CFA 2 Study Guide - Millington Middle School

Name ___________________________________________ Date __________________________ Class ______________________
CFA 2 Study Guide
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct information.
1. The early period of human history is called the ____________________________
2. The earliest part of the Stone Age is called the ________________________________.
3. Paleolithic people were nomads, traveling from place to place to find ______________.
4. Paleolithic people adapted to their environment. Those in warm climates wore little
_________________and had little need for _________________. Those in cold climates used
_______________ for shelter. Over time, they learned to create shelter from
5. Paleolithic people discovered ________________, which kept them warm, lit the darkness, and
cooked food.
6. Long periods of extreme cold are called the __________________. During the _____________,
thick sheets of ice covered parts of Europe, Asia, and North America.
7. Paleolithic people developed spoken language and expressed themselves through
________________, which showed daily life and may have had religious meaning.
8. During this time, humans created tools such as spears and hand axes using a _________________
called flint.
9. How did spoken language help the Paleolithic people? ____________________________________.
10. In the beginning of the Neolithic Age, people began to____________________ or
________________ animals.
11. People in different parts of the world began growing crops about the same time. Historians call this
change the ______________________ Revolution.
12. Because farmers needed to stay close to their fields, they built permanent homes in
13. Permanent villages provided people with security and food _________________, which led to a
larger population.
14. Neolithic people continued to create better farming tools made from ________________like
bronze, copper, and tin.
Assigned: 10 /20/15
Due: 10/22/15
Name ___________________________________________ Date __________________________ Class ______________________
CFA 2 Study Guide
Directions: Read and answer the following questions.
15. Why was farming important to the Neolithic people?
16. What effect did irrigation have on the people of Mesopotamia?
17. Why was Mesopotamia called the cradle of civilization?
18. Which system of writing did the Sumerians create? ____________________________ Who was
allowed to learn to use their system of writing _______________________________________?
19. What is the oldest known story? ___________________________Which group of people created
it? _____________
20. Sumerian city-states had three classes. The upper class consisted of ________________________
_____________________.The middle class consisted of ____________________________
__________________________and the lower class consisted of ___________________________.
21. List five Sumerian inventions._____________________________________________________
22. Which numbers did the Sumerians base their number system and calendar on? ______________
23. Who was king of the Akkadians, conquered Sumer, and developed the world’s first empire?
24. Who controlled the Mesopotamia after Sargon and built the city of Babylon on the Euphrates River
and created the first set of laws? ____________________________________________________
25. Which large army was the first to use iron weapons? ___________________________________
26. What was the capital of Assyria? _______________________________________________
27. How was the Assyrian empire structured and controlled?
28. Where was the first library located? ________________________________________
29. Who rebelled and conquered the Assyrians? _____________________________________
30. Who was king of the Chaldeans? ________________________________
31. Which city was the center of the Chaldean Empire? ______________________________
Assigned: 10 /20/15
Due: 10/22/15
Name ___________________________________________ Date __________________________ Class ______________________
CFA 2 Study Guide
32. What were the Hanging Gardens? Who built them? ________________________ Why?
33. What were major occupations of Chaldean society?
34. Why did Chaldean astronomers study the sky?
Assigned: 10 /20/15
Due: 10/22/15