Cambridge AICE Program Letter of Intent

I, __________________________________________________, state my intent in being a Cambridge
(Print Student Name)
Student as described by the criteria below:
1. My overall cumulative GPA will be a 3.0 or higher. My FCAT scores will be an
achievement level of 2 or higher in reading and math at the end of the school
year. If I do not have the minimum requirements my acceptance into the
Cambridge AICE Program will be potentially revoked.
2. I understand that education is a continuous process and that I will be
required to complete assignments throughout the school year and during
school breaks. I will complete summer reading assignments and any other
coursework assigned to me. I understand that failing to complete these
assignments can hurt my grades in classes and therefore lower my overall
3. I will maintain an overall unweighted 3.0 GPA. I understand that if I earn less
than a 3.0 unweighted GPA for any semester I will be placed on academic
probation and will be given one semester to raise m GPA to the minimum. I
will accrue no more than one academic probation.
4. I understand that as a student in the Cambridge AICE Program I will be
required to sit for examinations at the end of my 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade
years. I further realize that some of the examination dates fall in June and
may be beyond the Pasco County School District Calendar and/or may fall
beyond the typical school day. The dates are set by the University of
Cambridge and cannot be changed or modified by Pasco High School.
5. I believe and acknowledge that academic honesty and integrity are essential
to the existence and growth of any academic community. I believe and
acknowledge that without maintaining high standards of honesty, integrity,
and conduct, the reputation of the academic community, i.e.. Pasco High
School and the Cambridge AICE Program, is compromised and society is
poorly served. Therefore, as a student in AICE/IGSCE, I will not cheat or
plagiarize in any way, but will instead uphold and support the program’s
honor system.
I understand the requirements of the PHS Cambridge Program and have full
intentions of meeting all criteria. I also understand that if I do not meet these
criteria I can be dismissed from the University of Cambridge International
Examinations Program at PHS.
Student’s Signature _____________________________________________ Date ____________________
Parent’s Signature ______________________________________________ Date _____________________
Please return letter of intent to:
Ms. Mignon Edwards, PHS,