Approved 6/7/12 Minutes of a meeting of the Ceredigion Local

Approved 6/7/12
Minutes of a meeting of the
Ceredigion Local Committee
Held at Waunfawr Hall, Aberystwyth
11th May 2012 at 1.00 p.m
Mr Alvin Jones
Mr Colin Saunders
Mrs Eirlys Davies
Ms Lisa Francis,
Ms Glennis Gratwick, Vice Chair (GG)
Mrs Pat Challis
Dr Gabrielle Heathcote
Mrs Jean Harrison
In Attendance:
Mrs Gwen Clements ~ Assistant Ms Cathryn Brown ~ (DCO) (CB)
Mr Peter Llewellyn, Head of Strategic Partnership, HDHB (PL)
Mrs Margaret Baker, Betsi Cadwaladr CHC (MB)
Mrs Sian Marie James, Vice Chair, HDHB (SMJ)
Mr Ian Bellingham, County Director, HDHB (IB)
Mr Brian Pullen, Ceredigion Locality Ambulance Officer (BP)
Mrs Amanda Reid, CAVO (AR)
Mrs Sue Henderson
Mr Chris Sparrow, Montgomery CHC
Mrs Ann Winfield
Mrs Gwyneth Jones
Mr David Thomson
Cllr Alun Lloyd Jones
Cllr Paul Hinge, Chair
Cllr Gareth Lloyd
Mr Ashley Warlow, Chief Officer (AW) Mr Tony Wales, HDCHC Chair (TW)
Mrs Shirley Oliver
Mr Bill Messer
Members of the public:
None present
Members of the Press:
Anthony Gedge, Cambrian News
Approved 6/7/12
Election of Chair and Vice Chair 2012-2013
Prior to the commencement of business the elections of Chair & Vice
Chair took place; Paul Hinge was nominated as Chair & Glennis Gratwick
as Vice Chair of the Ceredigion Locality Committee.
Chairs Remarks
In the Chair’s absence the Vice Chair extended a warm welcome to all
Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations received
Minutes from the previous meeting
The following corrections were noted and the minutes were approved
as an accurate record:
 3 a) should have read £50,000
 6 a) Several of the listening & engagement events should have
one not several.
Matters Arising from the minutes
Item 3 a) SMJ agreed to provide members with a written report
from Karen Miles, Director of Finance that outlines how the
additional funding from the Welsh Assembly Government would be SMJ
broken down and dispensed.
Item 3 b) Abermard nursing home now provides 7 EMI nursing
Item 3 6 a) Bronglais re-admission rate, IB confirmed that a 10%
rate seemed to be the norm across Wales.
Item 5 g) SMJ circulated a list of Consultant / Doctor posts
currently vacant within Hywel Dda Health Board (HDHB), and
agreed to provide this list regularly for these meetings.
Interviews for the two Consultant Surgeons at Bronglais Hospital
are scheduled for 27/6/12.
The Royal College of Surgeons are visiting HDHB on the 6/6/12,
and it is hoped that they will fully support both posts. The HB have
confirmed they will support the appointed candidates and allow
them to chose a specialist interest area. GH commended the
HDHB in attracting applicants and making the posts attractive.
IB confirmed that a HDHB working group is undertaking a
‘Minimum Staffing Levels Review’. IB to feedback the findings.
Item 6 b) The next joint Service Planning Meeting 15/5/12 would
be dedicated to Mental Health & Learning Disabilities with a
presentation from Karen Howells, Director of Community & Mental
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Health Services & Dr Carl Hooper.
SMJ invited members to attend a joint meeting with the ‘Power of
Discharge Committee’ & Mental Health Act monitoring Committee’
scheduled on 15/5/12 at Carmarthen Leisure Centre.
Item 6 c) PL & SH are to submit a joint press release on non
emergency transport .
