Fall 2015 Semester Exam Schedule

Fall Final Exam 15-16 DO NOT WRITE ON THIS TEST
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. The distance between corresponding points on adjacent waves is the wave’s
a. energy.
b. wavelength.
c. speed.
d. frequency.
2. What is the correct electron configuration for a ground-state atom with 7 electrons?
a. 1s22s22p3
b. 1s22s5
c. 1s22s32p2
d. 1s22s22p23s1
3. The relationship between the mass m of a material, its volume V, and its density D is
a. D = V/m.
c. D = m + v.
b. D = mV.
d. D = m/V.
4. Rutherford’s gold-foil experiment led him to conclude that
a. alpha particles were a poor choice for a bombardment material.
b. a dense region of positive charge existed somewhere in the atom.
c. light was emitted by electrons returning to ground state.
d. Thomson’s plum pudding model of the atom was accurate.
5. A sample of gold has a mass of 96.5 g and a volume of 5.00 cm3. The density of gold is
a. 0.0518 g/cm3.
c. 483 g/cm3.
b. 19.3 g/cm3.
d. 101.5 g/cm3.
6. As the atomic number increases within a group of elements, the atomic radius
a. generally increases.
b. decreases regularly.
c. varies unpredictably.
d. remains generally constant.
7. If a mixture is uniform in composition, it is said to be
a. a compound.
c. chemically bonded.
b. homogeneous.
d. heterogeneous.
8. The SI base units for length and time are
a. meter and second.
b. centimeter and second.
c. centimeter and hour.
d. meter and hour.
9. Noble gases are in Group 18, and are best known because they are
a. unreactive.
c. rare.
b. lanthanides.
d. excellent conductors.
10. lanthanides and actinides
a. entire set of d-block elements
b. Group 1 elements
c. elements of the s and p blocks
d. elements that make up the f block
e. Group 17 elements
11. An atom is
a. the smallest unit of a compound.
b. always made of carbon.
c. the smallest unit of matter that maintains its chemical identity.
d. smaller than an electron.
12. Inorganic chemistry is the study of
a. non-carbon related compounds.
b. mathematical modeling.
c. the identification of the composition of materials.
d. the chemistry of living things.
13. Use VSEPR theory to predict the shape of water H2O.
a. bent
c. linear
b. trigonal pyramidal
d. octahedral
14. In drawing a Lewis structure, the central atom is generally the
a. least electronegative atom.
b. atom with the fewest electrons.
c. atom with the highest atomic number.
d. atom with the greatest mass.
15. Which of the following elements has the lowest electronegativity?
a. Li
b. O
c. C
d. F
16. In a molecule of fluorine, the two shared electrons give each fluorine atom how many electron(s) in the
outer energy level?
a. 32
c. 8
b. 1
d. 2
17. 0.25 g is equivalent to
a. 0.025 kg.
b. 0.025 mg.
18. Main group elements
a. elements of the s and p blocks
b. Group 17 elements
c. elements that make up the f block
d. Group 1 elements
e. entire set of d-block elements
c. 250 mg.
d. 250 kg.
19. How many significant digits should be shown in the product of 1.6 cm and 2.4 cm?
a. 1
c. 2
b. 3
d. 4
20. If a material can be shaped or extended by physical pressure, such as hammering, which property does
the material have?
a. malleability
c. conductivity
b. ductility
d. luster
21. How is the measurement 0.000 065 cm written in scientific notation?
22. What is the correct Lewis structure for hydrogen chloride, HCl?
a. C
b. A
c. D
d. B
23. A statement that can be tested experimentally is a
a. generalization.
c. model.
b. variable.
d. hypothesis.
24. A compound is
a. a pure substance that cannot be broken down into simpler, stable substances.
b. a substance, made of two or more atoms that are chemically bonded, that can be
broken down into simpler, stable substances.
c. any substance, whether it is chemically bonded or not.
d. the smallest unit of matter that maintains its chemical identity.
25. The word atom means
a. charged.
b. energetic.
c. indestructible.
d. indivisible.
26. A measure of the quantity of matter is
a. volume.
b. weight.
c. density.
d. mass.
27. All known chemical elements are organized into groups based on similar chemical properties in the
a. chemical chart.
c. element table.
b. periodic table.
d. None of the above
28. Which of the following elements is a transition metal?
a. iron
b. sodium
c. sulfur
d. calcium
29. Neutral atoms contain equal numbers of
a. protons and neutrons.
b. protons and electrons.
c. protons, electrons, and neutrons.
d. electrons and neutrons.
