DRAFT Seattle Public Schools Elementary Math Adoption

Seattle Public Schools Elementary Math Adoption Committee, 2013-2014
Meeting minutes, 12/9/13
Meeting length: 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Location: John Stanford Center, Professional Library
Note taker: Barbara Grant
Order of business:
1) Introduction of new committee members and those that missed the first meeting
- Adam discussed reasons for adding members
2) Go over agenda for the day
- Barbara expressed the need to get through several tasks in the day, including
screening tool confirmation and calibration as well as subcommittee work
3) Screening tool
Confirm vote
- Survey results revealed (28 votes, with all but 2 in the approve range, with
one no)
- Rick Burke spoke to his no vote
- Various committee members requested more information/clarification of
criteria language
Clarify additional criteria (as decided by IMC)
- Adam discussed the additional criteria requested by the IMC concerning
various student populations having ease of access to textual material
- Committee requested that added criteria be removed from ‘differentiation’
criteria and made a separate criteria within ‘ease of implementation’ category
(vote – yes)
Discuss 4 point rubric, including clarification of language to be used to
qualify each score
- Barbara charted out additional/supporting language to be used with 4 pt scale
on the screener tool
- Various committee members offered suggestions for better clarity
- A few committee members suggest being able to assign a decimal score; for
example, 2.5 (vote – no)
Discuss weighted scoring options
- Adam explained the importance of weighting criteria and/or categories
Barbara presented multiple options (vote – 60% for CCSS categories, 40% for
ease of implementation, with cultural responsiveness being a met or didn’t
4) Subcommittee work
- Barbara explained the role/goals of each of the following groups:
Weighting and tabulation (start to design the second screener for round 2)
Communication (develop a community feedback and family communication
Materials (unpack program materials, set up for display)
5) Calibration of screening tool in partner groups
- Adam instructed committee partners/triads to use some sample math
textbooks to calibrate how they will score using the screening tool
- Committee members practiced using the screener
6) Next Steps
- Barbara discussed next steps and addressed additional open questions:
> 1. Is this process budget blind or a cash limit in RFI already implied?
> 2. Do we need to pass on only 1? Can we veto all?
> 3. What is the waivers process?
> 4. How does this tie into middle school curriculum?
> 5. Setting up dedicated machine for display of technology portions on site here and at
schools? Sending links out to committee members for offline access.
> 6. Can we see/use RFI binders?
> 7. Final list of what was submitted and what was received in warehouse.
> 8. Can we get an expert or webinar rep to tell us about what they submitted and how to
assess/organize it?
Some sub-committee work will be done before the next meeting
Next meeting will be Thursday, December 19 in the Professional Library, 8:30
to 3:30.