Translation task to show the relationship between chromosomes/ chromatin network, genes and DNA. 1. Use information in your text books and website sites and research information that will allow you to complete the task below. Write a paragraph that carefully explains the relationship between the nucleus of a cell, chromosomes, genes and DNA. In your answer you should include the following terms: Body Cells Nucleus Chromosomes Genes DNA Packaging Histone proteins Chromatin Your answer should not exceed 250-300 words. It is vital that your explanation includes information about where each part is found and how they RELATE to each other. You will have ONE period to research this in class and the task will then be completed individually in class in test conditions in the following period. You will be allowed to consult your references. Rubric is on next page and must be attached to your answer. Chromosomes, genes and DNA Name: ____________________________________________________ Objectives Low Performance Average Exemplary Performance Paragraph showing relationship between nucleus, chromosomes, genes and DNA - use of words 1 point All all the words listed in the instructions have been used and/or they do not show the relationships between the terms 2 points All words listed in the instructions have been used but explanations are not always clear and concise or do not show relationships between the terms 3 points All words listed in the instructions have been used and explanations are clear and concise Clarity of note 1 point The note uses the words but the note created does not form a good study aid 2 points The note makes a good attempt but there are one to two errors 3 points The note created clearly shows the relationships between nucleus, chromosomes, genes and DNA and will a useful study aid References 1 point 2 points 3 points Less than 3 references and Only 2 references or they are At least 3 references are one or more errors in setting not correctly set out listed and correctly set out out Hand in 1 point Earned Points Work is named correctly and handed in, in hard copy or into hand in folder according to your teacher’s instructions and on time with rubric included. Score: /10