30. Which one of the following groups contains atoms that, in compounds, have the lowest attraction for
a. Group 1
b. Group 17
c. Group 16
d. Group 2
31. All the alkali metal elements are found on the periodic table in
a. Period 2.
b. Group 2.
c. Group 1.
d. Period 1.
32. What is the atomic number of the element with the noble-gas notation [Kr]5s1?
a. 38
b. 35
c. 37
d. 36
33. The ancient Greek natural philosopher who first proposed the notion of the atom was
a. Aristotle.
b. Plato.
c. Socrates.
d. Democritus.
34. The atomic symbol for beryllium,
a. mass number is 4.
b. atomic number is equal to 9
c. atomic number is 9.
d. atomic number is 4.
, indicates that the
35. Multiple covalent bonds may occur in atoms that contain carbon, nitrogen, or
a. chlorine.
c. hydrogen.
b. helium.
d. oxygen.
36. A photon is emitted from a gaseous atom when an electron moves to its ground state from a(n)
a. less energetic state.
b. excited state.
c. n = 0 state.
d. inner shell.
Which of the following is an extensive property of matter?
a. volume
c. melting point
b. density
d. boiling point
38. When a carbon atom is in its ground state, how many electrons does it have in its outermost shell?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
39. When electromagnetic radiation strikes the surface of a metal, electrons are ejected from the metal’s
surface. This is a description of the
a. photoelectric effect.
b. quantum theory.
c. effects of diffraction.
d. Aufbau principle.
40. Which pair of quantities determines the density of a material?
a. volume and weight
c. volume and mass
b. volume and concentration
d. mass and weight
41. The two most important properties of all matter are
a. being malleable and ductile.
b. the ability to carry an electric current well and to hold electric charge.
c. being brittle and hard.
d. taking up space and having mass.
42. What group of elements satisfies the octet rule without forming compounds?
a. alkali metal
c. halogen
b. alkaline-earth metal
d. noble gas
43. The basic principles of atomic theory were first conceived by
a. Dalton.
b. Rutherford.
c. Bohr.
d. Avogadro.
44. A homogeneous mixture is also called
a. a compound.
b. a solution.
c. a solute.
d. chemically bonded.
45. VSEPR theory is a model for predicting
a. the shape of molecules.
b. lattice energy values.
c. the strength of metallic bonds.
d. ionization energy.
46. Which of the following observations is qualitative?
a. The solid had a mass of 23.4 grams.
b. Salt crystals formed as the liquid evaporated.
c. The pH of a liquid was 5.
d. A chemical reaction was complete in 2.3 seconds.
The average atomic mass of an element is
a. the weighted average of all naturally occurring isotopes of the element.
b. the mass of one isotope of the element.
c. the sum of the number of neutrons and protons in an atom.
d. the same as the atomic number of the element.
48. Which of these measurements has been expressed to three significant figures?
a. 0.052 g
c. 3.065 g
b. 0.202 g
d. 500 g
49. Which of the following elements has the greatest ionization energy?
a. K
b. Bi
c. As
d. Ga
50. The number of significant figures in the measurement 2010 cm is
a. 4.
c. 1.
b. 3.
d. 2.
51. The horizontal rows on the periodic table are called
a. elements.
c. periods.
b. families.
d. actinides.
52. What are shared in a covalent bond?
a. dipoles
b. Lewis structures
c. ions
d. electrons
53. What is the correct noble-gas notation for the electron configuration of an atom of chlorine?
a. [Ar]3s23p4
b. [Ne]3s23p4
c. [Ar]3s23p5
d. [Ne]3s23p5
54. The metalloids are located on the periodic table between
a. alkaline-earth metals and other metals.
b. alkali metals and transition metals.
c. nonmetals and metals.
d. halogens and noble gases.
55. Halogens are
a. elements of the s and p blocks
b. entire set of d-block elements
c. Group 1 elements
d. Group 17 elements
e. elements that make up the f block
56. An atom of potassium has 19 protons and 20 neutrons. Its mass number is
a. 9.
b. 39.
c. 19.
d. 20.
Transition elements
a. elements that make up the f block
b. elements of the s and p blocks
c. Group 17 elements
d. entire set of d-block elements
e. Group 1 elements
58. Which of the following is not a physical change?
a. boiling
c. cutting
b. grinding
d. burning
59. Using a metric ruler with 1 mm divisions, the sides of a rectangular piece of plywood were measured as
3.54 cm and 4.85 cm, which corresponds to an area of 17.1690 cm2. Which of these shows the area
expressed correctly?
a. 17.2 cm2.
c. 17.1 cm2.
b. 17.17 cm .
d. 17.169 cm2.