The Welsh Ambulance Service Trust (WAST)
Welsh Ambulance Service
a) BP confirmed that a review to identify new dispatch points across
the county had taken place, with the possibility of utilising fire
stations and GP Surgeries as a base for staff. There are no
additional resources so they are considering repositioning
ambulances so they can reach people as soon as possible.
BP had also attended a recent meeting with HDHB to discuss
turnaround figures & how to improve on these. This included a
tour of the new A&E building at Bronglais Hospital.
b) A performance summary report was tabled – no questions were
c) BP informed members about the strategy for provision of emphasis
and how it looks at transporting clinicians to the patient. The right
clinicians can give a high class of treatment. & keep that person at
home. They can be referred to the appropriate pathway.
d) WAST resources will be re-evaluated following the All Wales
1.45 ED entered the room.
Visiting Scrutiny & Monitoring (VS&M) / Public & Patient
Engagement (PPE)
The PPE Officer asked members to consider joining a reading group, to
look at health documents that the CHC receives. She would also like
volunteers to provide presentations to organisations in the area. Training
would be provided to those members.
Members were informed that ‘Meet your Ambulance Service’ meeting in
October had been cancelled.
Hywel Dda Health Board
a) The Five Year Plan ‘Your Health, Your Future’
The listening & engagement period has now come to an end, and the
feedback is being compiled and will be made available.
Professor Marcus Longley and his team have recently published ‘A Case
for Change’, SMJ felt that it reflected the HB focus.
There were some concerns expressed around the status and timing of
this document. Members were encouraged to read the three supporting
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documents that contributed to the summary report as there is concern that
the summary is less representative of otherwise good reviews. Questions
were raised about which was the real body of information on which
decisions will be made and how the different stakeholders and
participants can have confidence in what evidence is used to make
Members were encouraged to attend the presentation on ‘The Case for
Change a review of evidence to be given by Professor Marcus Longley on
14/5/12 in Aberystwyth and to ask these questions.
Members requested that the status, standing & timing of these documents
was made available. It was agreed that AW would be asked to ascertain
this information.
b) Strategic Partnership Update
PL summarised the report provided for the meeting.
c) Tregaron Hospital
The next meeting had been cancelled until the WAG has confirmed the
financial resources schedule.
d) Aberaeron Development
This development is paused until the HDHB Clinical Strategy is
e) Cardigan Hospital
Staffing challenges currently remain the same with establishments for
the wards being depleted by 16% due to long term sickness.
f) Cardigan Stakeholder Project
This development is progressing, with regular meetings, however the
discussions of beds is still an issue. HDHB are developing proposals
for a Lymphoedema service, community
transfusion service, one stop Diabetic clinic & a team of district nursing
re-ablement and ART staff.
A report has been provided by a CHC member attending this meeting
and highlighted concerns such as the future provision of beds.
g) Bronglais Front of House
The reconfiguration of wards is linked to the FOH development. The
Clinical Decision Unit will create 14 additional beds, this will allow
development of Rheidol ward for a Colposcopy suite / Gynaecology
together with short stay surgery beds. This in turn will allow the
of Angharad & Tirion wards to these new areas allowing these wards
be developed into new maternity department. There will be no loss of
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acute beds/day cases places in Bronglais which is 152 currently and
remain at 152 following the FOH development.
h) Bronglais Hospital
Afallon Ward re-opened 8/5/12 following redecoration.
Chief Officers Report
There were no comments received on the report submitted.
Reports from members
A discussion took place regarding the Montgomery unannounced visit to
Bronglais Hospital 14/3/12, (however the full report will be available at the
next meeting). Ceredigions short report only acknowledged problems, but
the member who had made the visit confirmed that there were also
positive things to say about the visit.
IB agreed to provide a breakdown of delays in transfers of care.
Any Other Business
Members were encouraged to attend the forthcoming HDHB board
meeting 24th May 2012, William Davies Hall, Aberystwyth University.
Date of next meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for Friday 6th July 2012 at 1pm at Brondeifi
Hall, Lampeter.
The meeting concluded at 15.15