Pre-AP World History Miss McDonald Name: _______________________ Date: _____________ Block: _____ Unit One Review Guide: Early Man and River Valley Civilizations Directions: Be sure to be familiar with the following terms, concepts, ideas, etc. You should be able to provide background information (who, what, when, where), but also state the significance (yeah, so what?) and find connections. Everything is listed in alphabetical order, not by order on test or order in textbook. Advantages of Egypt Agriculture in Egypt Agriculture in Mesopotamia Aleppo and Jericho Ancestor worship Babylonian Empire BCE Carbon dating Catalhoyuk CE Centuries city-state Civil service examinations Comparing Paleolithic Era and Neolithic Era Comparing political structure of River Valleys Comparing religion of River Valleys Crops during the Neolithic era Cuneiform development of agriculture Domestication of plants and animals Dynasty Early Man’s capabilities Effect of agriculture Egypt Egyptian afterlife Egyptian hieroglyphics Fertile Crescent Foraging lifestyle Fossils Geography of river valleys Hammurabi’s code Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro Harappa social classes Hieroglyphics hunting and gathering Hyksos ability to conquer Indus River Valley Indus River Valley central government Indus Valley system of writing Irrigation Location of Egypt Location of Harappa Location of Huang He River Valley Location of Sumer Mandate of Heaven Mesopotamia Mesopotamian afterlife Migration of early man Monarchy mummification natural resources Neolithic Revolution Oracle bones Paleolithic Paleolithic movements Paleolithic vs. Neolithic Prehistory pyramids region of East Asia region of South Asia region of the Indian Subcontinent region of the Middle East Regions Respect for elders Results of agriculture Role of women in agricultural societies Rosetta Stone Sargon of Akkad Silt Stability of river valleys staple crops in agricultural societies Stonehenge Sumer’s contacts with other peoples The Code of Hammurabi The Epic of Gilgamesh Theocracy Tomb Types of crop cultivation Women in Egypt Yellow River Valley Zhou Dynasty Ziggurats