60. Which of the following observations is quantitative?
a. The liquid turns blue litmus paper red.
b. The liquid tastes bitter.
d. The liquid is cloudy.
61. Compared with nonmetals, the number of valence electrons in metals is generally
a. about the same.
c. greater.
b. smaller.
d. almost triple.
62. The measurement 0.035550 g rounded off to two significant figures would be
c. 0.036 g.
b. 0.35 g.
d. 0.03 g.
63. A horizontal row in the periodic table is called a(n)
a. period.
b. family.
c. octet.
d. group.
64. Which of the following elements have full outer energy levels when they are in the ground state?
a. halogens
b. transition metals
c. alkali metals
d. noble gases
Malleability and ductility are characteristic of substances with
a. covalent bonds.
c. ionic bonds.
b. Lewis structures.
d. metallic bonds.
When 64.4 is divided by 2.00, the correct number of significant figures in the result is
a. 1.
c. 4.
b. 6.
d. 3.
According to VSEPR theory, the structure of the ammonia molecule, NH3, is
a. tetrahedral.
c. trigonal-planar.
b. bent.
d. trigonal-pyramidal.
68. The vertical columns on the periodic table are called
a. elements.
c. groups.
b. rows.
d. periods.
69. Which feature of Dalton’s atomic theory is different from modern atomic theory?
a. Atoms cannot be rearranged in chemical reactions.
b. Atoms combine in whole-number ratios.
c. Atoms cannot be subdivided.
d. Atoms cannot be destroyed.
70. Which of the following orbital notations for phosphorus is correct?
71. The periodic law states that
a. the chemical properties of elements can be grouped according to periodicity.
b. wave patterns repeat at regular intervals.
c. no two electrons with the same spin can be found in the same place in an atom.
d. the physical and chemical properties of the elements are functions of their atomic
The behavior of cathode rays in a glass tube containing gas at low pressure led scientists to conclude
that the rays are composed of
a. negative particles.
b. neutral particles.
c. energy.
d. positive particles.
73. Alkali metals are
a. elements that make up the f block
b. entire set of d-block elements
c. Group 17 elements
d. elements of the s and p blocks
e. Group 1 elements
74. Which of the following is not an example of a molecular formula?
a. H2O
c. O2
b. B
d. NH3
75. The substance whose Lewis structure shows three covalent bonds is
a. H2O.
c. NH3.
b. CCl4.
d. CH2Cl2.
76. Which of these symbols represents a unit of volume?
a. cm
c. mg
b. mL
d. mm
77. To draw a Lewis structure, one must know the
a. bond length of each atom.
b. atomic mass of each atom.
c. ionization energy of each atom.
d. number of valence electrons in each atom.
78. Which of the following elements is most similar in behavior to calcium?
a. sulfur
b. chlorine
c. magnesium
d. sodium
79. Which of the following is not a chemical change?
a. igniting
c. melting
b. burning
d. rusting
80. In metallic bonds, the mobile electrons surrounding the positive ions are called a(n)
a. dipole.
c. electron sea.
b. electron cloud.
d. Lewis structure.
In drawing a Lewis structure, each nonmetal atom except hydrogen should be surrounded by
a. 8 electrons.
c. 2 electrons.
b. 10 electrons.
d. 4 electrons.
The number of valence electrons for Group 2 elements is
b. equal to the period number.
c. 2.
d. 8.
83. Which of the following elements has the greatest atomic radius?
a. Al
b. Si
c. S
d. C
Which of these metric units is used to measure mass?
a. g
c. L
b. m
d. mm
The lowest energy state of an atom is its
a. ground state.
b. highest-occupied energy level.
c. electron configuration.
d. principle quantum number.
86. A state of matter in which a material has no definite shape but has a definite volume is the ____ state.
a. liquid
c. solid
b. gas
d. plasma
87. The electron configuration of nitrogen is 1s2 2s2 2p3. How many more electrons does nitrogen need to
satisfy the octet rule?
a. 8
c. 3
b. 1
d. 5
88. Which of the following is an intensive property of matter?
a. volume
c. density
b. mass
d. amount of energy
89. The electron configuration below represents a ground-state atom of which element?
a. selenium
b. silicon
c. oxygen
d. Sulfur