SANDHURST & CROWTHORNE PATIENT FOCUS GROUP MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON THURSDAY 22ND JANUARY 2015 Present: Sylvia Trevis Barbara Denning Michael Blackman Audrey Shephard Christine Stokes Sue Brooks Vera Routledge Krevan Moodley Jennie Ford 16 members of the On-line group Apologies: 1 Roger Halliwell, Sylvia Leppard MINUTES OF LAST MEETING Sylvia will email amended meeting dates for 2015. 2 MATTERS ARISING 2. Self Care Week: Barbara suggested that there was a conflict of interest as our questionnaire was conducted at the same time, perhaps resulting in fewer responses. 3. Feedback of Health Events: Vera had no success with getting a ‘big name’ to attend this event. However, through a contact at Sandhurst School, Sylvia has arranged a cookery demonstration by a chef known to the school caterers. This will be held in the Sandhurst School Dining Hall. 4. Survey from Sub-group: For the On-line members’ benefit, Barbara explained the Sub-group’s set-up. 5. SRA Magazine: The March edition will carry the detailed survey results and A Day in the Life of a Practice Nurse article, the first of an ongoing series. 3 SUB-GROUP TERMS OF REFERENCE & CO-OPTED MEMBERS A draft TOR has been produced which will be discussed at the next Committee meeting. 4 NEWSLETTERS These are published on the practice website. It was agreed to also send copies to the On-line group. 5 SRA RESPONSE TO FLU ADVERT The SRA are not going to publish an apology. It was explained that they had had publishing problems. Sue said that there had been many Facebook comments saying how successful the flu campaign was. 1 6 DISTRICT NURSING – LEG ULCERS Jennie explained as background that it is DN’s responsibility to go out to patients that are housebound, but there is a problem defining “housebound”. Sylvia had had a reply from Jan Glaze, Nurse Practitioner at Bracknell & Ascot Clinical Commissioning Group confirming this problem and that the line has to be drawn somewhere. When the contract comes up for renewal this can be looked at again. In response to a question from an On-line member, Jennie said that at the moment the practice cannot employ their own DNs. Krevan made the point that the DNs themselves do a very good job in the circumstances. 7 RESULTS OF NOVEMBER SURVEY Barbara produced copies of the survey and gave a summary of the results. 667 patients completed the survey, which was less than previously, but it only ran for 1 week rather than 2 or 3 as in the past. The main points were as follows: 70% stated that it was very important or preferable to see their own doctor. Services provided by the practice – most people thought they were excellent or good. Pharmacy – MacPharlane in Owlsmoor had good comments, but Boots in Sandhurst had very negative comments. It was agreed that the Focus Group would write to Boots informing them of the results of the survey. Barbara agreed to draft a letter for circulation to the committee before discussion at the next meeting. The positive comments would also be passed on to MacPharlanes. Comments about the GPs were generally very good. A complete copy of the survey will be given to the practice, and a summary of the results will be published in the SRA magazine. A vote of thanks were given to Barbara and her sub-group for organising this. 8 HEALTH EVENT, APRIL 2015 This has already been covered in item 2 above. 9 PRACTICE NEWS A new system for repeat prescription requests will start at the beginning of March. Patients will also be able to access brief notes of their medical records, and it will be possible to book some routine appointments on-line. The number of available appointments will be drip-fed gradually. There may be some teething problems with this new system, but it was felt to be sensible to introduce these changes at the same time. An On-line member said that the practice is a brilliant one, and wanted thanks passed on to everyone. Concern was expressed about the number of new homes in the area and whether the practice would be over-subscribed, but Krevan said that in the past 8 years the number of patients has stayed the same (21,000) despite the increase in local population. 2 10 AOB a. Sylvia explained that anyone can become a Frimley Park Foundation Trust member, and they hold some interesting talks etc. b. It was thought a good idea to produce a leaflet about the Focus Group to display in the surgeries. c. There is a company called InterCare who will collect in-date unused medications – Sylvia asked for a volunteer to contact Waitrose and Tesco to see if they could provide this service. d. A volunteer driver raised the subject of eg Warfarin patients who need regular blood tests that has to be sent to FPH, and she understands that there is a finger-prick test available which would seem to be more convenient. Krevan said that this may be possible in the future. e. Colleen Pidgeon, on behalf of the Sandhurst Counselling Service, has asked whether it might be possible to use the On-line group members’ contact details. As this is a health matter, it was thought this could be done, and she could contact Barbara to discuss it. Barbara thanked everyone for attending and if anyone was interested in joining the committee, they would be welcome. 11 DATE OF NEXT MEETING Tuesday, 17th March 2015 Future dates: Thursday 21st May Tuesday 21st July Thursday 17th September Tuesday 17th November 3