Lesson 18 Writing Exercise Welcome, dear student, to the writing exercise, test yourself Lesson Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, you should learn how to apply what you have learned in new linguistic contexts. Exercise 1: fill in the blank with the appropriate word from the list 1- Click on each word in the list to know its pronunciation and the translation of its meaning. 2- Click on each sentence to know its pronunciation. 3- Write the answer for each sentence in the blank. 4- Click on to know the correct answer 5- Click on the answer sentence to know its pronunciation and the translation of its meaning. Exercise 2: Arrange the following words to make complete sentences. 1- Click on each word in each line to know its pronunciation and the translation of its meaning. 2- Write your answer in the block that is in each line. 3- Click on to know the correct answer 4- Click on the answer sentence to know its pronunciation and the translation of its meaning. Exercise 3: make complete sentences using the following words. 1- Click on each word in each line to know its pronunciation and the translation of its meaning. 2- Write your answer in the block. 3- Click on to know the correct answer 4- Click on the answer sentence to know its pronunciation and the translation of its meaning. Exercise 4: Arrange the following lines to make a story 1- Click on each sentence to know its pronunciation and the translation of its meaning. 2- Click on icon to know how to answer the question. 3- Choose the correct answer. 4- To know the correct answer, click on the bulb icon. The eighteenth Lesson, with the assistance of Allah, has been completed. Until we meet again in the next lesson