SANDHURST & OWLSMOOR PATIENT FOCUS GROUP MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 17TH MARCH 2015 Present: Barbara Denning Sylvia Trevis Audrey Shephard Vera Routledge Mike Routledge Christine Stokes Sylvia Leppard Sue Brooks Julia Spencer-Jones Nilesh Kanjaria Jennie Ford Apologies: Mike Blackman, Roger Halliwell, Krevan Moodley, Mike Butcher, Pat Butcher 1. REMEMBERING DAVID BRYANT Barbara expressed everyone’s sadness at David’s death. He was a genuine, kind gentleman who had done a lot for the community, including being a founder member of Sandhurst Care and principal mover for the Focus Group Sub-Group. His memorial service will be held at St Michael’s on 12th April at 2.30 pm. 2. WELCOME TO NEW MEMBERS Mike Routledge was welcomed as a new member, as were Mike and Pat Butcher, who couldn’t attend today’s meeting. 3. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING Approved as being a true record. The AGM minutes were also approved and copies of these will now be sent to all on-line members who attended the last meeting. 4. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES Item 2: The conflict of interest mentioned was due to the Self Care Week questionnaire being conducted at the same time as ours. Barbara confirmed that patients were informed that there were two separate questionnaires. Item 6: Jennie said that there was now much better relationship with Sandhurst District Nurses following a complete change of leadership. It was hoped that this would continue to the benefit of patients needing the service. Item 7: Sylvia asked if there was any outcome. Jennie gave a vote of thanks on behalf of the surgery to the Sub-Group for their hard work on the survey. More on this in a later item. Item 10(b): Ongoing 1 Item 10(c): Sylvia has information about InterCare and it is hoped to use this charity for the collecting of unused (but in date) medications and equipment. 5. SURGERY UPDATE The surgery is going live 1st April with electronic ordering of prescriptions. Patients can state which pharmacy they wish to collect from. Patients can also make appointments on-line and look at a summary of their medical records. This service is not available to under-16s. At the moment there is only 1 appointment per doctor per day available but this will slowly be increased once the system gets going. Full information about this is on the website and on posters in surgery. (A newsletter entry.) 6. HEALTHY EATING EVENT, 22ND APRIL A dentist will now also be attending. All on-line members have been sent a copy of the poster advertising this event and Barbara suggested that a copy goes on the screens in surgery. Sandhurst School will also publicise it in their newsletter on 27th March and 2nd April. Jennie will organise a text message to be sent to patients on 13th April. It was agreed that CucinA would provide beverages with a suggested donation of £1 for tea + cake. Mike offered to make a notice to this effect. Sylvia to check which school entrance to be used. Vera suggested that a couple of 6th formers could be on the door directing attendees. Jennie said that the CCG will pay expenses for this event, ie laminating of posters, refreshments. We still don’t have access to Facebook, so Sylvia offered to email Sarah to see if she can help. 7. FEEDBACK ON MEETING WITH BOOTS PHARMACY Boots HQ had been sent a copy of the questionnaire summary and Sylvia had a meeting with two members from Boots and some Focus Group members. It was a very contradictory meeting. They now have a new permanent Manager and a regular pharmacist. The only action taken in response to the comments was that they have now changed 50% of their staff and done some retraining. With regards to non-availability of prescriptions , they blame their suppliers for this, but it appears that often other pharmacies in the area manage to get supplies. With regards to home deliveries, they said it could be a thing for the future. Sue will ask MacParlanes if they deliver in Sandhurst and Vera will ask Lloyds (Waitrose) and Tesco. Barbara will check with Lloyds in Crowthorne. It may be that the only way to get the message across to Boots is for patients to go elsewhere for their prescriptions if possible. 2 8. SUB-GROUP UPDATE There has been one meeting since the AGM. 3 topics were selected to feed back for the next newsletter: New Appointment etc System Jenny to write Review of Health Event Sylvia to write Boots response or our report. Sylvia to chase .Barbara to write if needed. 9. DISCUSSION RE SRA MAGAZINE AND NEWSLETTERS SRA needs Newsletter and Day in the Life of article by 2nd May. Barbara thanked Sylvia for her excellent PN article – the next one would be Day in the Life of a Receptionist. The next Newsletter will include paragraphs as detailed in 8. 10. FUTURE DATES FOR 2015 Thursday 21st May Tuesday 21st July Thursday 17th September Tuesday 17th November Thursday 21st January 2016 (plus AGM Barbara will book the room. 11. AOB (a) Sue commented that there were many good comments in the survey about the Practice. (b) Sylvia L had dates for 2015 flu clinics – Saturday 26th September, 3rd , 17th and 24th October. These dates will go in the June SRA magazine and practice newsletter. Practice to do this. (c) Sylvia T thanked the practice to paying the affiliation fee to NAPP. (d) Sylvia went to a meeting with Jane Streak about the Nepali community. There was discussion about possible ways of helping this community with translation etc. Mike has a possible contact and will look into the provision of translations. Nilesh confirmed that it would be very useful to try and help with this problem. Sylvia had been to a CCG meeting with Sue where she obtained the information about the InterCare charity. Sylvia had attended an NHS England workshop in Oxford about PPGs in the Thames Valley – notes of the meeting will be circulated in about 4 weeks. 3 There is a new Patient Participation Group (PPG)at Ascot Green Meadows Surgery and Sylvia is meeting with them to share our experience. There is a Health Walk on 21st March at South Hill Park , a seminar at Wokingham town Hall on 9th April on rheumatoid arthritis. Dr Thing will be organising a Family Fitness Fun Day on 16th August. One of the things Sylvia had picked up at one of the meetings was the suggestion of having an “annual plan” which would include health events, speakers, leaflets, website, regular meetings with the practice. This was thought to be a good idea, although we already do most of these. (e) Jennie said that there was a planning application for an extension at Owlsmoor Surgery. (f) Barbara asked if members wanted a speaker at the next meeting. Sylvia would try to arrange a speaker from Brants Bridge. Vera suggested discussing an “annual plan” after the speaker at the next meeting. 12. DATE OF NEXT MEETING 7.00 pm Thursday 21st May. 4