Councillors on this Committee J. Harris (Chair), Mrs. S. Bratchie, Mrs. R. Coles Ms. J. Harrison-Hicks, Mrs. H. Livings (Vice Chair) J. Livings, A. Sargent, Mrs. E. Simmons Dear Committee Member, 2-Jan-14 You are summoned to a meeting of the PLANNING & HIGHWAYS COMMITTEE to be held in the ANZAC ROOM, Community House, Meridian Centre, Peacehaven on TUESDAY, 7 JANUARY, 2014 at 6.30pm Kevin Kingston Town Clerk AGENDA 1. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME There will be a 15 minute period at the start of the meeting members of the public may ask questions or speak on any relevant planning matters. 2. To CONSIDER APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 3. To APPROVE AND SIGN THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF 10 December, 2013 - Enclosed 4. CHAIR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS 5. To RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST FROM COMMITTEE MEMBERS 6. PLANNING APPLICATIONS:- APP. NO. LW/13/0759 LW/13/0794 LW/13/0804 APPLICANT & LOCATION Mr M Everiss 72 Malines Avenue Peacehaven Mr R Oakeley 2 Louvain Gardens Mr B Bishop 167 Arundel Road DESCRIPTION WARD Section 73A Retrospective application for retention of a pigeon loft in the rear garden WEST Erection of a detached chalet bungalow NORTH Extensions to form additional rooms in roof including two dormer windows to rear EAST 7. PLANNING DECISIONS 8. TO CONFIRM DATE OF NEXT MEETING – 28 January, 2014 at 6.30pm