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Genetics 101 Part 1: What are genes?
1. What percent of your genes are found in your nucleus?__________________________________________
2. How many genes does a human cell have?___________________________________
3. Which is not a base that makes up DNA? (Circle One)
A. Adenine
B. Guanine
C. Cytosine
D. Fitosine
E. Thymine
4. Genes tell a cell: (Circle One)
A. How to function. B. What traits to express. C. Both A and B
5. How many chromosomes does a human typically have in their cells?____________________________________
6. How much DNA do we have in common with other humans?___________________________________________
Tour of the Basics
What is DNA?
1. What does DNA stand for?_____________________________________________________________________
2. “A” always pairs with?_____________________
3. “G” always pairs with?_____________________
What is a gene?
1. Genes are __________________ __________________ for our bodies.
2. What are genes made of?
A. Chromosomes B. DNA
C. Nucleus
3. Genes contain instructions for building_______________.
A. Sugars
B. Proteins
C. Fats
D. Glucose
D. Acids
What is a Chromosome?
1. The ____________ packaged into compact units called chromosomes.
2. The chromosomes shown are that of a Male or Female?
(Circle one)
3. Explain how you know._____________________________________________________________________
What is a Heredity?
1. The passing of traits from _______________________________ is the basis of heredity.
2. Fill in the number of chromosomes found in the egg and sperm.
What is a Trait?
1. A trait is a notable ________________ or quality in an organism.
2. What types of traits exist?
a. Physical
b. Behavioral
c. Predisposition to a medical condition.
D. a, b, and c
3. Give an example of how environment can affect your genetic traits._________________________________
4. Determine which kind of thumb a kid would have for each situation.
a. Kid #1: HH ________________________________
b. Kid #2 Hh
c. Kid #3 hh
5. Where do we get our traits from?______________________________________