NORTH MARION HIGH SCHOOL CAMBRIDGE AICE ACADEMY APPLICATION 2015-16 Student Information Legal Name (Please Print): Date of birth: SSN: Phone: Current Mailing Address address: City: State: Student number: Email: ZIP Code: High school zoned to attend: Current School Attending: Previous siblings in AICE or IB: PARENT/GUARDIAN INFORMATION Name : Work or Cell Phone: Email: SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Are you applying to any other Magnet Programs? If yes, which program are you applying to and how would you rank your choice of programs should you be accepted into more than one? Please place a number in the box of the programs to which you are applying indicating the rank of which you are likely to attend should you be accepted (1 being your 1st choice, 2 being your 2nd and so on). This information will be used for planning purposes only and will not positively or negatively impact your application. Belleview HS AICE Lake Weir HS IB Vanguard HS IB Forest HS EMIT North Marion HS AICE Westport HS MECCA or Early College Interested applicants from private schools or from outside of the Marion County Public School system must submit a copy of the following documents: Final Report card for the 7th grade and most recent for the 8th grade Attendance and Discipline Reports for the 8th grade FCAT or other standardized test scores Writing Sample (Required for ALL students) STUDENT & PARENT COMMITMENT STATEMENTS (PARENTS AND STUDENTS, PLEASE INITIAL NEXT TO EACH STATEMENT SIGNIFYING THAT YOU HAVE READ AND AGREE) _____ _____ I have read the attached NMHS Cambridge AICE Program Honor Code and am willing to abide by it and accept potential consequences should I be found guilty of any such transgressions. _____ _____ I understand the NMHS Cambridge AICE Program is a rigorous academic program for academically talented and motivated students and as such I know that I must put for good effort and I agree to maintain good attendance, behavior. _____ _____ I also agree to strive for high academic achievement and understand the potential ramifications of cheating and/or plagiarism. _____ _____ I understand that I may be required to complete reading assignments or attend required class meetings during the summer. I also understand that some of the readings will be of a more mature and sensitive nature. These readings are assigned by the University of Cambridge and are non-negotiable. _____ _____Students and parents must also understand the importance of computer access for AICE Academy students. Students must have access to a computer with Internet access and word processing capabilities either at home or in their community. _____ _____ Finally, all students should maintain a minimum of a “C” average in all courses, a 3.0 weighted GPA overall and pass the FCAT in order to remain in the AICE program. I understand the consequences for not meeting these standards could result in dismissal from the AICE program or individual AICE courses. I also understand that the AICE diploma option does not meet the general requirements for graduation and failure to remain in the program will mean additional course requirements for graduation. Additionally, students from outside of the NMHS attendance zone will be returned to their base school if they are no longer in the Cambridge AICE Program at NMHS. SIGNATURES Signature of applicant: Date: Signature of parent/guardian: Date: NOTES Submit Application to: by email: by mail: North Marion High School; C/O AICE Coordinator 151 W Hwy 329 Citra, Fl 32113 or by Fax: (352) 671-6011; Application Deadline: February 27, 2015 Writing Sample Topic (Please respond below and attach to application): Please respond in 250 words to the following prompt: If you had one day to spend as you wish, how would you use your time? Evaluation will be based on the following criteria: Clarity - word choice, conciseness; Voice – uniqueness, maturity; Correctness – spelling, mechanics AICE Application Writing Sample (Essays may be handwritten or typed) North Marion High School Academic Honor Code North Marion High School encourages all students to achieve at the highest level of their abilities with academic honesty and personal integrity. Students should cultivate a positive attitude toward learning, derive pleasure from the discovery of new ideas and concepts, and strive to gain the best education they can. To promote academic honesty, we encourage a sense of fair play with credit sought only when it is deserved. An Honor Code serves as a guide to uphold academic honesty. The NMHS Academic Honor Code has been created to establish a common understanding among staff, students, and parents as to what constitutes cheating. The penalties are intended to promote growth in character and not simply to punish students. Homework Honor Code violations: Copying or paraphrasing all or a part of another's homework OR allowing another to copy or paraphrase your work. Receiving help on assignments that have been identified as individual assignments. Example: take-home tests. Test Honor Code violations: Passing test questions or answers to students in your class or in another class OR receiving test questions or answers from students in your class or in another class. Copying someone else's answers OR allowing someone to copy your answers. Possessing or using "crib" or cheat sheets. Obtaining a copy of the test or quiz before it is administered. Attempting to gain an unfair advantage before or during a test, such as looking at another student's work; turning around, leaving books or notes open; signaling, deliberately and repeatedly choosing to miss classes through unexcused absences, lateness to school, or early dismissal to avoid taking a test or handing in an assignment. Using a cellular phone or camera phone to copy test questions. Research Paper, Essay, and Foreign Language Honor Code violations: Copying phrases, sentences, or paragraphs without using quotation marks and giving proper documentation of the source. Paraphrasing or summarizing ideas without giving proper documentation of the source. Submitting another student's research paper as yours. Downloading from the Internet a research paper or article in its entirety or in part to submit as your own work. Asking someone or paying someone to write a research paper for you OR selling or giving someone a research paper to submit as their own. No electronic translations of any kind. Lab Report Honor Code violations: Attempting to corrupt another student's data. Presenting another student's work (computations, graphs, diagrams, answers to conclusion questions) as your own work. Misrepresenting laboratory data. Using a cellular phone or camera phone to copy labs. Use of Calculator Honor Code violations: Using any calculator in class not approved by the teacher. Using programs in programmable calculators without the knowledge and consent of the teacher. Storing information in a calculator about a test or quiz. Sharing information on the calculator pertinent to a test or quiz. Penalties for Honor Code Violations will be based upon the severity of the violation and may include but are not limited to the following: No credit or a zero Notification of parent or guardian, guidance counselor, Assistant Principal, Honor Society adviser with potential loss of membership in National Honor Society or loss of admission to NHS . Removal from the Cambridge AICE Program Disciplinary action by Administration