SANDHURST & OWLSMOOR PATIENT FOCUS GROUP MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 21ST OCTOBER 2014 Present: Sylvia Trevis Mike Blackman Sylvia Leppard Barbara Denning Christine Stokes Roger Halliwell Nilesh Kanjaria Jennie Ford Vera Routledge Apologies: Sue Brooks, David Bryant, Audrey Shephard 1. MATTERS ARISING Helen Berger was contacted and she confirmed that Twitter and Facebook are not working. Barbara will contact Keith (on sub-group) to enquire whether he can help with this problem. 2. SELF CARE WEEK 17-22ND NOVEMBER Sylvia is keen to support this as a patient group and there has been a request for help within Bracknell for this Self Care Week. Jennie confirmed that there will be a display from Bracknell in the surgery and there is a Zumba display on the Tuesday evening at the Community Hall. There was discussion about the possibility of combining an “event” with exhibitors on this evening. However, it was eventually decided that our survey, which would be started at this time, would be our contribution to Self Care Week as we had recently held a successful health event in September. 3. FEEDBACK OF HEALTH EVENTS (Sylvia) Our last health event in September was a great success and was rated highly on the feedback returns. Some email addresses and phone numbers were collected which were passed on to Barbara who would contact them and ask if they wish to go on the Virtual Group. Vera suggested a theme of “healthy eating” for next year’s health event to be held in the week 21st-23rd April 2015. After discussion, Vera offered to contact a big name such as Jamie Oliver and she would also look into the possibility of using Sandhurst School (which has kitchens) as the venue. Sylvia attended a Healthy Heart event at Easthampstead Church and a Dementia Health event at Forest Heath Group. She will circulate information about various events in the area to all committee members. 1 4. SURVEY FROM SUB-GROUP (Barbara) It has been decided to produce a newsletter commenting on the main points of concern raised in the last survey. This will include Sylvia’s report on the Health Event and one version will go to the SRA magazine and another will go on the surgery screens, coffee tables and website. The new survey will focus on appointments, services and pharmacies. Barbara presented a draft copy which was approved after a few minor changes. This will be used face-to-face in surgeries and on line and Jennie agreed that it could also go on the surgery website. The survey will not go in the SRA magazine this year as the cost was too high for the poor number of replies last year. Thanks were given the Virtual Group for producing an excellent survey. 5. SRA MAGAZINE (Sylvia) Despite their agreement to do so, the advert for the flu clinics was not published in the SRA Magazine. Jennie will contact Michelle at Owlsmoor and ask the SRA to publish an apology to patients for this omission. Barbara will enquire whether we can have an extra page in the December issue for “A Day in the Life Of…” article, which will be the beginning of a series of articles. The March edition (2nd February deadline) will need to carry an advert for the April Health Event 2015 (date still to be decided-see item 3). 6. AGM It was agreed that the nominations for officers, terms of reference, treasurer’s and chairman’s report would be circulated my email, rather than dealing with this in a meeting Sylvia agreed to send out the papers during November and by 20th . 7. FUTURE MEETING DATES Thursday 22nd January 2015 Tuesday 17th March Thursday 21st May Tuesday 21st July Thursday 17th September Tuesday 17th November + AGM 8. AOB a. Jennie thanked Sue, Vera, Roger and Sylvia for being available for interviews with the Clinical Quality Commission (CQC), inspection team. b. c. d. e. 2 Feedback from the CQC review was that the GPs offered more appointments than the national average and that the nurses are really stretched to their limit. The report will be sent within 6-8 weeks and this will be published on the CQC website and a follow-up action plan devised. Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve: Most of Bracknell and Ascot close after 1.00pm on these days and calls go over to the Out of Hours service. This does not happen at Sandhurst. Jennie asked approval of the Group to one of the surgeries being open with a skeleton staff on one of these days and the other surgery operating similarly on the other. This was agreed. There has been further problems with the District Nurses who will not go out to patients needing ulcer dressings who are able to get out to the hairdressers. Roger expressed extreme concern over the district nursing “service”. This will be put on the January agenda. Buses: The service is causing a problem as there is now only 1 bus per hour between the two surgeries and this has caused problems for patients. Sylvia T asked Sylvia L to provide her with the details and she will take it up with First Direct buses and our MP. 9. NEXT MEETING 7.00 pm Thursday 22nd January 2015 (at Sandhurst Practice) 3