CMCSS School Based Initial Line of Inquiry - FBA

CMCSS School Based Initial Line of Inquiry
Student: Doesn’t like to work
Strengths: Intelligent, helpful, participates in class discussion, likes to read
Define Target Behavior (include baseline): The student openly refuses to complete written assignments 3 or more
times per day for the past several weeks, stating “I’m not doing that” or “ I don’t want to write the paragraph.”
Antecedent Triggers
Environmental Impact
What are the environmental triggers?
What is the immediate impact on the environment when
the behavior occurs?
does not complete work which can increase opportunities for
negative peer interactions.
In response to #1, what did the
AVOID: Work completion
Peer conflict
Placed in a more restrictive
When not permitted to attend
related arts
Difficulty expressing emotions
Recent removal of medication
Disliking the subject matter of
1. What does the adult typically say/do when the
behavior occurs? Continuous prompting to work
2. What do peers typically say/do when the behavior
occurs? Engage with the student in social
3. How is the current classroom activity impacted when
the behavior occurs? Sometimes the activity is
stopped and other times the behavior is ignored and
activity continues
4. What is the student’s reaction to responses above?
Responses from other students feed into this
student's negative choices. Sometimes student will
escalate, going on a tirade, when confronted about
avoiding work.
In response to #2, what did the
GAIN: Attention from peers
AVOID: work completion or activity
In response to #3, what did the
GAIN: attention/control
AVOID: continued instruction
In response to #4, what did the
GAIN: Attention from students and
AVOID: Engaging in the task at hand
What is the function? (Why does this
work for the student? What
reinforces the behavior?) Function
appears to be attention seeking and
control. Refusal to complete written
work gains the teacher's attention.
Excersising control of which
assignments to complete allows the
student to avoid undesired tasks.
Primary Function of Target Behavior: Attention and Control
Behaviors to be Taught: Work completion throughout the day, across subjects
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Prevention Strategies
Teaching Strategies
Reinforcement Strategies
How will the environment be
modified to reduce the probability of
Antecedent Triggers?
Based on the defined function above:
What will the adult say/do to teach the student how to
appropriately ask to have his/her needs met? What will the
adults teach?
How will the student’s replacement
behaviors be reinforced? (consider
Unnecessary peer interactions will be
Use of stress ball, walk with teacher or
5 minute cool down time in guidance
when peer interaction causes anxiety
Student will be counseled about
earning privileges
Teacher will scan point sheet and
incomplete assignments to parents
Work not completed will be graded
the next day without extensions.
Adults will teach the student to organize, prioritize and
make choices about which assignments to work on. They will
also teach asking permission before showing their work to an
adult or neighbor.
Based on the function defined above:
When the student exhibits the Target Behavior, what will
adults say/do to avoid reinforcing the PAYOFF?
The payoff is to avoid written work at school and home.
Teachers will scan work home to parents. If work is not
completed and turned in the next day, he will receive a
maximum of half credit. Teachers will not give continuous
prompts to this student to complete work.
Positive reports home each day that
100% work completion is acheived
Opportunity for reading choice
materials when assignments have
been completed for that class period
Verbal praise/Small tokens when
appropriate choices are made about
work completion
Weekly discussions with a guidance
counselor pertaining to choices,
grades, and peer interaction.
Data on Targeted and Taught Behaviors: (This section is looking at decrease in target behaviors and increase in occurrence of replacement behaviors)
When will data be collected? Daily – A piece will be added to the daily point sheet already being used to document
instances of refusal, class periods when work is completed and monitor the student's access to the reinforcements.
Teachers will maintain a log of positive parental contacts.
Who is responsible? all teachers
Review Date within 3-6 weeks of implementation: