can be found at the end of this worksheet. KEY TO TASK 1: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. drive, dynamism, energy vision subordinates leadership skills command and control KEY TO TASK 4: Across/ down: 1. decision 2. empower 3. bureaucratic 4. initiative 5. authoritarian 6. consensual 7. making 8. distant 9. approach 10. imposed 11. consult 12. top 13. delegate 14. decentralized 44 REVISION - WHAT DO I REMEMBER? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________