Course Title - Spencer County Schools

Course Title: Medical Terminology I & II-JCTC Dual Credit 2015-2016
Course Description: Medical Terminology provides an overview of the basic techniques of
medical word building. Once these techniques have been developed, they can readily be applied
to acquire an extensive medical vocabulary. Emphasis is on basic anatomical, physiological,
pathology, diagnostic procedures, and pharmacological terms. SUGGESTED: students currently
take or have taken human anatomy. Class schedule is coordinated with Mr. Crockett’s Human
Anatomy class for the units presented.
Instructor’s Name: Dorothy Beaverson, RN, BSN
Phone: 502 477-3255 ext. 2363
Course Web Site Address:
Access Code: RQSPD-7J2JF
Class Format
This class will incorporate a combination of computer based curriculum and classroom
based instruction. Students are expected to sign and follow school guidelines for
computer use guidelines or will forfeit privileges.
Classroom Policies
The goal of the Health Science program is to develop the skills necessary for students to
become productive employees in the future. To help accomplish these goals, the
following rules will be enforced. Violations will be enforced according to SCHS policy.
Students are expected to:
Be present and ready to work.
Take care of personal needs before class.
Listen as others are speaking and stay seated during class.
Respectful of self and others.
Keep work areas clean.
Utilize technical devices appropriately and as instructed
All students are expected to bring the following supplies to class everyday:
 Method of keeping class notes: notebook, tablet or computer-no cell phones for
 Loose leaf paper for assignments
 Ink pens: standard blue or black ink only—points deducted for assignments
turned in with pencil, Sharpie, marker, crayon, highlighter, colored pencil,
 Optional: any electronic device with internet access (Apple or Android device)
Learning Resources:
Textbook: Medical Language: Immerse Yourself 3rd edition. Textbook number will be
assigned to students for use in reading assignments prior to class. Text assignments will
be posted on the classroom website. All students will be responsible for the text and
return the textbook agreement form signed by the student and parent.
Classroom website: We will utilize for class assignments, submission of
homework, online discussions, quizzes, and other supplemental reading/video
assignments. It is the student’s responsibility to access the site daily and be prepared.
Participation online is essential for completing assignments.
Supplemental resources: Handouts, videos, and other materials assigned by the instructor
will be given in-class to enhance the students learning of the healthcare profession
Grading/Homework Policies
SCHS Grading Scale:
A 90 – 100
B 80 – 89
C 70 – 79
D 65 – 69
F 64 and below
Categories: All graded work will be graded according to the following weights for each
category. All in-class and homework assignments are expected to be turned in on time and in the
proper location designated in the classroom. Assignments may be submitted online on the website before midnight on the day due. No email assignments accepted. Late
assignments will not be accepted unless in the case of absence, then they will be due upon
return to school.
Daily work/quizzes grade -25%
 Attendance, class participation, completion of flashbacks /assignments
 Spelling tests- each week will have a spelling test of medical terms for the unit we are
studying or from past units.
 work ethics and teamwork
 homework assignments: consists of weekly medical terminology spelling tests
 online discussion participation according to the guidelines established on
the classroom website
Tests & Projects- 75%
 Includes paper & computer based testing, short and extended response, on-demand
questions, projects, handouts, etc.
 Students missing the day of the exam will be expected to take the exam during the
next class period. The instructor reserves the right to alter a make-up test that is
different from the original in any type of format.
 Students will be informed of test dates at least a week prior to the test day.
 All projects will be given advanced notice and guidelines prior to the beginning of the
Semester Final -25% of overall class grade
 No exemptions to taking the final. Students absent on the day of the final will have an
alternative final given
 Exams will be at each semester: exams will cover content for that entire semester
Plagiarism Policy
Students are expected to complete original work. Using other’s ideas or work without
due credit is plagiarism and will result in a “0” on the assignment and referral to
administration/guidance office
**Grades will be updated weekly on Infinite Campus each Monday. Please email concerns
or questions about assignments or for a conference at any time.
Cell Phone Usage in class:
Upon entering class students will place their cell phones in the provided cell phone dock
on their table. Occasionally, students will be able to utilize their cell phone as a learning
tool; however, during class the cell phone must remain in the provided cell phone dock.
Cell phones that are out at inappropriate times during class without permission will be
placed in the classroom dock (near the teacher desk) for two weeks during class only.
Students will place their phone in the classroom dock at the beginning of class and
retrieve it after the class has been dismissed. When opportunity arises where students
can use their phones in class i.e. pictures, Internet opportunity, etc. their phone will
remain in the classroom dock. This procedure is to ensure that classroom learning is the
top priority and focus for each student and to reduce the amount of social networking in
JCTC Dual Credit:
Juniors and Seniors are eligible to receive three hours college credit for this course
through JCTC. All students will need to submit the JCTC application with the $50.00/
school year application fee by September 4th. Checks are to be made out to JCTC
admissions. Coursework will not be altered for those students not enrolled in the JCTC
credit. Students who are also in the Principles of Health Science course are eligible for
the dual credit with no additional money owed.
Course Schedule
UNIT I- Structure of Medical Language/Human Body
 Common prefixes, suffixes, and root words/combining forms
 Body planes and directions
UNIT II- Integumentary System
 Anatomical vocabulary
 Common diseases of the integumentary system
 Identifying common diagnostic and treatments for treating the integumentary
UNIT III- Skeletal system
 Anatomical vocabulary
 Common diseases of the skeletal system
 Identifying common diagnostic and treatments for treating the skeletal system
UNIT IV- Muscular system
 Anatomical vocabulary
 Common diseases of the muscular system
 Identifying common diagnostic and treatments for treating the muscular system
UNIT V- Gastrointestinal system
 Anatomical vocabulary
 Common diseases of the gastrointestinal system
 Identifying common diagnostic and treatments for treating the gastrointestinal
UNIT VI- Nervous system
 Anatomical vocabulary
 Common diseases of the nervous system
 Identifying common diagnostic and treatments for treating the nervous system
UNIT VII- Psychiatry
 Anatomical vocabulary
 Common diseases of the psychiatry
 Identifying common diagnostic and treatments for treating the psychiatric
UNIT VIII- Respiratory system
 Anatomical vocabulary
 Common diseases of the respiratory system
 Identifying common diagnostic and treatments for treating the respiratory
UNIT IX- Cardiovascular system
 Anatomical vocabulary
 Common diseases of the cardiovascular system
 Identifying common diagnostic and treatments for treating the cardiovascular
UNIT X- Blood & Lymphatic system
 Anatomical vocabulary
 Common diseases of the blood and lymph system
 Identifying common diagnostic and treatments for treating the blood and lymph
UNIT XI- Endocrine system
 Anatomical vocabulary
 Common diseases of the endocrine system
 Identifying common diagnostic and treatments for treating the endocrine system
UNIT XII- Urinary system
 Anatomical vocabulary
 Common diseases of the urinary system
 Identifying common diagnostic and treatments for treating the urinary system
UNIT XIII- Reproductive system (Male)
 Anatomical vocabulary
 Common diseases of the male reproductive system
 Identifying common diagnostic and treatments for treating the male
reproductive system
UNIT XIV Reproductive system (Female)
 Anatomical vocabulary
 Common diseases of the female reproductive system
 Identifying common diagnostic and treatments for treating the female
reproductive system
UNIT XV Ophthalmology & Otolaryngology
 Anatomical vocabulary
 Common diseases of the eye, ear, nose, and throat
 Identifying common diagnostic and treatments for treating the eyes, ears, nose,
and throat